Ruijin Hospital paired up with the first batch of 75 national model workers over 90 years old in Shanghai, and the "Shanghai Model Worker Health Fund" was established

Release time:Apr 29, 2024 15:24 PM

"Determined to spin more yarn and spin good yarn! With this motivation, she began to continuously study methods to reduce the waste of cotton fiber, and gradually figured out a set of "single-line tour, double-sided care, and no turning back" tour route for stoppers. She also pioneered the 'spindle-by-spindle maintenance' working method, and combined with the 'red core' collector that was trial-produced with the security workers at that time, the failure rate of textile machines was greatly reduced, and the defective product rate and waste rate were doubled. It is said that if you work in a profession, you must love it, because labor is the most glorious and happiest.”

Accompanied by bursts of applause, Zhang Haoyun, formerly of the 17th National Cotton Factory and now Shanghai International Fashion Center Park Management Co., Ltd., told the story of the "glory and inheritance" of Huang Baomei, a national model worker. The female model worker conveyed sonorous power. In this era of recovery of all things, Spring is inspiring.

At the scene, there was also a "role model around us" who made everyone feel more at ease - national model worker and Professor Zheng Minhua from the General Surgery Department of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. His student, Jiang Tianyu, a young general surgeon, also shared the story of model workers. "In 1991, he brought the latest laparoscopic surgical technology from France and decided to return to China, introducing minimally invasive technology to China and promoting the minimally invasive concept throughout the country. Therefore, Teacher Zheng is known as the leader of minimally invasive surgery in my country. The founder and leader of China's endoscopic industry, he has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years. He has always upheld the spirit of a model worker, expanded boundaries, overcome obstacles, and created new records. He has created many "firsts" in China and even the world, and he also upholds benevolence and benevolence. A skilled doctor loves to serve and benefit patients.”

This afternoon, Ruijin Hospital specially invited Huang Baomei, Yang Huaiyuan, Bao Qifan, Wang Rugang, Zhu Xueqin, Wang Shuqun, Zhu Guoping, Wu Eryu, Tao Yijia, Yu Fei, Xu Jun and other national model worker representatives, as well as Chen Saijuan, Ning Guang, Zheng Minhua, Cui Jie, Representatives of model workers at all levels in the hospital, including Shen Weifeng, Yuan Jianhua, Chen Nan, Xie Qing, Yuan Kejian, Chen Shengdi, Chen Erzhen, Hu Weiguo, and Shen Kunwei, together with the medical staff, presented flowers to pay tribute, established funds, and paired up to care for each other, using practical actions to promote the great spirit of labor and model workers. spirit and craftsmanship, learn from model workers, and pay tribute to the most beautiful workers.

In order to pay tribute to and serve model workers, under the promotion of Ning Guang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, president of Ruijin Hospital, and president of the Shanghai Model Worker Association, Ruijin Hospital specially established the "Shanghai Model Worker Health Fund" within the "Gathering Charity and Love" fund. "Thank you to the caring people in society and the young people of Ruijin for paying heartfelt respect to the model workers with practical actions; thank you to all the model workers for being willing to accept this kind care, building a bridge of interaction, and providing young people with the opportunity to learn from the model workers at close range. Opportunities." Talking about the original intention of establishing the fund, he said that he hoped that through the "Shanghai Model Worker Health Fund" and "Ruijin Youth and Model Worker Pairing", we can gather more strength to pay tribute to model workers with practical actions, learn from model workers, and let the spirit of model workers flourish. Continue to carry forward.

It is reported that the "Shanghai Model Worker Health Fund" will join forces with the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions and the Model Worker Association to jointly improve the physical health of model workers at all levels and other advanced people in Shanghai through the medical services of Ruijin Hospital, and enhance the model workers' sense of happiness and gain. , thereby further promoting the spirit of model workers, stimulating the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, and making greater contributions to promoting Shanghai's economic and social development. Wu Ge, the first batch of charity donors and chairman of Shanghai Jingneng Industrial Co., Ltd., said, “In the future, we hope to mobilize more caring people to participate in donations, provide long-term high-quality medical security for model workers, and use practical actions to pay tribute to the most beautiful workers. Tribute and service.”

At the same time, 46 Youth League branches of Ruijin Hospital today paired up with the first batch of national model workers over 90 years old in Shanghai. Yang Yi, Secretary of the Youth League Committee and a young cardiac surgeon, said, "Respect and learning from model workers is not only reflected in verbal praise and praise, but also in real service and care. We are looking forward to close contact and communication." Draw wisdom and strength from it, and engrave the model worker spirit and ingenuity culture in our hearts.”

“The advanced deeds and lofty spirit of model workers are vivid teaching materials for employees’ ideological and political education and set an example for us to learn in the new era.” Qu Jieming, Secretary of the Party Committee of Ruijin Hospital, said that in recent years, the hospital has opened a “Ruijin Model Worker Lecture Hall”. Around us, more model workers and craftsmen are emerging in the clinical frontline to protect the people's health, making 'labor the most glorious, the most noble, the greatest, and the most beautiful' a new trend."

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