Some roads out of the city in Shanghai have turned "pork liver red"! G40 will be more congested tomorrow, the day before the May Day holiday

Release time:Apr 30, 2024 14:53 PM

The day before the May Day holiday, the peak traffic flow out of Shanghai arrived as scheduled, and the G40, which is often jammed during holidays, once again faced the test of heavy traffic flow.

Starting from noon today, the traffic flow in the Chongming direction of the G40 Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway has steadily increased, and the sections connecting the Gaodong toll gate, such as Wuzhou Avenue, S20 Outer Ring Expressway and G1503 Ring Expressway Outer Circle, have slowed down. The reporter learned that in addition to the heavy traffic volume, several traffic accidents on the road made the already busy road conditions worse. At present, the navigation software shows that the above-mentioned road section has turned "pig liver red", and the congestion and slowdown are still intensifying.

Navigation software shows that "pig liver red" appears on the sections connecting Gaodong toll gates such as Wuzhou Avenue, S20 Outer Ring Expressway and G1503 Ring Expressway Outer Circle.

The Pudong Traffic Police Department stated that from this evening to night, the G40 Chongming direction will reach its peak traffic flow, and the traffic pressure at the G1503 Gaodong Toll Station may continue until tomorrow afternoon.

It is expected that during the May Day holiday this year, the traffic volume of the G40 Yangtze River Tunnel will exceed 700,000 vehicles, an increase of 4.92% compared to the same period last year. Among them, the number of vehicles heading to Chongming and Qidong is expected to reach 362,000, a year-on-year increase of 2.76%. In the phase of vehicles leaving the city, the peak traffic volume of the Yangtze River Tunnel may occur on the evening of May 1, with the estimated traffic volume per hour being as high as 4,000 vehicles.

In order to ensure maximum road traffic efficiency, the Pudong Traffic Police Department has set up signal light flow control points at the confluence point of Wuzhou Avenue and the entrance of the Shanghai-Chongsu Interchange Yangtze River Tunnel in the outer and inner circles. The police will make dynamic adjustments based on road traffic conditions.

The Municipal Public Security Traffic Police Corps previously stated that in the two days before the May Day holiday, there will be concentrated traffic flow on the G40, G60, G2 and other expressways heading out of Shanghai from 10 to 11 o'clock every day, and self-driving citizens should pay attention to traveling during off-peak hours.

This year's May Day holiday is also the first long holiday since the S20 Outer Ring Tunnel was closed for overhaul. Some vehicles heading to the G40 Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway need to go around the Suburban Ring Tunnel and the Changjiang Road Tunnel. The traffic police department predicts that these two tunnels may form new congestion nodes during the peak holiday travel period. In response, the Baoshan and Pudong public security and traffic police departments at both ends of the tunnel have set up mobile posts at relevant detour nodes to strengthen command and guidance, adjust traffic organization in a timely manner, and ensure the order of detour traffic to the maximum extent.

Some roads out of the city in Shanghai have turned "pork liver red"! G40 will be more congested tomorrow, the day before the May Day holiday
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