"New four-piece set" to experience community at your doorstep, five "life boxes" in Xujiahui Street are all unveiled

Release time:May 02, 2024 15:36 PM

At noon on May 2, many residents chose to have lunch at the Wantihui Party and Mass Service Center Neighborhood Center of Xujiahui Street, No. 500 Tianyaoqiao Road. During the May Day holiday, this "life box", which just opened on April 30, will serve three meals a day as usual, continuing to provide convenience to citizens during the holiday.

Wantihui is also the fifth one-stop comprehensive service space built in the five large areas of Xujiahui Street after the four party and mass service centers and neighborhood centers in Zhaoxiang, Xuhongbei, Leshan and Tushanwan. So far, Xujiahui Subdistrict has achieved full coverage of the area’s Party and Mass Service Center and Neighborhood Hub, forming a “15-minute community living circle” that radiates various groups of people, covering party affairs, government affairs, culture, sports, education, science popularization, health, etc. A multi-element public service system.

The Wantihui Party and Mass Service Center has three floors, with a total area of ​​about 2,000 square meters, and can radiate to the surrounding permanent population of about 23,000 and various professional groups and citizens.

Entering the lobby of Wantihui, a spacious and bright one-stop comprehensive service space comes into view, including a community canteen for the elderly, a "Double Support" themed specialty coffee shop "Rong Ka", remote assistance with government services, an employment service station, There is a youth odd-job station, a Rong Yao parlor, and a convenient service space that provides public haircuts, convenient repairs, and self-service laundry.

The Xujiahui Street Community Affairs Acceptance Service Center has also compiled 35 high-frequency community affairs matters into a set of "little blue packets" policy manuals, which are placed at the entrance of the hall for people to read at any time to help residents better understand and apply the policies. , to further achieve the goal of “one thing done” at one time.

The second floor of Wantihui is a flagship service space for the elderly. It has a sports and health home for the elderly, a health management center for the elderly, a home care bed experience center, a cognitive impairment family support center, an aging-friendly experience center, and a day care center. , bathing aids for the elderly, and community health service stations. The third floor is a benchmark child care service space. It houses the Xuhui District Child Care Service Center and the Xujiahui Street Minor Protection Workstation, which provides family guidance, parent-child activities, psychological support, legal aid, reading space, children and parent-child sports and other functions.

Different from the established community "life boxes" such as "red" Zhaoxiang, "backstreet" Leshan, "slow life" Xuhongbei and "humanistic" Tushanwan, it is located in the bustling business district of Tianyaoqiao Road and adjacent to the Shanghai Stadium. The Wantihui Party and Mass Service Center, Neighborhood Hui, has a unique vitality gene, so it is named "Shanghai-style New Living Room Vitality Wantihui", and like the four "predecessors", it has its own exclusive special services.

"This is the first youth gig station in Xuhui District. We hope to provide community residents, especially young people, with convenient, smart, and warm employment and entrepreneurship services." Tong Chunhua, director of the Labor and Social Security Office of the Xujiahui Street Community Affairs Acceptance Service Center, said, located in The youth gig station on the first floor of Wantihui automatically collects selected positions in Xuhui District, providing more than 1,000 full-time, internship, part-time and other various positions, involving the Internet, electronic information, finance, new energy, education, biomedicine In other popular industries, you can also communicate with corporate HR online and submit resumes on-site.

On the first day of Wantihui's opening on April 30, Shanghai Caohejing Emerging Technology Development Zone Development Corporation, Shanghai Zhongzhi Project Outsourcing Consulting Services Co., Ltd. and other companies came to the site to set up stalls. They were park subsidiaries and settled companies, Xujiahui We are waiting for major business districts in the city to recruit interns and part-time clerks with different job requirements.

Cao Yuanlin, senior recruitment manager at CIIC, said that at present, the number of young people applying for part-time jobs is showing a growing trend. Some young people choose to start a business and do part-time jobs, or engage in reasonable part-time jobs outside of their own jobs. social experience and improve comprehensive income level. "The street has established an offline platform for young people to apply for part-time jobs. We hope that through this platform, more young people can be grafted into suitable transitional positions during the 'window period' between employment and job hunting."

Wantihui Party and Mass Service Center Neighborhood Youth Part-time Job Station Photo by Shu Shu

Wantihui Youth Job Station also provides AI resume production, AI resume evaluation and resume guidance services. After job seekers scan the QR code on site to upload their electronic resume, the AI ​​program will score it from 5 dimensions. Job seekers can go to the Youth Gig Station to find professional tutors for one-on-one resume guidance based on the AI ​​assessment results, experience AI simulated interviews, achieve improvements in image management, language expression, expression management, emotional control, etc., and experience the "15-minute employment service circle" "Increasingly rich employment service functions.

In recent years, Xuhui District has further divided each of the 13 streets and towns into 3-5 areas on the basis of the urban operation grid system. Using the Party and Mass Service Center and Neighborhood Hub as the carrier, a comprehensive community has been built in each area according to local conditions. The "Living Box", a community service space, provides residents with the "new four-piece set" of the community, including canteens, health service stations, cultural and sports facilities, and bathing services.

During the interview, the reporter found that community canteens and health service stations, as standard features of the "living box", are the main factors attracting residents of all ages; in denser areas of old communities, residents require day care for the elderly and public rest rooms. Regional needs are more prominent; in areas with convenient living facilities and transportation, "life boxes" further provide a wealth of fitness, sports and leisure cultural projects to meet the people's ever-increasing pursuit of a better life.

The newly opened Wantihui "Life Box" is located in the area where the Xujiahui business district and Xujiahui Sports Park radiate from each other, with prosperous commercial facilities and convenient transportation. However, land in the city center is at a premium, and the demand for space for daycare, children's sports, and parent-child activities is becoming increasingly apparent. In addition, residents have new expectations for the convenience and market competitiveness of community canteens. When reporters interviewed on the first day of opening, some enthusiastic residents who came to dine took the initiative to suggest that the canteen continue to optimize the circulation and enrich the menu categories.

The reporter learned from Xujiahui Street that the overall design layout of the Wantihui Community Elderly Canteen further considers aging-friendly elements. In addition to aging-friendly tables and chairs and barrier-free hand washing stations, the elderly can also use the "Smart Dining Assistance" applet to Order online or have your children order on your behalf. In addition to Chinese cooking methods such as steaming, soup, and grilling, the dishes also introduce social catering resources such as Longhua plain noodles, typhoon shelter dim sum, and Matador Roman pizza to enrich dining options. Currently, the canteen can provide about 40 kinds of meat and vegetable dishes for lunch and dinner.

Wantihui Community Elderly Canteen will also set up a professional dietary guidance team and introduce a smart health system. After residents apply for meal cards on site, they can go to the health inquiry machine in the canteen before and after meals to learn about their calorie intake for the day and obtain targeted dietary advice.

Wantihui Community Elderly Canteen Price List Photo by Shu Shu

Guan Juanjuan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Wantihui Area of ​​Xujiahui Street, said that in the process of deepening party building to lead area governance and innovating the joint party building model, Wantihui Area has connected regional units such as East Asia Sports Culture Center and Xinhua Publishing Group, as well as shops along the street, With the resource power of residential areas, six major area management projects have been released, including "Universal Gravity Le Tihui", Safe Merchants Alliance, Red Vest Volunteers, and Green Ribbon Volunteers. In the next step, the street will continue to leverage the power of serving party members and new employment groups to participate in neighborhood governance, and build a comprehensive and multi-dimensional benchmark community life circle that is suitable for living, working, traveling, studying, and raising.

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