Also pay attention to these, some of them are already dead? The reason was found, a large number of fish appeared near the Waibaidu Bridge in Shanghai

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 09:50 AM

On April 18, a video posted online showed that many fish appeared on the surface of the Suzhou River near the Waibaidu Bridge in Shanghai, and some of them were dead. Since then, the Municipal Water Management Department responded to the media and stated that these fish may have been released by citizens, and the dead fish have been salvaged. On April 19, there were no traces of fish in the relevant waters of the Suzhou River, and the water surface was calm and normal.

Although the fish schools and dead fish are gone, this incident still raises a topic: How to release them?

You know, Suzhou River belongs to Category 5 water. In layman's terms, it is landscape water. The oxygen content in the water is relatively low and is not suitable for fish to survive. However, some citizens do not know this and often go to Suzhou River to "release animals". Therefore, there have been cases where fish died in large numbers after they were released and encountered extremely severe weather such as high temperatures and heavy rains.

It can be seen that the wrong "release" is equivalent to "killing". In fact, there are still many misunderstandings related to "releasing animals". Wrong practices not only violate the original intention of "releasing animals", but will also pollute the environment and damage ecological health.

Also pay attention to these, some of them are already dead? The reason was found, a large number of fish appeared near the Waibaidu Bridge in Shanghai

The first is to release turtles with caution. There is no so-called "spiritual turtle" gratitude.

Turtles often appear in released species, but many people don't know that some turtles are not suitable for life in the water. For tortoises, they are bulky and can crawl with heavy loads, but they are not very good at swimming and will drown if they stay in the water for a long time. In 2016, a temple in Thailand accidentally released a large number of tortoises into the water, and the ending was very sad.

On the Internet, some people posted videos saying that after releasing turtles, the turtles became spiritual and swam back to the shore because they were reluctant to let go of the person who released them or out of "gratitude". But professionals pointed out that this is not a "spiritual tortoise" or "gratitude" at all, but just the survival instinct of the tortoise, which needs to return to land to survive.

And among turtles, there are also some highly aggressive exotic species, including the red-eared turtle, commonly known as the "Brazilian turtle". The red-eared turtle is highly adaptable. Once it flows into a river, it will prey on a large number of eggs and tadpoles of small fish, shellfish and frogs, plundering the survival resources of other organisms, especially native turtles, causing great damage to the local water environment. burden.

In fact, the red-eared turtle was introduced to my country as an ornamental turtle. If it becomes a "released" species, it will greatly threaten ecological health. In June 2015, nearly 10,000 Brazilian turtles were released into the Minjiang River, and the local fishery law enforcement department had to organize fishing boats to hunt them down.

The Chinese Fisheries Society's scientific fish release expert team pointed out that in addition to the red-eared turtle, Procambarus clarkii, commonly known as "crayfish", wild winged catfish commonly known as "scavenger", leopard catfish and other species, barbecue The tilapia commonly found in stores are all exotic aquatic species. Once these alien species enter my country's aquatic ecosystems, they can easily form dominant species due to their fast growth, easy reproduction, and strong adaptability. They may also pose a threat to local aquatic organisms through predation and competition, thus affecting my country's aquatic biodiversity. bring serious impact and harm.

Third, do not breed ornamental fish of unknown origin, let alone release them at will.

A classic example is the alligator gar. For some time, this vicious alien species has been found in rivers and park lakes in many cities across the country. The alligator gar is native to the Americas. It has a strange shape and looks "cute" when it is young. It satisfies the curiosity of some consumers and has been introduced into the country as an ornamental fish. However, crocodile gar grow very fast, and many people use the "release" method to abandon them after finding that they cannot continue to breed them. As everyone knows, crocodile gar have basically no natural enemies in China. Once released into inland rivers or park lakes, they will pose a great threat to the original aquatic life of the water body.

Gu Dangen, an expert on invasive alien species of freshwater fish from the Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences, said that it is not recommended for individuals or companies to raise crocodile gar. For those who no longer want to keep crocodile gar, it is recommended to contact a scientific research unit to prepare specimens for use. Popularize science, or carry out harmless treatment.

Fourth, common local fish cannot be released at will.

On the one hand, some waters are not suitable for fish to survive. For example, Suzhou River is not a good choice for release. On the other hand, even within the same country, fish species in different regions may affect the ecological balance of another region.

For example, herring, grass carp, silver carp, and bighead carp are the "four major fish" common in the south, and they look completely harmless. However, if these fish species are released in the high-altitude waters of the northwest and southwest, they and the small trash fish such as gobies and wheatears brought with them will also bring hidden dangers. After bighead carp were bred in a lake somewhere, the number of local bighead carps dropped sharply, and now they have to rely on artificial breeding.

In fact, there are already rules to follow, whether it is "releasing" animals out of kindness or increasing their numbers to balance the ecology. For example, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs' "Regulations on the Management of Aquatic Organisms Proliferation and Release" clearly stipulates that it is prohibited to use exotic species, hybrids, genetically modified species, and other aquatic species that do not meet ecological requirements for proliferation and release.

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