Today’s data selection: 3 tips to improve the success rate of returning tickets for May Day; nearly half of China’s major cities are sinking

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 10:05 AM

3 tips to improve your success rate in grabbing return tickets on May Day

You can buy train tickets for the last day of the May Day holiday on April 21st. May 5th is the peak time for passengers to return. What should I pay attention to when buying return tickets? ① You can use the 12306 pre-fill function, so that you can submit it as soon as the ticket is released. The earlier you submit it, the further forward you will be in the online queue, and the higher the probability of buying a ticket; ② Accurately grasp the ticket release time; ③ If If you haven't bought a ticket, you can use the waitlist function. The more trains you choose to wait for, the greater the probability of successful waitlisting. The staff suggested that passengers who transfer during transit should try to choose major stations with more trains as transfer stations, which can increase the success rate of transfer.

The popularity of travel during the May Day holiday continues to increase. B&B hotels in many places are heavily booked and prices continue to rise. The market supervision departments of Quanzhou, Fujian and Nanjing, Jiangsu issued policy reminders on hotel industry prices during the May Day period.

Research shows that nearly half of China’s major cities are sinking

Recently, scientists from Peking University used satellite observation technology to investigate land subsidence in cities with a population of over 2 million in China from 2015 to 2022. The results found that 45% of cities are sinking at a rate of 3 mm per year, and 16% of cities are sinking at a rate of 10 mm per year. Nearly 30% of the urban population will be affected. Affected are not only the eastern coastal cities, but also some cities in the north, west and southwest

Coupled with the impact of sea level rise, up to 26% of China's coastal cities will fall below sea level by 2120.

Subsidence is related to a range of factors, notably groundwater extraction and the weight of buildings, urban transport networks, etc. There are also some natural factors, including geological environment, bedrock depth, etc. Urban sinking is not limited to China. This has become a global problem. Coastal cities such as New York in the United States are also sinking.

The total transaction value of two major luxury real estate projects in Shanghai exceeded 17 billion yuan in 4 days

In just four days, the transaction volume of Shanghai's two major luxury real estate projects, "Sunlight", exceeded 17 billion yuan. This year, the pace of launching high-end improvement projects in Shanghai has accelerated. In the future, there will be multiple properties with unit prices exceeding 160,000 yuan and a total unit price of 30 to 40 million yuan on the market.

Judging from the overall situation of the Shanghai property market, in March this year, a total of 5,370 new commercial housing units were transacted in Shanghai, a month-on-month increase of 299%, and a year-on-year decrease of 41%; the transaction value was 59.4 billion yuan, a month-on-month increase of 440%, and a year-on-year decrease of 3%; The price was 11.05 million yuan per unit, a month-on-month increase of 35%, and a year-on-year increase of 65%; the average transaction price was 86,050 yuan/square meter, a month-on-month increase of 29%, and a year-on-year increase of 41%.

U.S. deficit poses major risk to global economy

The International Monetary Fund recently warned that the huge U.S. fiscal deficit is exacerbating inflation and posing "significant risks" to the global economy. The British media "Financial Times" recently reported that the IMF's latest "Fiscal Monitor Report" shows that the U.S. fiscal deficit is expected to reach 7.1% of GDP next year, while the average level of other developed economies is only 2%.

The Financial Times quoted an IMF report as saying that large-scale U.S. spending could have a profound impact on the global economy and pose risks to other economies. Therefore, the United States urgently needs to solve the serious imbalance between expenditure and revenue.

IMF data shows that last year, the fiscal deficits of developed economies such as the euro zone were under control, but the United States experienced a "considerable fiscal decline," with the deficit accounting for 8.8% of GDP, more than twice the level in 2022. The U.S. Treasury Department’s daily report on December 29 last year showed that the federal government’s debt exceeded $34 trillion.

Today’s data selection: 3 tips to improve the success rate of returning tickets for May Day; nearly half of China’s major cities are sinking
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Today's data selection: Salmon sales surged 13 times before the Spring Festival; why the price of cherries in January was lower than in November

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