"9.9 Yuan to grab the 258 Yuan night food stall package"? The lively nightlife of this fishing village in the suburbs of Shanghai keeps residents entertained

Release time:May 02, 2024 11:25 AM

The vegetation is warm and the sunshine is just right. On May 1st, Tu Weimin, a citizen who lives in Pudong New Area, and his family traveled with friends to the Jinshanzui Fishing Village Scenic Area, a national AAAA-level scenic spot located in Shanyang Town, Jinshan District. They were attracted by the unique fishing customs and "freshness" here. The eye-catching yellow croaker noodles and the fragrant oil dumplings attracted me so much that I couldn't bear to leave at night.

"We also spent 9.9 yuan to grab the newly launched benefit of the scenic spot, a 258 yuan night stall set meal!" At night, Tu Weimin and his party sat around in the Green Bamboo Lane B&B. The environment was quiet and the ingredients were fresh. They chatted and tasted fishermen's delicacies. Everyone was smiling and happy and harmonious. They said with emotion: "This May Day is so unforgettable. While experiencing a leisurely holiday with our family, we also tasted various delicacies in the fishing village..." After the meal, the adults chatted indoors while the children were in the courtyard. Playing games inside is very fun.

Feel the fireworks in the world and taste the delicious food in the market. At 8 pm on May 1, as one of the series of activities with the theme of "Golden Colors, Delighting the Bay Area", the 2024 Shanghai Bay Area "Fishermen's Fireworks·Night on the Sea" event officially kicked off in Jinshanzui Fishing Village. It is reported that from now on, citizens and tourists can make reservations by phone and spend 9.9 yuan to snap up a 258 yuan night food stall package in Jinshanzui Fishing Village, which includes delicious snacks, seafood barbecue, etc., and can be used at designated restaurants or B&Bs in the fishing village. During the event, there are a limit of 20 tables per day, first come, first served.

Ms. Xu, a citizen, and her family also grabbed the night food stall set meal on the night of May 1. Seeing the sumptuous dishes served, she couldn't help but take out her mobile phone, take a photo and send it to her WeChat Moments. She said: "When you receive a surprise, send it to your circle of friends to let more people know about this welfare activity."

If the dining environment in a star-rated B&B is quiet and comfortable, then dining in a seafood street restaurant on the Shanghai-Hangzhou Highway is a different mood. I saw two singers singing on the ground floor of the "Haiyu Yipin" hotel. Citizens and tourists were enjoying the sea breeze, eating barbecue and listening to music. They were extremely comfortable, and there were passers-by stopping to watch. Not far away, the trunk market has also opened, with a dazzling array of products, attracting tourists to browse after a meal. Food coupons, scenic spot coupons, etc. can also be drawn on site.

Wu Peiyan, the owner of Haimeizi Restaurant who participated in the "9.9 Yuan Set Meal" event, said, "The guests all had a great time. In addition to enjoying the discounted set menu, they also ordered a few more special dishes... This May Day, the fireworks in the fishing village are even stronger. "We are much busier than the previous festivals, and everyone feels more motivated."

It is understood that in addition to carrying out the "Fishermen's Fireworks Night on the Sea" event in the Shanghai Bay Area, Shanyang Town, Jinshan District, also carefully arranged rich and exciting activities in conjunction with activities such as the city's beach fireworks show during the "May Day" period to allow citizens and tourists to slow down Step by step and enjoy your vacation.

For example, in activities such as the "Qinshan Fishing Village - Fishing Market Festival" and "Chinese Materia Medica Experience Week", which are also held in Jinshanzui Fishing Village, tourists who purchase a joint ticket to the fishing village scenic spot can go to the scenic spot's intangible cultural heritage exhibition hall to experience hand-knotting and weaving. Fishing nets etc. Visitors who want to experience Chinese herbal medicine can also play the role of a herbalist and experience the fun of prescribing medicine, weighing and grinding it.

Another example is the "Pastoral Water Market" and "Pastoral Nightlife Festival" held in Shanyang Tianyuan. Citizens and tourists can not only experience the water sports carnival, water creative market exploration tour, etc., but also enjoy the pastoral light show and experience the lawn. Beer and music festivals, bonfire parties, etc.

In addition, at the Haikuo·East Coast Cultural and Creative Industrial Park, the 8th Haikuo Market was also held as scheduled. There were also activities such as the Haikuo Art Exhibition and the up-close appreciation of famous calligraphy and paintings at Chunfeng Stone Studio, allowing citizens and tourists to enjoy their leisurely holidays. Culture, enjoy culture.

The person in charge of Shanyang Town said, “We hope that by organizing various, down-to-earth and distinctive activities, we can meet the needs of different citizens and tourists, while also further boosting market expectations and confidence, and polishing the consumer business card of Jinshan Coastal Area. , to increase popularity and consumption, and promote the joint development of 'culture, tourism, sports, commerce and agriculture'."

"9.9 Yuan to grab the 258 Yuan night food stall package"? The lively nightlife of this fishing village in the suburbs of Shanghai keeps residents entertained
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