Why do the "out of the circle" police officers have extra lollipops in their bags? , this year’s May Day holiday, the Bund welcomed nearly 2 million visitors

Release time:May 05, 2024 17:21 PM

At 6 pm on May 5th, at the Bund of Zhongshan East 1st Road, the river breeze was blowing, the lights were on, and relaxed smiling faces could be seen everywhere. The daily flow of people exceeds 450,000, and the instantaneous flow of people at the evening peak is nearly 50,000 - this is the daily life of the Bund during the May Day holiday. As of 19:00 on May 5, the Bund Waterfront District has received nearly 2 million tourists during the holiday.

The more people there are, the more difficult it is to maintain order and the easier it is for crimes to occur. However, during this year’s May Day holiday, the Bund area achieved “zero” security cases. Some citizens and tourists also found that the Bund embankment was "not as crowded as said online." At the same time, the Bund area including Zhongshan East 1st Road and East 2nd Road no longer has a "one-stop ban" on motor vehicles.

Changes cannot occur without more scientific, sophisticated and warm-hearted security concepts and measures for large passenger flows.

During the "May Day" period, on the big screen in the control room of the Bund Public Security Police Station, the flow of passengers rushing to the Bund was like a winding river, entering from the south side of Nanjing East Road, crossing the road, going up the river embankment, and then going down the river embankment from the other end. , flows back into the north side of Nanjing East Road, or diverts to Dianchi Road to bypass, gurgling.

Along Nanjing East Road to the Bund, there are switch-type crossings, police lookout posts, bicycle police patrols, and isolation "human walls" composed of civilian police and auxiliary police - there are many security measures for large passenger flows during holidays, and together they build a watch dam. .

On the crowded Nanjing East Road, the police at the lookout post can detect all kinds of abnormal situations in time

Changes happen in subtle ways. Judging from the data, the highest daily passenger flow in the Bund waterfront during this year's May Day holiday occurred on May 1, reaching 573,000 passengers, an increase of more than 30% from the first day of the holiday last year. However, the instantaneous peak passenger flow on that day was lower than same time last year. Throughout the May Day period, the maximum instantaneous passenger flow in the Bund waterfront area basically remained around 45,000-50,000 people.

Controlling the instantaneous passenger flow peak within a relatively fixed range is a new exploration of the Bund's large passenger flow security this year. Liu Haibo, director of the Bund Public Security Station of the Huangpu Public Security Bureau, said that by adjusting the pedestrian green light signal duration at intersections along Nanjing East Road, dynamic control of the number of people heading to the Bund waterfront area is achieved, "which is equivalent to using the wide and accessible Nanjing East Road as a The 'reservoir' trades time for space, reducing the absolute number of instantaneous passenger flow peaks on the Bund embankment and extending the existence time of the passenger flow peaks."

Taking the intersection of Nanjing East Road and Henan Middle Road as an example, a signal light cycle is 3 minutes. Under normal circumstances, the pedestrian and vehicle passing time ratio is 1:2. When it is necessary to control the flow of people, the pedestrian passing time can be adjusted to 50 seconds. In extreme cases, You can even turn on the green light for pedestrians once every two cycles. "Of course during off-peak hours, we will also increase the green light duration for pedestrians so that more tourists can reach the Bund quickly," Liu Haibo said.

For tourists, the change in traffic light duration is not easy to detect. However, during periods of heavy passenger flow, refined signal light duration adjustments can not only avoid the risk of excessive gathering of tourists, but also allow tourists on the Bund embankment to have a more comfortable visiting experience.

"Of course, the excessive backlog of people on Nanjing East Road will also increase safety risks, so we have increased security forces such as auxiliary police to quickly respond to tourists' needs and solve the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the masses." On top of the bottom line of ensuring the safety of large passenger flows, Liu Haibo and his colleagues continue to explore more scientific and sophisticated management measures, looking for the intersection of security and experience, "to allow tourists to leave a better impression of the Bund."

Cycling policemen from the Huangpu Public Security Nanjing Road Management Squadron are stationed at the Bund and other nodes.

Many citizens and tourists have not only the scenery of the Wanguo Building Complex and Little Lujiazui left on their mobile phones, but also some unique "American Police".

On May Day this year, many public security policemen who participated in the security of the large passenger flow at the Bund on Nanjing East Road attracted a lot of attention through the "good-looking photos" uploaded by tourists. Many netizens commented that "Shanghai police are so handsome."

Huang Jun, deputy captain of the first brigade of the Huangpu Public Security Traffic Police Detachment, who has gained numerous fans through his "talk show" before, is "out of the circle" again this year. "I do get the glory of 'good looks', but it's not my own 'good looks', but the 'good looks' of my position." At the intersection of Zhongshan East 1st Road, Nanjing East Road, where hundreds of thousands of citizens and tourists pass by every day, Huang Jun is During the May Day holiday, he stayed on duty at the "No. 1 post on the Bund" for a whole day.

Huang Jun directs vehicle traffic at the "First Post on the Bund"

On the Bund during holidays, the traffic police's responsibilities are not limited to traffic management, "it is more about serving the people." Huang Jun, known as the "Living Map of the Bund", has to answer various questions from hundreds of tourists a day, including those asking for directions, finding the toilet, and taking the subway. "My voice is hoarse when I leave my job every day."

Although many eye-catching temporary road signs have been added along the way from Nanjing East Road to the Bund, and it is more convenient and clear to use mobile navigation to check the route, Huang Jun noticed that not every tourist can quickly "find the direction" in the bustling Bund. ". "Many tourists trust the police more. So when giving directions, we will be more patient and detailed, and we must put ourselves in the other person's shoes and think about the problem."

Helping children and the elderly find separated family members is another type of high-frequency request that security police encounter during holidays with heavy passenger flow.

On the afternoon of May 2, two tourists, one old and one young, walked toward Xu Yi, a female police officer from the Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street Management Squadron who was stationed at Chen Yi Square. "A grandma in her sixties and her six or seven-year-old granddaughter got separated from the child's mother. The old man's cell phone was not on him either. The grandma and grandson were very anxious." Seeing the tearful little girl, Xu Yi knelt down. , took out a lollipop from the police equipment bag on his waist, tore open the candy wrapper and handed it to her.

This trick worked as expected. The little girl with the candy in her mouth wiped away her tears, and with Xu Yi's comfort, she gave her mother's phone number. Not long after, the grandfather and grandson successfully reunited with the equally anxious mother of the child.

On May Day this year, every patrol policeman involved in security for the large passenger flow at the Bund on Nanjing East Road had a few lollipops and tissues in his equipment bag. "This is specially prepared for children to comfort them and wipe their tears." Xu Yi said that lollipops are very useful in relieving the nervous and fearful children who are separated from their families. "Sometimes I see some crying people on the road. I also gave the children a lollipop to help comfort the children, which was indeed very popular among tourists.”

Xu Yi gives a lollipop to a child who is having a tantrum

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