Construction of the Shanghai Olympic qualifying venue is sprinting, and a 7-year-old girl takes Angel Angel Angel to try BMX

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 10:26 AM

On April 23, 2024, a "temporary teaching class" of BMX was held on the Huangpu Riverside where the Olympic Qualification Series·Shanghai is located.

Although he was unable to go to the competition venue for on-site experience, after just half an hour of "teaching", Zhong Tiantian, who came to visit the camp, was very interested: "Freestyle BMX is a project that we have developed very quickly and our results have improved very quickly. We are very much looking forward to it." Our Chinese athletes can successfully qualify for the Olympics, accumulate more experience in this competition, and achieve breakthroughs in the Paris Olympics in the future.”

Olympic cycling champion Zhong Tianshi came to the scene to try BMX.

Faced with the demonstration of the 7-and-a-half-year-old "little coach", Zhong Tianshi tried it while trying to figure it out, and after a few laps, he got it right.

From May 16 to 19, 2024, the Olympic Qualifying Series·Shanghai will be held in the Expo Park on the Huangpu Riverside, which will become a city park. Four young, fashionable and cool sports - freestyle BMX, break dancing, skateboarding and rock climbing, will bring a refreshing sensory experience to the audience.

The construction of venues for the Olympic qualifying series has entered the sprint stage. The overall construction of the city park will be completed on May 5, the competition venues for break dancing and rock climbing will be completed on April 30, and the competition venues for skateboarding will be completed by May 8.

The first international route in the cruise market departs from Shanghai today, and domestic outbound tourism accelerates international cruise ships
The first international route in the cruise market departs from Shanghai today, and domestic outbound tourism accelerates international cruise ships

On August 11, 2023, the "Blue Dream Star" under Shanghai Blue Dream International Cruise Line Co., Ltd. will depart from the Wusongkou International Cruise Port in the evening, carrying more than 1000 passengers. The ship will jointly launch an 8-day, 7-night special route for the Japanese Summer Fireworks Festival starting from the Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal in Shanghai, heading to Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Kagoshima, and Nagasaki. This is the first international route launched by the domestic outbound cruise market, following yesterday's announcement by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the resumption of travel agency operations for Chinese citizens to travel abroad to relevant countries and regions, and the opening up of the two major team tourism markets in Japan and South Korea. The whole family has been looking forward to taking a cruise abroad for a long time, and this time it finally came true. My mother also specially changed into bright vacation clothes for the time at sea, and

Non heritage cultural and creative... Encountering a Chinese style market on the old street of Laizhou Bridge, shadow puppetry, Hanfu production | Old Street | Laizhou
Non heritage cultural and creative... Encountering a Chinese style market on the old street of Laizhou Bridge, shadow puppetry, Hanfu production | Old Street | Laizhou

The sound of the guqin is melodious, accompanied by a crescent moon and the shadow of the century old Fahua Pagoda. The intangible cultural heritage Anting medicinal patch sways in the evening breeze, with blue bricks and stones playing on the grid. Occasionally, women wearing Hanfu pass by, and the old street of Zhouqiao at night is picturesque and picturesque. July 23rd is the Great Heat. The night drove away some of the heat, and the Minqing Street in Jiading Zhouqiao Scenic Area began to bustle. The small stalls with rows of scales and decorations, traditional shadow puppetry, attract tourists to stop, and the traditional Chinese style and ancient charm of the Tanan Festival Summer Night Amusement Park is staged against the moat. One by one, simple and honest gourds transformed into exquisite and transparent gourd lanterns under the command of Luo Jun, making the children stare intently. Luo Jun transplanted bottle carving and seal carving techniques into gourd carving and gourd pyrography, forming the Shanghai style gourd art carving technique. This inheritor of intangible cultural heritage once went abroad to showcase the carving of intangible cultural heritage gourds, allowing foreign friends to

Cadres and volunteers of the rainstorm residents committee were the first to stand out in the storm. Residents' homes flooded in varying degrees. Residents | volunteers | Shanghai
Cadres and volunteers of the rainstorm residents committee were the first to stand out in the storm. Residents' homes flooded in varying degrees. Residents | volunteers | Shanghai

On the second floor, residents pulled out a wiring board from their homes and connected the water supply pump to electricity. In the stagnant water on the first floor, neighborhood committee officials, volunteers, and enthusiastic residents connected a hose to the water supply pump to quickly drain the water. This is the scene that happened in a residential area on Zhijiang West Road in Jing'an this evening. The rainstorm flooded most of the entrance openings of the residential area, and the residents on the first floor were flooded to varying degrees. The secretary of the neighborhood committee, Zhang Liang, led the property to drain the water as soon as possible. The property staff used the water level difference to drain water in the corridor of the ground floor at No. 38. Residents have accumulated water in their homes and the floor is raised. On July 21, the three early warnings of "rainstorm+thunder+strong wind" were issued in Shanghai, and the thunder was loud and the rainstorm was pouring in the city center. The first ones to step forward were the neighborhood committee secretary Zhang Liang, property management staff, volunteer Wang Yanyan, and "bald" uncle, who piled sandbags and turned on the water pump to let the residents' hanging hearts rest. It is reported that the following

They brought prairie songs to the Shanghai stage, performing in the rainstorm | music festival | stage
They brought prairie songs to the Shanghai stage, performing in the rainstorm | music festival | stage

After the onset of the summer, the weather in Shanghai changes as it goes. On the evening of July 14th, a heavy rain visited Shencheng, during the evening rush hour. The elevated road and the main urban road were blocked into a red sea of lights. In the backstage of the city lawn stage at the Shanghai Concert Hall, members and staff of the HAYA band are also anxiously monitoring the weather. There are only 10 minutes left until the start of the 7:30 pm performance, and there are no signs of the short-term heavy rainfall stopping. In the end, they decided to start the performance on time. At 7:30, the middle area of the auditorium on the city lawn was full, wearing the raincoat issued by the sponsor, waiting for the opening of the performance in the rainstorm. This is a scene that happened at this year's Shanghai Summer Music Festival. As the main outdoor venue of the music festival, the performance on the city lawn has also been occasionally visited by rainy weather in previous years. Today's rain

Ni Dahong, Ye Tong, and Hui Yinghong compete for love on site... The crew of the movie "I Love You!" meets with elderly fans in Shanghai. Hui Yinghong | Ye Tong | Movie
Ni Dahong, Ye Tong, and Hui Yinghong compete for love on site... The crew of the movie "I Love You!" meets with elderly fans in Shanghai. Hui Yinghong | Ye Tong | Movie

On the evening of June 30th, the real-life romance film "I Love You!" directed by Han Yan, starring Ni Dahong and Hui Yinghong, and starring Leung Ka hui, Ye Tong, and Cheng Guo, was screened at the Shanghai Cinema. After the movie ended, the director of the creative team, Han Yan, and actors Ni Dahong, Hui Yinghong, and Ye Tong met and interacted with the fans. Several elderly couples on site shared their love stories with the film creators. Ni Dahong, Ye Tong, and Hui Yinghong met at the venue to show their love. Fans can receive merchandise related to the film before entering the venue. Live crew meeting. Hui Yinghong competed on-site. Ye Tong shares his shooting experience. Ni Dahong confessed to the fans on site. Director Han Yan discusses the creative experience of the film. The film "I Love You!" is adapted from the original manga of the same name by the famous Korean cartoonist Jiang Cao, and warmly depicts two pairs of elderly people walking towards the end of their lives