Focusing on major scientific issues in ocular immune diseases, the Ocular Immunity Professional Committee of the Shanghai Immunology Society was established

Release time:Apr 29, 2024 09:33 AM

News came from the 2024 Shanghai Society of Immunology Academic Forum co-sponsored by the Shanghai Society of Immunology and the Department of Ophthalmology of the Ninth People's Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine: the Ophthalmic Immunity Special Committee of the Shanghai Society of Immunology was officially established.

Professor Wang Xianghui, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Shanghai Society of Immunology, and Professor Zhou Huifang, Chairman of the Ophthalmic Immunology Committee of the Shanghai Society of Immunology and Professor Zhou Huifang of the Department of Ophthalmology, Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, issued letters of appointment to the consultants and members of the committee. The establishment of the special committee aims to promote academic exchanges and cooperation among professionals, promote the effective connection between basic research and clinical translation, focus on talent training, scientific communication and health education, and improve the overall academic level and scientific research in the field of ocular immunity in Shanghai. quality.

It is reported that the special committee mainly focuses on major scientific issues in ocular immune diseases, aims to promote interdisciplinary research and exchanges, explore new ideas for the transformation of scientific research results and diagnosis and treatment of ocular immune diseases, and is committed to exploring new models for cultivating young talents. Promote the overall academic level and diagnosis and treatment level in the field of ocular immunity in Shanghai.

Ocular immune diseases are one of the main types of diseases currently affecting eye health, including uveitis, thyroid eye disease, age-related macular degeneration and partial corneal and conjunctivitis, glaucoma, optic neuropathy, etc., with high blindness rates and serious impact on patients' lives. quality, increasing the burden on families and society, and is a major public health issue. However, there are pain points and difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of ocular immune diseases: the onset is insidious, the course of the disease is protracted and it is difficult to recover; the cause of the disease is unknown, resulting in a lack of specific treatments; and the public's awareness of ocular immune diseases is weak.

Fan Xianqun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, vice president of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and dean of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, said, “Improving the construction of the diagnosis and treatment system for ocular immune diseases, improving the overall basic scientific research and clinical level, and building a professional research and diagnosis and treatment talent team are conducive to improving the It is of great clinical significance and value to improve eye health for all and reduce social burdens.”

Focusing on major scientific issues in ocular immune diseases, the Ocular Immunity Professional Committee of the Shanghai Immunology Society was established
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