Is a poetry review comparable to a talk show? Comments on Poetry Calling for Truth

Release time:May 02, 2024 17:09 PM

"It is easy to tell the truth, but it is not easy to tell the truth. Reviewing is actually a 'high-risk profession'." "If there is a problem with the logic of the work, it may look beautiful at first glance, but it cannot withstand scrutiny, as if a football kick went wrong." Recently At the famous forum of Shanghai Juequn Poetry Society, Hu Zhongxing, professor of the Chinese Department of Fudan University and president of Shanghai Juequn Poetry Society, shared with nearly 200 poetry lovers how to pass poetry through a large number of cases under the title "Poetry Creation Needs True Criticism". Effective comments improve the level of poetry creation, advocate sincere and professional comments, and promote the construction of a healthy and vigorous ecological environment for contemporary poetry.

"Listening to Teacher Hu's poetry commentary is more exciting than listening to a talk show!" "I thought it might be boring, but Professor Hu is really venomous, sharp, and funny." During the more than two hours of lectures, Hu Zhongxing's continuous flow The witty words and golden sentences attracted bursts of applause from the audience, and many audience members shared their thoughts online.

Hu Zhongxing pointed out that "commentary" belongs to the category of literary criticism, and the vast number of poems and poems in the past dynasties mostly fall into this category, which can be written or spoken. In ancient times, "shared appreciation of wonderful articles and analysis of doubts" was an elegant event for literati and poets to discuss with each other, leaving many good stories. For example, Zheng Gu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, saw two sentences in "Early Plum Blossoms" by the poet Qi Ji: "In the deep snow in the front village, several branches bloomed last night" and commented: "Several branches are not early, not as good as one." Qi Ji From this, I am sincerely convinced, and this is the origin of the allusion of "One Character Master".

In Hu Zhongxing's view, "true reviews" have three major elements: the first is "truth", the content of the review must be true and true, regardless of whether the target is close or distant, the review must be realistic; the second is "points", which accurately capture the key points of the poem, Carry out detailed analysis; the third is "comment", which provides valuable constructive criticism. At the same time, it should vary from person to person and adopt appropriate evaluation strategies according to the author's characteristics and work style.

"Effective reviews have high requirements for reviewers. He should have a certain degree of poetic theory, rich creative practice, and good teaching methods." Hu Zhongxing told the audience, "The reviewer should have something to say. Avoid sarcasm and sarcasm; the person being criticized must be open-minded and not just walk away just because of criticism.”

How to achieve “real reviews”? Hu Zhongxing launched a systematic explanation from ten aspects including rhythm, genre, theme and logic. He divided these ten aspects into three levels: elementary, intermediate and advanced. "Rhythm is the most elementary issue in poetry creation. Evaluating poetry based on meter only solves the problem of right and wrong. Do not expand the scope, let alone confuse rhetoric with meter." When learning rhythm, in addition to mastering Pingshui rhyme, sometimes you also need to use the Kangxi Dictionary, etc., and you should also pay attention to mastering the rhyme characters. "

When it comes to the choice of poetry genres, Hu Zhongxing believes that the difficulty of different genres may be related to the author's talent. At the same time, we must pay attention to vocabulary in creation, be wary of misusing words and phrases, and incorporate new words and slang into poetry with a certain degree of control. “Those who cannot write in classical Chinese cannot write classical poetry well.”

Hu Zhongxing also started from his own experience and told the audience that when writing a poem, you do not have to write it in order from beginning to end. Instead, you should first determine the highlights of the whole poem, find the distinctive points and keywords you want to express, and then analyze the whole poem. When making an overall design for the creation, special attention should be paid to the connection between sentences to avoid logical problems such as "incomplete second pass" and "kick at the last minute".

As for artistic conception and charm, Hu Zhongxing believes that these two belong to the highest realm of poetry, which are indescribable and need to be understood carefully. At the end of the lecture, he introduced the four poetry criticism methods of general review, detailed review, review and correction, and demonstration to the audience based on the examples he accumulated in his many years of teaching poetry. He also demonstrated "real review" examples of more than 20 poems on the spot.

The Shanghai Juequn Poetry Society was initiated and established under the initiative of the Shanghai Jade Buddha Temple. It aims to promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture, inherit the skills of metrical poetry creation, and use poetry as a carrier to explain Chinese culture and write the character of the city. "Famous Forum" is a series of public welfare lectures founded by Shanghai Juequn Poetry Society. It is a double lecture once a month, inviting poetry experts and poetry friends to share their poetry creation experience and appreciate the beauty of traditional poetry.

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