Who is the "Shanghai Good Nurse"? The new round of search and recommendation in 2024 starts today with likes and reviews

Release time:Apr 28, 2024 07:43 AM

Guided by the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Civilization Office, sponsored by the Municipal Health Commission and the Municipal Health System Spiritual Civilization Construction Committee, and co-organized by Liberation Daily, Municipal Nursing Association, and Shanghai Shangyi Medical Workers Award Foundation, the 2024 "Shanghai Good Nurses" "Look for recommendation activities and officially start online likes and reviews.

From now on, the official WeChat of the Municipal Health Commission "Healthy Shanghai 12320" will display the style of 30 "Shanghai Good Nurses" and accept likes and comments from the general public from April 28 to May 5. Citizens can log in to the "Healthy Shanghai 12320" WeChat public account to learn more about the deeds of the 30 recommended targets.

It is reported that in order to further cultivate and practice the core socialist values, vigorously promote the lofty professional spirit of Shanghai’s medical workers of “respecting life, saving lives and healing the wounded, being willing to contribute, and loving without boundaries”, and inspire the city’s medical staff to keep in mind the original mission of doctors and gather the strength to forge ahead, To build a solid spiritual core of the health industry and make every effort to promote the construction of a healthy Shanghai, Shanghai will launch a search and selection campaign for "Shanghai Good Nurses" in 2024 starting from March this year. Since the launch of the selection activity, various district health committees, medical entities and affiliated units have actively participated. After review and screening, the best candidates will be selected from the preliminary meeting, resulting in a total of 30 shortlisted candidates.

Who is the "Shanghai Good Nurse"? The new round of search and recommendation in 2024 starts today with likes and reviews
How "long-term care insurance" can better meet the needs of "silver-haired groups", analysis | Aging society
How "long-term care insurance" can better meet the needs of "silver-haired groups", analysis | Aging society

Data from the seventh national census show that my country’s population aged 60 and above has reached 264 million, and the population aging rate has reached 18.7%. To solve the problem of individuals being unable to successfully complete basic life care due to long-term disability and dementia, the long-term care insurance system is gradually being explored in my country. Six pilot areas including Shanghai have promoted long-term care insurance based on local conditions to bring more protection to the elderly. Long-term care insurance is in the pilot stage in my country. How to ensure sustainable and high-quality development? Recently, at the "Long-term Care Insurance System Construction and Industry Development Forum" hosted by the Aging and Health Research Center of Zhejiang University and co-organized by the Shanghai Hygiene and Health Development Research Center and China Pacific Life Insurance Co., Ltd., experts proposed that diverse entities should be encouraged Participate together to achieve career and industry synergy

Shanghai creates a new model for scientific and technological innovation to lead the development of traditional Chinese medicine: strengthening the source of scientific and technological innovation and improving the coordination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine
Shanghai creates a new model for scientific and technological innovation to lead the development of traditional Chinese medicine: strengthening the source of scientific and technological innovation and improving the coordination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine

News came out from the press conference held by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shanghai today: to build a national comprehensive reform demonstration zone for traditional Chinese medicine, Shanghai will explore the road to modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, open up the "innovation chain" and "industrial chain" of traditional Chinese medicine, and release more Innovate momentum and create a new model of scientific innovation leading the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Strengthen the source of scientific and technological innovation and create an integrated development model. As a major town of Shanghai-style traditional Chinese medicine, Shanghai has 9 national and regional specialist TCM diagnosis and treatment centers, 27 national key clinical specialties and 75 key specialties of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as a number of municipal-level TCM’s dominant specialties, dominant diseases and unique diagnosis and treatment techniques. How to use technological innovation to empower the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine? Hu Hongyi, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, said: The city has systematically laid out a traditional Chinese medicine science and technology innovation platform and explored multi-sector collaborative policies.

Medical enterprises collaborate with artificial intelligence to assist in early detection, with 555000 cases of colorectal cancer detected annually in China | Tencent | Artificial Intelligence
Medical enterprises collaborate with artificial intelligence to assist in early detection, with 555000 cases of colorectal cancer detected annually in China | Tencent | Artificial Intelligence

Through the use of artificial intelligence assisted detection products, the detection rate of polyps has been improved, and the incidence and mortality rate of colorectal cancer have been reduced. Recently, Tencent Seeking Pictures, in collaboration with multiple medical institutions, launched the "Electronic Endoscopic Image Assisted Detection Software for Colonic Polyps" to achieve real-time assistance and reminders for clinical doctors through artificial intelligence, which will effectively improve the early detection and intervention of diseases. Data shows that the number of new cases of colorectal cancer in China has increased from 388000 in 2015 to 555000 in 2020. It is expected that the number of new cases and deaths from colorectal cancer will double by 2040. The early detection rate of colorectal cancer needs to be improved. Experts explain that the ability of colonoscopy examiners to detect adenomas is easily affected by their technical level, fatigue level, and alertness, and there are also significant differences with individual doctors. However, colonoscopy examination is cumbersome and invasive, which can easily lead to poor patient acceptance

Treating dry eye syndrome at home and experiencing AI eye screening: The Municipal Eye Prevention Center collaborates with Hongqiao Community to upgrade the community | Cooperation | Screening
Treating dry eye syndrome at home and experiencing AI eye screening: The Municipal Eye Prevention Center collaborates with Hongqiao Community to upgrade the community | Cooperation | Screening

Xiaoyu has just entered first grade of elementary school this year. During the refractive screening at school, the teacher and doctors found that the child's vision in both eyes was poor. At the expert outpatient clinic of Director Xu Yan at the Community Health Service Center in Hongqiao Street, Changning District, it was diagnosed that the corrected visual acuity in the left eye was 0.6 and the corrected visual acuity in the right eye was 1.0, indicating a diagnosis of amblyopia. After wearing glasses for treatment and two rounds of visual rehabilitation training, Xiaoyu's corrected visual acuity in his left eye improved to 0.8; After three rounds of rehabilitation training, the corrected visual acuity of both eyes reached 1.0. Before Children's Day on June 1, Xiao Yu had his fifth rehabilitation training. Doctors happily told him that his vision had been kept at 1.0. "If there weren't convenient medical services right at our doorstep, it might have delayed the best treatment time due to us going to work and our children going to school," sighed Xiaoyu's parents. June 1, 2021

50% of cases merge with chronic diseases, the White Paper on Comprehensive Prevention and Treatment of Glaucoma is released: Glaucoma in China is becoming a younger system | Patients | China
50% of cases merge with chronic diseases, the White Paper on Comprehensive Prevention and Treatment of Glaucoma is released: Glaucoma in China is becoming a younger system | Patients | China

Tomorrow is the 28th National Eye Care Day, and this year's theme is "Pay attention to universal eye health". Recently, guided by the Medical Affairs Department of the National Health Commission and the National Blindness Prevention Technology Guidance Group, and organized by the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission and the Shanghai Blindness Prevention Technology Guidance Group, the Shanghai Blindness Prevention Technology Guidance Group released the "White Paper on Comprehensive Prevention and Treatment Management of Glaucoma". The white paper shows that primary glaucoma is the main cause of glaucoma in China, and the disease is age-related but shows a trend of youthfulness, with no significant gender differences. Glaucoma, as the world's first irreversible blinding eye disease, seriously impairs the visual function of patients. China is one of the countries with the highest number of blind and visually impaired patients in the world. The prevalence of glaucoma in the Chinese population is 2.58%, accounting for about a quarter of the world's glaucoma patients, and the number of blind people is 5.67 million. in