Being born in the 1990s, I couldn’t calm down for a long time. I listened to a speech from a director in Shanghai, before the May Fourth Movement.

Release time:May 02, 2024 10:52 AM

There is a long holiday every year during the May Day holiday, which sometimes makes the May Fourth holiday less noticeable.

2024 is the year to commemorate the 105th anniversary of the May 4th Movement. In order to avoid the long holiday on May 4th, many commemorative activities organized by various units and leagues at all levels were held in advance this year.

Before the long holiday, as a "post-90s" person, I participated in several commemorative activities due to work reasons. During the event, a group of young people performed for themselves and "improved their value" by themselves. There is more than enough passion, but I always feel that the inheritance is insufficient and the strength is not enough.

It wasn't until I attended an event organized by the Market Supervision Bureau of a certain district in Shanghai that the excitement and generosity that had been mobilized could not be calmed down for a long time.

An "old director" who was about 50 years old spent half an hour using his 35 years of work experience to explain the mistakes he had made and the losses he had suffered to a group of young "children" in the audience. Heart to heart reservation.

Based on memory, the author excerpted the following paragraphs to share with you:

Young people should not be afraid of changing positions. It took some comrades a year or two to finally get a job done smoothly, but they were transferred to a new position overnight, and they often complained. But let me tell you, changing jobs is not necessarily a bad thing. The key lies in how you treat it. I have worked for 35 years and changed more than a dozen positions. Some only worked for less than half a year before being given new appointments. In this life, it is rare for a person to want to "love a profession and work in a profession". Most people are unable to control their work arrangements and must learn to "do a profession and love a profession".

I remember when I was a teacher, my leader asked me to teach Chinese, mathematics, foreign language and other subjects in one year. It was painful at first, so I worked overtime until late at night every day, preparing lessons and writing lesson plans to survive. Later, the leader arranged for me to be in a management position and evaluate classes for teachers in various subjects. Only then did I realize that every hardship I suffered in the past was not in vain. Thanks to my experience in teaching various subjects, I can do a good job in class evaluation.

In fact, everyone has the ability to panic, and it is human nature to like to stay in the comfort zone. But you should treat your career as a career and believe that every experience you have will contribute to your future life.

Young people should not look down on old masters. Who has never been young, who has not been high-spirited and full of energy to do something in his youth. It's just that everyone's circumstances are different. Some of them may be lying flat because of heavy family burdens, physical pain, or feeling that they are too old to work anymore. But if they give you a little experience, it may be enough for you.

Don’t be afraid of stealing, ask boldly, and “steal” boldly. Learn that what is in your belly belongs to you, and you can benefit from it throughout your life. If they refuse to teach, I have some experience to teach you.

When I was young, in order to get along with the masters at my workplace, I was often the first to arrive at the office, clean the house, wash the cups, make tea, and later took on the responsibility of buying breakfast for everyone. The leading cadres and masters in the office pay me a little money every month, and I put it all together and arrange breakfast for everyone every day.

They also "appointed" me as "Director of the Big Pie and Fried Tiao Committee." Of course, this director serves the people, but he does not have no "power" at all. At least I can buy whatever I want and they have to eat whatever I want.

I respect them and they love me. Of course, some young people have high understanding and talent, and can do things well without anyone's guidance. But most people should not forget that one must stand on the shoulders of giants to achieve greater success.

Of course, lying down is definitely wrong. People of any age have the ability to create value.

Young people must be "ambitious". When I was in my twenties, I aspired to be the director of the Education Bureau. Later, when the goal was not achieved, he became the director of the Market Supervision Bureau and was also the director. Don't be afraid to set goals for yourself, and don't be afraid that you won't be able to achieve them. In life, you have to move forward again and again, jump again and again, approach the goal, complete the goal, and then set new goals.

But don’t let “ambition” kill you. If you haven't achieved it, don't belittle yourself and feel like you are nothing; if you have achieved it, don't feel that you are superior to others. Some "post-90s" people have taken the position of team leader or section chief at a young age, and even have greater potential for promotion. At this time, be careful not to "float".

Let me tell you, the reason why I am sitting in this position today is not because I am better, harder working, or more capable than others. None of these "old masters" in the audience can do better than me. I just have better opportunities than others.

But opportunities don’t always come. If you can meet a leader who cares about young people and is willing to help them start their own business, this is your opportunity.

"Young people must be tolerant of their unintentional mistakes."

Those in power should give young people ample room to make mistakes. They all eat whole grains, so no one can make mistakes. I hope that party and government organizations at all levels will be tolerant and generous to young people, but of course not conniving. We must have strict requirements, but we must be able to give them timely guidance if they make mistakes that are not intentional, and do not blame them easily. If they are always criticized and punished, it is impossible for young people to be motivated and creative.

Of course, having said that, in fact, many leaders and old masters have the mentality of "hating iron but not steel" like their parents when they criticize. Therefore, on the one hand, young people must accept guidance with an open mind. On the other hand, many of our industries must form a solid teaching mechanism and find "good teachers" to lead "good apprentices." Instead of standing by with your sleeves rolled up and watching young people make a fool of themselves. It's normal for young people to make a fool of themselves. But what they caused was not their own ugliness, it was their master's ugliness and their leader's ugliness. It shows that we failed to lead the team well and help them form values ​​that will last a lifetime in their twenties.

We, the older generation, should pave the way for the growth and success of young people. "The world is yours", so you can step on our shoulders. I am very happy.

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