“President Xi Jinping is Serbia’s sincere friend”

Release time:May 06, 2024 17:10 PM

Belgrade/Beijing, May 6 (Xinhua): Located on the picturesque Danube River, the Smederevo Steel Plant has long been known as the "Pride of Serbia", but it has also slipped to the edge of bankruptcy.

Thanks to the continuous deepening of the high-quality Belt and Road Initiative between China and Serbia, this century-old steel mill welcomed a Chinese partner in 2016 and achieved a great turnaround.

In just a few months, the steel mill turned a profit. Today, it has become one of the largest steel producers and comprehensive service providers in the world.

This is the Smederevo Steel Plant of HBIS Group in Serbia taken on August 16, 2021. hair

The rebirth of the steel plant is an example of pragmatic cooperation between the two countries in various fields. As Chinese President Xi Jinping is about to pay another state visit to Serbia, the outside world expects that the two countries will further enrich and enhance their "iron friendship."

"Many major Chinese investment projects here were promoted by President Xi Jinping." Former Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said, "He is a sincere friend of Serbia."

During his visit to Serbia in 2016, President Xi Jinping extended a helping hand to the Smederevo Steel Plant, bringing much-needed help to the plant.

Serbian President Vucic clearly remembers that when he was still prime minister at the time, he approached President Xi Jinping and asked China to help the steel plant. President Xi Jinping said that China must “be true to its words and be resolute in its deeds.”

"We must fulfill our commitments, including introducing advanced technology, opening up a broader market, ensuring local employment, and benefiting people's livelihood." President Xi Jinping told the workers when visiting the steel plant.

On June 19, 2016, when President Xi Jinping visited HBIS Group’s Smederevo Steel Plant in Serbia, he came to the staff canteen to interact with workers. Photo by reporter Ma Zhancheng

Vladan Mikhailovich, chief operating officer of the steel plant, said that President Xi Jinping's visit was a turning point for the plant. With the support of President Xi Jinping, China continues to provide help to the plant and help the plant revive.

"President Xi Jinping's commitments, especially the guarantees on the modernization of production facilities, have been fulfilled one by one," Mihajlovic said.

About 60 kilometers northwest of the steel plant is Belgrade Central Railway Station. This station is the starting point of the Belgrade-Novi Sad section of the Hungary-Serbia railway, another Belgrade and Road cooperation project that President Xi Jinping is concerned about.

On May 6, 2023, at the Novi Sad railway station in Serbia, passengers took selfies in front of the train bound for Belgrade. Photo by reporter Ren Pengfei

The Beno section is part of the Hungary-Serbia railway and will be put into operation in March 2022. It will travel between the two largest cities in Serbia at a maximum speed of 200 kilometers per hour. In Vucic's eyes, this is "a gift that will benefit future generations."

The vigorous development of China-Serbia cooperation under the framework of the “Belt and Road Initiative” reflects the increasing synergy between the two countries in their development strategies, and bilateral economic and trade cooperation has also entered the fast lane.

According to China Customs statistics, China's export trade volume in 2023 will be US$4.35 billion, an increase of 23.7% over the previous year. In October last year, under the joint witness of President Xi Jinping and President Vucic, the two sides signed a free trade agreement in Beijing. This is the first free trade agreement signed between China and Central and Eastern European countries. Tariffs on more than 60% of the tax items will be eliminated immediately after the agreement comes into effect. The final import volume proportion of both sides with zero-tariff items will reach about 95%.

"China is one of Serbia's most important partners in economic development." said Nenad Strkic, a researcher at the Institute of International Politics and Economics, a Serbian think tank. "Since the relationship between the two countries was upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2016, the bilateral relationship has There is good upward momentum in all fields.”

The steel mills and railways bear witness to the profound friendship between China and Serbia. In the face of difficulties and challenges one after another, the people of China and Serbia have always shared weal and woe and supported each other.

When the COVID-19 epidemic swept the world, China extended a helping hand to Serbia in a timely manner, providing protective equipment, medical equipment, vaccines and other supplies, and dispatched a team of Chinese medical experts to Serbia to help fight the epidemic.

On March 21, 2020, in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, Serbian President Vucic "bumped elbows" with members of China's medical expert team to assist Serbia in fighting the epidemic, who came to greet him. Photo by reporter Shi Zhongyu

It was late at night when the Chinese medical team landed at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport. Vucic led many senior Serbian officials to greet him at the airport. It is not recommended to shake hands during the epidemic, so the Serbian leader chose to bump elbows with members of the Chinese expert team one by one to show respect. Feeling grateful for China's timely support, he even kissed a five-star red flag at the airport.

"At the most difficult moment when we were fighting to protect the lives of the Serbian people, the Chinese people proved with practical actions that they are our friends." Vucic said at the airport.

In recognition of the members of the Chinese medical expert team for their contribution in helping Serbia fight the COVID-19 epidemic, the Serbian Ministry of Defense awarded them the highest-level commemorative medal in the military.

When China faced difficulties, Serbia quickly helped. In 2008, after a severe earthquake occurred in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China, Serbia quickly provided assistance to China and provided a large amount of relief materials to people in the disaster area.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed. This sentence is very appropriate." Vucic said in an interview with reporters.

President Xi Jinping described China-Serbia relations as “iron friends”. In China's diplomatic context, this word has a special meaning.

Vucic told President Xi Jinping when he came to China last year to attend the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum that Serbia was proud of the iron-clad friendship between Serbia and China. China always respects and treats Serbia as an equal.

On the afternoon of October 17, 2023, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Serbian President Vucic, who was in China to attend the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum. Photo by reporter Yan Yan

Wang Yiwei, director of the Institute of International Affairs at Renmin University of China, believes that "iron friendship" means close relations, close exchanges and close cooperation based on true respect for each other's core interests. All these characteristics apply to China-Serbia relations.

During his visit in 2016, President Xi Jinping walked into Kalemegdan Park, which represents Serbia’s indomitable spirit. He said that the Serbian people have been resurrected from the ashes of the phoenix with their indomitable spirit time and again in history, and the Chinese people deeply admire this.

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, China has given Serbia firm support on issues involving Serbia’s core interests and major concerns. The "iron friendship" between China and Serbia has set an example for equal treatment and mutually beneficial cooperation between countries of different sizes.

Former Serbian Interior Minister Vulin said that this "iron friendship" is not only strengthened by diplomacy, but also based on mutual respect and understanding between Serbia and China.

“Serbia has deep respect for the People’s Republic of China, not only because it is a big country, but also because of the excellent leadership it has shown. China knows how to listen and communicate. China is a partner, not a giver. China never dictates to others. , but make suggestions." Wulin said.

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