A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

Release time:May 06, 2024 14:04 PM

After an 11-hour flight across the vast Eurasian continent, President Xi Jinping arrived at Paris Orly Airport in France on a special plane on the afternoon of May 5, local time, for his first overseas visit this year.

During this trip to Europe, President Xi will pay state visits to France, Serbia, and Hungary. Why did you choose Europe for your first overseas trip this year? What important information is worth paying attention to on the first day of your visit? "Current Affairs News Eye" explains it for you.

Why choose Europe for your first overseas trip in 2024?

The first annual visit of a head of state always has unusual significance.

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

In this important year of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the first overseas visit of a Chinese head of state has even more special significance.

△The national flags of China and France are hoisted in front of Les Invalides in Paris, France.

Ten years ago, in March 2014, when Xi Jinping visited Europe for the first time after taking office as president, he said, "I took 11 days to visit Europe at the beginning of this spring because I attach great importance to the EU and China-EU relations and firmly support European integration. construction.”

Five years ago, President Xi Jinping also chose Europe for his first overseas trip in 2019. He said, "Europe is an important pole in the multi-polar world and one of China's most important partners. Therefore, I chose Europe for my first overseas trip in 2019."

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

In the overall situation of China's diplomacy in the new era, the importance of Europe is evident.

In December last year, when President Xi met with European Council President Michel and European Commission President Von der Leyen, he said, “In the current international situation of increasing turmoil, China-EU relations have strategic significance and global influence, and are related to world peace, stability, Prosperity."

Looking at China-EU relations against the backdrop of a century of changes, it is not difficult to understand the deep meaning behind President Xi’s trip to Europe.

To grasp the world-famous first visit of the year by the Chinese head of state, a set of time nodes and bilateral relations are also worthy of attention.

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

This visit is President Xi’s third state visit to France, his second state visit to Serbia, and his first state visit to Hungary.

From a time point of view, this year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, and the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary. The comprehensive strategic partnership between China and the EU has entered a new 20-year period. Visits at special time nodes have important significance in inheriting the past and opening up the future.

From the perspective of bilateral relations, France, Serbia and Hungary are all comprehensive strategic partners of China. France is the first major Western country to establish a comprehensive strategic partnership with China. Serbia is China's first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Hungary is an important partner for China in promoting the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries.

It is exciting to see how President Xi will promote the overall development of China's relations with the three countries and China-EU during his visit.

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

On the afternoon of the 5th, President Xi Jinping’s special plane arrived at Paris Orly Airport. This is President Xi’s second visit to France after five years, and three "specials" deserve attention.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. In January this year, President Xi and French President Macron exchanged congratulatory messages and delivered a video speech at the reception celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. "I firmly believe that in the next 60 years, China and France will work together to create greater glory!"

In his written speech at the airport, President Xi pointed out that on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, I once again set foot on the beautiful land of France and felt very cordial.

"Current Affairs News Eye" noted that President Xi's previous visits to France coincided with important nodes in Sino-French relations. In 2014, the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, and in 2019, the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, President Xi has traveled thousands of miles to pay state visits to France to inherit friendship and build on the past and open up the future.

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

△President Xi’s special plane arrived at Paris Orly Airport.

When President Xi arrived at Paris Orly Airport on a special plane, he was warmly welcomed by French Prime Minister Attal and other senior representatives of the French government.

When President Xi walked down the gangway, Prime Minister Attal stepped forward to greet him. "Hello!" He expressed his warm welcome to President Xi in Chinese. In January this year, 35-year-old Attal was appointed Prime Minister of France. He traveled to China when he was a member of Parliament. He told President Xi, “I studied Chinese for a year.”

With the red carpet laid out and the honor guards lining up, France welcomed the Chinese distinguished guests from afar with high-standard courtesy.

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

"Current Affairs News Eye" noticed that President Xi Jinping's three visits to France all had special arrangements. When President Xi visited France in March 2014, his first stop was the former site of the French-Chinese University in Lyon, which had witnessed a special history of exchanges between the two countries. When I visited France in March 2019, my first stop was in Nice, a coastal city in southern France. President Macron made a special trip from Paris to chat in Nice at night, discussing the past and present.

It is reported that during this visit, the two heads of state will also go to other places to hold activities.

△The welcoming crowds along the way from the airport to downtown Paris.

Behind the special courtesy is a special relationship among the world's major powers - the Sino-French relationship.

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

President Xi once described China-France relations as "special relationship" and "special friends." In his written speech at the airport that day, he once again explained the particularity of Sino-French relations, "Over the past 60 years, Sino-French relations have always been at the forefront of China's relations with Western countries, establishing for the international community peaceful coexistence and cooperation between countries with different social systems. A model of win-win.”

△The national flags of China and France are hung on the streets around the Elysée Palace.

On the occasion of a state visit, publishing signed articles in the mainstream media of the visiting country is an important channel for conveying information. On the occasion of this visit to France, President Xi Jinping published a signed article in the French "Le Figaro" for the third consecutive time.

President Xi got straight to the point in the article, "2024 is a node of special significance. I came to France at this time to bring three pieces of information from China."

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

These three messages from China are closely related to the three "anniversaries" this year and can be understood from three aspects.

Looking at a spirit from the "60th anniversary" - the spirit of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. How to promote China-France relations to inherit the past and open up the future? President Xi first emphasized the inheritance of the spirit of establishing diplomatic relations between China and France.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 2014, President Xi summarized the spirit of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France as "independence, mutual understanding, foresight, mutual benefit and win-win results".

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

△At Paris Orly Airport, the national flags of China and France fluttered in the wind.

In April last year, when President Xi and President Macron attended the closing ceremony of the fifth meeting of the China-France Entrepreneurs Committee in Beijing, they said, “In the face of the turbulent international situation and the risks and challenges in the post-epidemic era, we should persist in persisting. and carry forward the spirit of establishing diplomatic relations between China and France, and promote China-France relations to ride the wind and waves and achieve steady and long-term development.”

Traveling through time and space for 60 years, inheriting the spirit of establishing diplomatic relations between China and France is particularly important in today's chaotic world.

President Xi said in the signed article, "Today's world is very unstable and is once again facing numerous risks. China is willing to work with France to carry forward the spirit of establishing diplomatic relations, promote the continuous development of China-France comprehensive strategic partnership, and make new contributions to strengthening cooperation in the world ”

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

△Exhibition "Forbidden City and Palace of Versailles—Sino-French Exchanges in the 17th and 18th Centuries" in the National Palace Museum.

Looking at a promise from the "75th Anniversary" - China will expand high-level opening up.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China. President Xi said in a signed article, "An important experience in China's development is to unswervingly insist on opening up to the outside world."

Five years ago, when President Macron attended the opening ceremony of the second CIIE in Shanghai, he said, "China's success story shows that China needs to open to the world, and the world needs to open to China. Opening up is also Europe's choice."

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

In April last year, President Xi held an informal meeting with Macron in Guangzhou, a city at the forefront of China's reform and opening up. "To understand today's China, we must start by understanding China's history." The meeting in Songyuan was of profound significance.

△The Chinese and French flags hanging on the streets of Paris.

In a signed article on this visit, President Xi once again emphasized that China will expand high-level opening up and deepen cooperation with countries around the world, including France.

A high level of openness means things come and go. President Xi said that we welcome more high-quality French agricultural products and cosmetics to enter the Chinese market. China welcomes companies from all over the world, including France, to invest and operate in China. At the same time, the Chinese government supports more Chinese companies to invest in France and hopes that France will provide them with a fair and just business environment.

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

From the "70th Anniversary", we can see one kind of responsibility - maintaining world peace and stability.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. 70 years ago, Premier Zhou Enlai first fully proposed the five principles of "mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence".

In June 2014, President Xi pointed out at a conference commemorating the 60th anniversary of the publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, “Under the new situation, the spirit of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is not outdated, but remains timeless; the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence "

Five years ago, during President Xi's visit to France, he attended the closing ceremony of the China-France Global Governance Forum and proposed China's solutions to solve many problems including the "peace deficit". Many things that have happened in the past five years have made people increasingly aware of the value of the word "peace."

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

China is a faithful practitioner of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. In recent years, President Xi has successively proposed global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives, contributing Chinese solutions to improving global governance and solving problems in human development.

In the signed article, President Xi clearly expressed China's attitude towards the current crises and conflicts that the international community is deeply worried about.

Regarding the Ukraine crisis, President Xi said, "China understands the impact that the Ukraine crisis has had on the European people." He pointed out that "the longer the Ukraine crisis lasts, the greater the damage will be to Europe and the world. China hopes that the European continent will return to peace and stability as soon as possible, and is willing to work with The international community, including France, will work together to find a reasonable path to resolve the crisis."

Regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that also affects people's hearts, President Xi said that China and France have many consensuses on the Palestinian-Israeli issue and should strengthen cooperation and contribute to restoring peace in the Middle East.

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

△The Chinese Art Exhibition "From Beijing to Paris - Olympic Tour of Chinese and French Artists" hosted by China Central Radio and Television opened in Paris on May 6.

In January this year, when President Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages with French President Macron, he said that today's world has once again reached a critical crossroads. Facing the question of where to go of the times and history, China and France, as independent major countries and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, should uphold the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations, shoulder the responsible mission, and jointly open up a path for human development leading to peace, security, prosperity, and progress.

"China and France can change the world by joining hands." This visit to France is an answer to the questions of the times and history. "Use the torch of history to light the way forward." China and France "every encounter in the long river of history can burst out huge energy and influence the direction of the world." The trip to France has begun, let’s look forward to it together!

Reporter | Duan Dewen, Shi Wei, Shi Cheng, Wu Qian, Lu Xinyu, Liu Qicheng, Jiang Shuo, Lu Hongyu, E Jiefu, Fan Yiming, Yu Zhenyi, Liu Yue, Geng Xiaolong, Gao Zhan

A historic visit worth looking forward to, current affairs news | Xi Jinping begins his first visit this year

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