Xinhua Times Review丨Chinese-style modernization’s global responsibility

Release time:May 05, 2024 07:04 AM

Paris, May 4th: China-style modernization’s global responsibility

On the 4th, at the China-France Humanities Cooperation and Development Forum held in Paris, France, the national high-end think tank released the think tank report "Chinese-style Modernization and Development Road". The report is based on President Xi Jinping’s important exposition on Chinese-style modernization, comprehensively explains the development process, practical path, and distinctive characteristics of Chinese-style modernization, and summarizes the value form, institutional form, development form, and democracy of Chinese-style modernization from the height of the history of human civilization. Form, cultural form, and global governance form provide an authoritative interpretation for audiences around the world to understand Chinese modernization and are a key to understanding contemporary China’s development experience.

Chinese-style modernization demonstrates China’s global responsibility to contribute its wisdom and strength to solving human problems. For a long time, Western modernization theory has been constructed based on Western experience. The development of most Western developed countries is a "series" process. Industrialization, urbanization, agricultural modernization, and informatization develop sequentially. Modern countries, modern economies, and modern societies are built one by one, with relatively ample time and more opportunities for trial and error. As the largest developing country in the world, China has a vast territory, a large population, and huge regional differences. To realize modernization in such a large-scale country, we need to solve many problems that have not been encountered in the West. China did not follow the Western modernization process step by step, but went through a "parallel" process. Through superimposed development, it took decades to complete the industrialization process that Western developed countries went through for hundreds of years, creating rapid economic development and social development. The miracle of long-term stability.

Chinese-style modernization belongs to China and also to the world. Chinese-style modernization aims to solve many problems that have emerged in the history of modernization development and have not been solved by Western countries. Chinese-style modernization breaks the myth of "modernization = Westernization", opens up a new path for non-Western countries to independently explore modernization, and provides a new path for those countries and nations in the world who want to accelerate development while maintaining their independence. It provides a Chinese solution for mankind’s exploration of a better social system. China's development experience shows that there is neither a fixed modernization model nor a modernization standard that is universally applicable in the world. There is more than one road to modernization. As long as we find the right direction, continue to move forward, and follow If you follow your own path well, you will be able to achieve modernization.

For the majority of developing countries, realizing modernization is a “must answer” question. China has given the answer through its own development, creating a new form of human civilization with a modernization path that is in line with its national conditions: different from Western-style modernization, Chinese-style modernization abandons the supremacy of capital in terms of value orientation and pursues the supremacy of the people; it falsifies the system construction "Theory of the end of history", constantly improve and innovate; get rid of "one-way" and "alienation" on the development path, and move towards comprehensive coordination; do not engage in minority democracy in terms of democratic form, and realize that the people are the masters of the country; never separate in cultural identity We should uphold tradition and persist in inheriting and innovating; we should not engage in unilateralism in global governance and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Modernization is not only the modernization of the economy, but also the modernization of the all-round development of people. Chinese-style modernization takes realizing the people's yearning for a better life as the starting point and foothold of modernization, and takes the realization of people's free and comprehensive development as the ultimate goal. In the process of advancing modernization, China has won the battle against poverty, enabling China to completely bid farewell to absolute poverty from a poor and weak Eastern country, lifting one-fifth of the world's population out of absolute poverty, and creating a new chapter in the development of human society. A huge achievement that is unique in history. China has become the second largest economy in the world. Its GDP has exceeded one hundred billion yuan and its per capita GDP has exceeded US$10,000. This has changed the marginal position and backwardness of the Chinese nation in the world economic system since modern times. And it has made a huge contribution to the world economy through its own development.

All things grow together without harming each other, and Tao runs parallelly without contradicting each other. A peaceful and developing world should accommodate different forms of civilization and must be compatible with diverse paths towards modernization. Currently, in the face of changes in the world, the times, and history, China vigorously promotes the common values ​​of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind, abandons small circles and zero-sum games, and calls for joint efforts to build mutual respect, A new type of international relations based on fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation will expand the convergence of interests and draw the largest concentric circles. The path of Chinese-style modernization is getting wider and wider, and it will surely better develop itself, benefit the world, and contribute wisdom and strength to a better future for mankind.

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