Hundreds of Tsinghua alumni got food poisoning at off-campus dinner party? The disease control department has been involved in the investigation

Release time:May 05, 2024 08:15 AM

Recently, a "Recommendation Letter to All Alumni, Teachers and Students" posted on the social platform attracted attention. The proposal mentioned that from April 26 to 28, Tsinghua University will celebrate its 113th anniversary. Alumni from many places will participate in celebration activities. Hundreds of alumni suffered from food poisoning after going to a restaurant outside the southeast gate of the school to eat. The signature was signed on May 1st, and it was written that there are 129 people in the Department of Materials, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Computer Science, and the school handball team. On the evening of May 3, a staff member of the Beijing Haidian District Center for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that an investigation had been launched into the matter. On May 4, a user commented on the restaurant on Dianping: The Beijing Market Administration Bureau and Beijing Disease Control and Prevention began a round of large-scale investigation and evidence collection.

The above-mentioned proposal mentioned in the above-mentioned letter that during the return to school, many units including the Class of 1989 in the Department of Materials, the Class of 2000 in the Department of Chemical Engineering, the Class of 2004 in the Computer Department, the school handball team, and some individual alumni went to a restaurant outside the southeast gate of the school to dine. After everyone ate at the restaurant during the same incubation period, many people developed food poisoning. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, abdominal discomfort, fatigue, muscle aches, etc. As of the evening of May 1, 102 people had been diagnosed with the above symptoms. As of the time of writing, more than a dozen alumni, including elderly people over sixty years old, still require long-term bed rest and treatment.

Hundreds of Tsinghua alumni got food poisoning at off-campus dinner party? The disease control department has been involved in the investigation

On May 4, an alumnus of Tsinghua University told the New Yellow River reporter that he had reported it to the Beijing Market Supervision and Administration Department, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had also intervened in the matter. He also mentioned, "The restaurant not only failed to apologize, but also acted perfunctorily and did nothing. It completely lacked basic respect for food safety and customers' health, and lacked professional ethics. It is difficult to imagine that such a restaurant can operate in Wudaokou, Beijing for so many years." ”

As for the solution, the proposal mentioned that under the on-site mediation of the District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, it communicated with the restaurant many times. The restaurant has only refunded part of the staff's meal expenses; however, it has not been able to reach an agreement on compensation for the victims' medical expenses, lost wages and other payments, as well as a thorough investigation of the reasons.

Hundreds of Tsinghua alumni got food poisoning at off-campus dinner party? The disease control department has been involved in the investigation

New Huanghe reporters noticed that the Dianping platform showed that the restaurant involved had suspended operations. There are also many messages related to this matter in the restaurant comment area. One user left a message: "Yesterday, the Beijing Market Administration Bureau and Beijing Disease Control and Prevention started a round of large-scale investigation and evidence collection. My classmates and I all participated in this round of investigation." The restaurant also gave a reply: "After testing by the relevant competent authorities, the restaurant ingredients are qualified. Norovirus can be transmitted through the air and other channels. It is an enterovirus. At present, the source of the virus cannot be determined to be the restaurant." However, the reply was subsequently deleted and has been Unable to view. In response to the reply, some users said: "Bacterial infection, not norovirus, no need to find norovirus as a scapegoat." As can be seen in an outpatient medical record posted by a user, the suspected diner was diagnosed with acute gastrointestinal infection inflammation.

According to information from the National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention, norovirus belongs to the family Caliciviridae and has the characteristics of low infectious dose, long detoxification time, and strong resistance to the external environment. It is one of the common pathogens causing acute gastroenteritis. The period from October to March of the following year is the period of high incidence of norovirus infection, and crowded places such as schools and daycare institutions are high-incidence places for norovirus infection.

Hundreds of Tsinghua alumni got food poisoning at off-campus dinner party? The disease control department has been involved in the investigation

According to public information, the restaurant involved is a restaurant specializing in Cantonese cuisine and was established in 2004. New Huanghe reporters called the restaurant's external phone number, and a staff member said that the restaurant is currently on vacation. If you need an interview, you can leave a call and wait for the manager's reply. As of press time, the reporter had not received a reply. In addition, on the evening of May 3, a staff member of the Beijing Haidian District Center for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that the matter has been investigated.

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