What are the must-have items for the exam? What can’t be brought? , the exam will start from May 5th to 6th! Shanghai high school grade exam in 2024

Release time:Apr 28, 2024 13:27 PM

The Shanghai Education Examination Authority announced that the 2024 Shanghai general high school academic level examination will be held from May 5 to 6. The examination subjects and time schedule are as follows:

The Shanghai Education Examination Authority reminds candidates that they must present their admission ticket and valid documents to take the exam in strict accordance with the time and test center specified on their admission ticket, and arrive at the test center 45 minutes in advance.

On the morning of May 5th, for the chemistry test, candidates will begin to enter the venue at 8:15. Candidates will not be allowed to enter at 9:15. After 9:30, candidates can hand in their papers and leave in advance.

On the afternoon of May 5th, for the Ideological and Political Subject Examination, candidates will begin to enter the venue at 12:15. Candidates will not be allowed to enter at 13:15. After 13:30, candidates can hand in their papers and leave in advance.

For the physics test on the afternoon of May 5th, candidates will begin to enter the venue at 14:45. Candidates will not be allowed to enter at 15:45. After 16:00, candidates can hand in their papers and leave in advance.

For the history test on the morning of May 6, candidates will begin to enter at 8:15. Candidates will not be allowed to enter at 9:15. After 9:30, candidates can hand in their papers and leave in advance.

For the Geography test on the afternoon of May 6, candidates will begin to enter the venue at 12:15. Candidates will not be allowed to enter at 13:15. After 13:30, candidates can hand in their papers and leave in advance.

For the biology subject test on the afternoon of May 6, candidates will begin to enter the venue at 14:45. Candidates will not be allowed to enter at 15:45. After 16:00, candidates can hand in their papers and leave in advance.

The Shanghai Education Examination Authority emphasized that May 5th is the last day of the May Day holiday, and May 6th is the first working day after the holiday. Candidates and parents are requested to fully consider transportation, weather and other factors to prepare in advance. Plan your travel route and try to leave as early as possible to ensure you enter the examination room before the specified time.

The reporter learned from the Shanghai Education Examination Authority that this exam will implement "secondary security inspection" at the exam center and exam room. Candidates are required to prepare transparent stationery bags and transparent information bags in advance, and bring necessary stationery and other exam supplies for the exam.

When entering the test center, candidates must undergo a security check by test center staff. Mobile phones, smart watches and other devices with the function of sending or receiving information are not allowed to be brought into the test center. Candidates must obey the test center management and temporarily store their mobile phones in the designated area of ​​the test center until the test is over. It can be retrieved, and candidates can also transfer their mobile phones to their parents or teachers for safekeeping in advance.

When entering the examination room, candidates must undergo security inspection by the invigilator again. Except for the necessary examination supplies stipulated in the "Shanghai General High School Academic Level Examination Written Test Subject Examination Rules", no other items are allowed to be brought into the examination room. Candidates are requested to obey the management of the test center staff and jointly maintain the order and safety of the test center.

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