There is also the joy of mountains and rivers in the countryside. Hong Kong is not only the joy of "difficult living" hiking | Dragon's Back |

Release time:May 05, 2024 08:05 AM

China News Service, Hong Kong, May 4th: Hong Kong is not only "difficult to live in a big city", but also has the joy of mountains and rivers in the countryside

"Want to go hiking? The scenery there is very beautiful!" taxi driver Li Shijie asked enthusiastically when he heard that the reporter was going to Longji.

According to Li Shijie, when the weather is good on weekdays, many local Hong Kong people will go to Longji to hike and enjoy the scenery. "Climb the dragon's spine in the Year of the Dragon to bring good luck," he said.

Dragon's Back is located in the southeast of Hong Kong Island. It was named "Asia's Best Urban Hiking Trail" in 2004. Its winding trail crosses the ridge of Chengding Mountain in Shek O Country Park. Many social media call it an escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. , the best choice to get close to the natural landscape.

On the Longji hiking trail, you can see the sea below the mountain, islands and mountains in the distance. Photo by China News Service reporter Zheng Jiawei

The reporter set out from Wan Chai to "escape the city" and "get close to nature", which was less than 30 minutes' drive away. When we arrived at the Tudiwan bus stop, the Longji Mountain Pass was right next to us, and there were already many "backpackers" gearing up here.

Climbing up the stairs with sand, soil and stones underfoot, I saw trees on both sides of the mountain road, with branches and leaves blocking out the sun. Some sections of the road were even dense and light-proof. However, at a corner not far away, I could suddenly see the light. Looking at the vast sea below the mountain, the islands and mountains in the distance, and the misty clouds and smoke, the ink painting gives people a surprise of mountains and rivers, dark willows and bright flowers.

Since it is the rainy season, the sky is gloomy and it is difficult to see the sun, but the enthusiasm of tourists has not diminished at all. Near noon, the reporter found that the number of hiking tourists was increasing with time. They were scattered in twos and threes on the mountain trail wearing various outdoor equipment. They stopped and gradually gathered on the viewing platform to take photos.

Tourists take photos on the Longji viewing platform. Photo by China News Service reporter Zheng Jiawei

Mr. Kim from South Korea is a member of the "army" of taking photos. He took his mother and daughter to Hong Kong for vacation. He chose to go hiking here after seeing relevant promotions on social media.

"It's very different from the Hong Kong in my impression. The attractions I visited in Hong Kong before were all urban buildings and high-rise buildings," said Mr. Jin. "During this trip, I found that Hong Kong's natural environment is well protected and there has not been too much human development. Public transportation from the city to here is very convenient, we like it very much. ”

The reporter started from the observation deck and walked for about 40 minutes to reach Dalanchengding Mountain. At this time, looking towards the direction of Dalang Bay, a khaki sand path was attached to the lush green ridge, winding and rising, like a soaring dragon. The reporter thus understood the origin of the name "Dragon's Backbone".

When reaching Dalanchengding Mountain, some people choose to return the same way, while those who are still not satisfied take a short rest before setting off again, until they reach the end of this hiking trail - Dalang Bay. Where the mountains and rivers meet, there is another vast sea and sky.

Many friends always mention "living in a big city is not easy" when talking about Hong Kong, to describe the pressure of making a living in the dense steel forest of the metropolis. However, this reporter discovered during this trip that the joy of mountains and rivers brought by hiking in the countryside goes hand in hand with the difficulty of living in a big city.

In addition to Dragon's Back, there are many places in Hong Kong that offer similar landscape pleasures. According to official data, Hong Kong currently has 25 country parks and 22 special areas, covering a total area of ​​44,842 hectares. There are 129 hiking trails among them. Sai Kung has the most with 27, followed by Hong Kong Island with 24. The Hong Kong Tourism Board has previously recommended a variety of hiking routes based on difficulty. In addition to the less difficult Dragon's Back and Lobster Bay Country Trails, there are also more difficult MacLehose Trails.

On the way down the mountain, the reporter met Mr. Liu, who was also hiking. He came to Hong Kong from the mainland to work for more than two years. His biggest hobby is hiking with various outdoor guides in his spare time. He has completed more than 20 routes so far.

“From fast-paced city life to embracing nature, being far away and yet very close, seemingly contradictory yet harmonious coexistence, maybe this is the charm of Hong Kong to me,” said Mr. Liu. “Hong Kong’s natural landscape is very original. There is little artificial carving, and this concept and experience of finding a balance between the development and protection of natural ecological resources is also worthy of reference by mainland cities. "

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