Special Article | Promoting China-France Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to a New Level - All walks of life in France look forward to President Xi Jinping’s state visit to France China-France Relations | France-China | Xi Jinping

Release time:May 05, 2024 05:50 AM

Paris, May 4th Special Article|Promoting China-France Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to a New Level—French people from all walks of life look forward to President Xi Jinping’s state visit to France

At the invitation of President Macron of the French Republic, President Xi Jinping is about to pay a state visit to France. People from all walks of life in France said that President Xi Jinping's visit to France on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries is of great significance in building on the past and opening up the future. They look forward to President Xi Jinping working with French leaders to draw a blueprint for the next development of bilateral relations and promote the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. Reach a new level.

Alain Merieux, chairman of the French Mérieux Foundation who is nearly ninety years old, treasures a certificate numbered 001. That was the China Reform Friendship Medal certificate awarded to him by President Xi Jinping in December 2018. For decades, Mérieux has been committed to promoting cooperation between France and China in the field of health and is a witness and contributor to the friendship between the two countries.

On December 20, 2018, Alain Merieux displayed the China Reform Friendship Medal and certificate at his office in Lyon, France. Photo by reporter Chen Yichen

Mérieux said that currently, the world is undergoing complex changes. President Xi Jinping's visit will promote the two countries to better inherit their historical friendship, work together to focus on common causes and long-term interests, and bring the two countries closer through new major cooperation.

France is the first major Western country to establish ambassadorial-level diplomatic relations with New China. Sixty years ago, Chinese and French leaders used extraordinary wisdom and courage to open the door to exchanges and cooperation between China and the West. Over the past 60 years, China-France relations have always been at the forefront of China's relations with Western countries. The unique history of Sino-French relations has shaped the "Sino-French spirit" of independence, mutual understanding, foresight, and mutual benefit. Pierre de Gaulle, the grandson of General de Gaulle, said that the heads of state of France and China have continued the political will of the two countries to get closer to each other 60 years ago, and have achieved fruitful results in the development of bilateral relations, which is encouraging.

In recent years, under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Macron, China-France relations have maintained a good momentum of development. The two countries have achieved fruitful strategic communication, fruitful practical cooperation, deepened people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and maintained good communication and coordination in international and regional affairs. Relevant departments of both sides rely on the three major mechanisms of strategic dialogue, high-level economic and financial dialogue, and high-level people-to-people and cultural exchanges to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state and continuously enrich the connotation of the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership.

"In the current complicated international situation, I very much hope that the France-China partnership can send a message of stability and peace to the world." Hervé Novelli, former French State Secretary, said that he believed that President Xi Jinping's visit will effectively promote the development of the two countries. The two countries have reached more consensus and further strengthened unity and cooperation.

China is France's largest trading partner in Asia, and France is China's third largest trading partner within the EU. In 2023, against the background of increasing global economic uncertainty and intensified geopolitical conflicts, China-France trade volume will still reach US$78.9 billion. From aircraft, satellites, and nuclear power plants to wine, cheese, and cosmetics, Sino-French economic and trade cooperation is both "high-tech" and "down-to-earth."

More and more French products are entering China through the important platform of China International Import Expo. At previous CIIEs, France ranks among the top countries in the world in terms of number of exhibitors, exhibition area, and intended transaction volume. Pascale Thievry, director of the French Pavilion of the French Business and Investment Agency, said that France served as the guest country of honor at the second CIIE in 2019. When the heads of state of France and China visited the French Pavilion, they spoke highly of the quality of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries; in This year is a "special year" for France-China relations, and France will serve as the guest country of honor at the seventh CIIE. During President Xi Jinping’s visit to France, France Business and Investment will host a forum focusing on China’s economic and trade opportunities.

The picture shows the French National Pavilion taken on the opening day of the Second China International Import Expo at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center on November 5, 2019. Photo by reporter Zhang Yuwei

Today, seizing opportunities in China has become the consensus of more and more French companies: Airbus, an aircraft manufacturer headquartered in Toulouse, France, cooperates with Chinese partners throughout the entire industry chain; EDF Group's cooperation with China has expanded from nuclear energy to renewable energy Energy production, transmission and distribution grids, energy services and many other fields; the two countries have worked together to create a "from French farm to Chinese table" mechanism, pressing the accelerator button for French agricultural and food products to enter thousands of households in China...

People in the French business community believe that President Xi Jinping's visit will tighten the ties of cooperation between the two countries and promote more vigorous development of economic and trade cooperation. Barbara Martin Coppola, global CEO of French sporting goods company Decathlon, said that this year is the year of the Paris Olympics, which is a "unique opportunity" to strengthen cooperation. Decathlon hopes to share innovative results with its Chinese partners and establish more win-win situations. partnership. According to Emmanuel Perez, general manager of the French Vision and Innovation Foundation, the two countries' joint celebration of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations provides a good atmosphere for promoting mutual investment and consolidating partnerships. "Mutual investment is not just a financial transaction, but also a symbol of innovative cooperation and strategic partnership."

Jean-Marie Poire, an engineer from Avignon, a city in southeastern France, told reporters that as a Frenchman, he has personally experienced the benefits of the deepening economic and trade cooperation between France and China. His chemical company has already invested and built factories in China and has gained new development opportunities by exploring the Chinese market. He looked forward to President Xi Jinping’s visit to France bringing more good news to the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

On April 1, the exhibition "The Forbidden City and the Palace of Versailles - Sino-French Exchanges in the 17th and 18th Centuries" jointly sponsored by the Palace Museum and Versailles Palace, Museum and National Garden Public Institutions opened in the Wenhua Hall of the Palace Museum. Marie-Laure Desrochebrune, head of the Cultural Relics Department of the Palace of Versailles and the French curator of this exhibition, told reporters that France-China exchanges have a long history and go back to ancient times, and "we will continue to move forward along this path."

On April 1, as an important project of the China-France Cultural Tourism Year, the exhibition "The Forbidden City and the Palace of Versailles - Sino-French Exchanges in the 17th and 18th Centuries" opened in the Wenhua Hall of the Forbidden City. The picture shows the audience visiting the exhibition that day. Quick photo by reporter Jin Liang

This year is the China-France Culture and Tourism Year, and a variety of cultural exchange activities are constantly taking place in the two countries. From the traditional bag puppet show performed by the Fujian Zhangzhou Puppet Troupe in the museum at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, to the ice sculptures of Notre Dame de Paris and the Temple of Heaven jointly appearing at the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival, from the premiere of the French musical "Don Juan" in Beijing to "Encountering China "The Chinese Culture Theme Exhibition will be unveiled at the 2024 International Expo in Paris, France. People from the two countries traveled in both directions and interacted enthusiastically.

People-to-people exchanges and cooperation play an irreplaceable role in the exchanges between China and France. French Culture Minister Lacida Dati said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China 60 years ago, cultural cooperation has always occupied an important position in the relations between the two countries. "The people of France and China both love culture and are full of curiosity about each other." French Senator Philippe Forio said that both France and China have profound historical accumulation, and culture is an important basis for people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.

Yannick Linz, chairman of the National Museum of Asian Art in Guimet, France, said that she has been paying attention to the news of President Xi Jinping’s upcoming visit to France. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China, the Guimet Museum will celebrate the "Year of China" through cultural activities throughout the year.

France is the first country to hold cultural years and set up cultural centers in each other's country with China. The Chinese Cultural Center in Paris is located on the banks of the beautiful Seine River in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. Anneke Leroy, the former deputy mayor of the 7th arrondissement of Paris, is a "super fan" of the Chinese Cultural Center and often brings friends here to visit and experience it. She said that President Xi Jinping's visit is of self-evident significance to political mutual trust and economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. "At the same time, it is very critical to deepening people-to-people exchanges and cooperation between France and China, and I am very much looking forward to it."

Christophe Roban, a college student majoring in art at a university in Paris, said that he likes the concepts of "harmony between man and nature" and "Tao follows nature" in Chinese culture. He hopes to have the opportunity to go to China and experience China first-hand. The charm of culture. I very much look forward to this meeting between the leaders of France and China to further promote people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

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