Members of the Hong Kong Aviation Youth League: Young people should be "lofty and ambitious" Huang Haoxuan | Gao Zhiyuan | Aviation Youth League

Release time:May 05, 2024 08:05 AM

China News Service, Hong Kong, May 4th: Title: Members of the Hong Kong Aviation Youth League: Youth should "have high aspirations and high aspirations"

"Turn right! Walk together!" When I saw 15-year-old Huang Haoxuan, he was practicing Chinese step drills as a commander with his teammates from the honor guard squadron of the Hong Kong Aviation Youth League. Hong Kong was humid and hot in late spring. After a while, the team members' uniforms were soaked with sweat, but they still focused on performing the required actions. The short and sharp commands and the sonorous and powerful steps undulated on the training ground, which made people respect these "youngsters".

Three years ago, Huang Haoxuan joined the Hong Kong Aviation Youth League because of his hobby of firearms. This is a youth uniformed group funded and supported by the Government Flying Service of the Security Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government. It is committed to building self-confidence and responsibility for young people through aviation education and leadership training, guiding them to make good career planning, and becoming new people who love the country and Hong Kong. generation. Since last year, the Hong Kong Aviation Youth League has comprehensively trained in Chinese foot drills. Huang Haoxuan, who performed well, was selected to be the flag-raiser at the flag-raising ceremony at Golden Bauhinia Square on November 19 last year.

Recalling that flag-raising event, Huang Haoxuan was filled with pride. "When I knew I was going to raise the national flag at Golden Bauhinia Square, I felt both nervous and honored. I felt it was a recognition of me." He said that his task was to listen carefully to the national anthem, raise the national flag at a specific moment, and Make sure the flag is raised to the top of the flagpole at an even speed when the national anthem ends. Before and after the flag-raising ceremony, the players must enter and leave the field with Chinese-style foot drills. In order to do our best, everyone trained for almost a month.

Although foot training is hard, Huang Haoxuan enjoys it. He talked with reporters about his training experience: "I used to see the People's Liberation Army marching through Tiananmen during the National Day military parade on TV, which gave people a very powerful feeling. I think the Chinese-style marching movements must be very powerful and powerful. Only by being neat can the audience look energetic." He looked forward to having the opportunity to watch the national flag guard raise the national flag live in Tiananmen Square in the future.

On April 13, various disciplined forces under the Security Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government held an open day event called "National Security Education Day". The picture shows members of the Hong Kong Aviation Youth Corps demonstrating Chinese footwork at the Government Flying Service Open Day event. Photo by China News Service reporter Hou Yu

Members of the Hong Kong Aviation Youth League: Young people should be "lofty and ambitious" Huang Haoxuan | Gao Zhiyuan | Aviation Youth League

In addition to training in footwork, Huang Haoxuan also participated in the "Aviation Mentoring Program" organized by the Hong Kong Aviation Youth League. This program invites active pilots from the Government Flying Service to give classes to group members, share interesting flying stories with the group members, and explain knowledge about aircraft and flying. Huang Haoxuan said that he has set a goal to join the aviation industry and hopes to join the Government Flying Service or become a civil aviation pilot when he grows up. "I will take the pilots who teach us as my own role models to follow and follow."

Like Huang Haoxuan, Cui Jiancong, who is studying law at the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong, is also fascinated by flying. The difference is that his interest in aviation came from an experience his father told him: A few years ago, his father encountered a person with heatstroke while hiking in the mountains. After receiving the report, the Government Flying Service quickly came to the rescue and transported the person with heatstroke by plane. Go to the hospital. "Since that incident, I have been paying attention to the Government Flying Service. It turns out that they have been doing emergency rescue work. I think it is very challenging and meaningful. I especially want to join them, so I first joined the aviation service. Youth League, learn knowledge and prepare yourself.”

In order to achieve his goal, Cui Jiancong, who studied liberal arts, specialized in mathematics, meteorology, geography and other majors. He said with a smile that one of the courses in the Aviation Youth League was to learn how to calculate the heading. He had been thinking about it for a long time and couldn’t figure out how to calculate those questions, and he was very afraid of failing the exam. "Fortunately, I met many classmates in the Aviation Youth League who were good at science or were taking flight-related courses, so I asked them. During the holidays, I reviewed my books with them and did more calculations on my own, and finally overcame this challenge."

"I heard that there used to be a motto in Hong Kong's aviation industry: Love is high and ambition is high. Now I regard it as my life motto." Cui Jiancong said that this sentence means that a person must have lofty ambitions and ideals. When young people encounter setbacks and difficulties, they must face them, stay motivated, and improve their knowledge, so that they can better serve society.

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