Green consumption has become a trend in Shanghai. During the May Day holiday, more attention will be paid to recycled materials. Trade in old materials for new ones and enjoy Taotaotao.

Release time:May 02, 2024 13:28 PM

Green is the foundation for high-quality development. The “May Day” short holiday coincides with the opening of the green consumption season of the fifth Shanghai “May Day Shopping Festival”. In the major commercial streets and commercial buildings in Shanghai, the “march of green consumption” The trumpet has been sounded.

Old clothes, shoes, underwear and glasses can all be "traded in for new ones"

At about 1 pm on May 2, the Adidas Brand Center on the first floor of the First Department Store Commercial Center on Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street was filled with customers. Many customers went straight to the checkout counter with large and small bags of used clothes and shoes. "Used Clothes Recycling Bin". It turns out that not only can discarded old clothes and shoes have a good home for recycling, but customers can also receive a one-time product coupon of "50 yuan off when spending 200 yuan or more", which can be used to purchase new Adidas products. .

Shop assistant Xiao Tang said that Adidas' two brand centers located on Nanjing Road and Huaihai Middle Road both have such "used clothes recycling stations". Used clothes and shoes are recycled and reused by professional third-party companies. After the "May 5th Shopping Festival" green consumption season event kicked off, the store responded to the call and stepped up publicity efforts. "There has been a significant increase in customers coming to trade used clothes and shoes in the past two days. On weekdays, there are two or three customers a day. Yesterday there were about 10 customers at once, and this morning there were already seven or eight customers.”

Store clerk Xiao Tang is instructing customers to "get a 50 off coupon for spending over 200."

The "Used Clothes Recycling Bin" half a person's height was almost full just after noon. It contained Adidas brand products and other social brands. Lao Cao, a customer who was making transactions, told reporters that this Adidas brand center mainly sells new models, and products are rarely discounted. Now there is a good outlet for used clothes and shoes, and customers can also get coupons. It really kills two birds with one stone.

In addition to the "used clothes recycling bin", the reporter also noticed that the labels of most sportswear sold in stores show that a certain proportion of recycled polyester fiber is used. According to reports, recycled polyester fiber is a fiber material made from waste polyester. It can be made by recycling waste plastic bottles, clothing, etc. It is environmentally friendly, wear-resistant, soft, etc. Compared with traditional synthetic fibers, Clothing made from recycled polyester is more comfortable, breathable and more affordable.

A garment indicates that the main fabric is made of sustainable raw materials such as recycled polyester fiber.

"80% of Adidas products have used sustainable materials, and the usage rate of recycled polyester fiber has reached 99%." Wu Liang, senior director of corporate public relations and sustainable development of Adidas, said.

The Sony Direct Store on Huaihai Middle Road was also crowded with people on the afternoon of May 2. I saw two round plastic containers placed in the conspicuous place of the headphone counter. One contained shredded paper, shredded bamboo and small pieces of sugar cane fiber, and the other contained plastic particles in three colors: black, white and blue. .

Store manager Guo Jinrui said that the former is used to process recycled paper, and the latter is used to process flame-retardant recycled plastics. Sony has currently used the above raw materials to produce the outer packaging and plastic casings of some models of headphone products. "During this 'May 5th Shopping Festival' green consumption season, we have also launched a special campaign to purchase this type of environmentally friendly headphones and receive a reusable bag, so that more customers can pay attention to green and low-carbon consumption."

The headphone counter at the Sony Direct Store on Huaihai Middle Road uses an intuitive method to inform consumers that the packaging and shell of the headphones use recycled raw materials.

At the scene, a customer was choosing a pair of wireless noise-canceling headphones. When she heard the clerk introduce that the headphones were made from recycled raw materials, she was very happy: "I happen to be traveling to the pristine African savanna soon, and I have eco-friendly headphones to accompany me all the way. This time Travel will be more meaningful.”

During the May Day holiday, the Huaihai Road business district is full of greenery. According to the reporter's understanding, during the two-month green consumption season initiated by the Shanghai Foreign Investment Association and Shanghai Huaihai Commercial Group, customers can also go to time-honored brands such as Gujin Underwear and Red Star Glasses to exchange used underwear and glasses for discounts. Use the coupons, or go to the Swarovski flagship store to buy the cultivated diamond Galaxy series made of 100% renewable energy and 100% recycled gold and silver materials, or go to MUJI to buy hand-knitted bags made of OBP marine recycled materials. ...OBP is collected from coasts all over the country. The more OBP is "digested", the cleaner the blue ocean of the motherland will be.

"Trade-in" subsidies for home appliances make consumers reluctant to buy "big items"

Starting from March 30 this year, Shanghai’s new round of green smart home appliance consumption subsidy policy was officially implemented. During the "May Day" holiday, policy dividends and the active follow-up of home appliance companies have led to the "trade-in" of home appliances and the consumption of green smart home appliances.

On the afternoon of May 2, the reporter came to Plaza in Wujiaochang, Yangpu District. In the ice washing area, a salesperson told Wujiaochang that there was a long queue at the checkout counter of Plaza.

He Xiaowei, general manager of Shanghai, told reporters that on May 1st and 2nd,’s sales in Shanghai reached a new high. The overall customer flow of stores in the city increased by more than 80% month-on-month. Green products such as first-level energy efficiency and first-level water efficiency were launched. Sales of smart home appliances increased by 200% month-on-month.

With subsidies in hand, customers are more willing to spend on "big items". He introduced that on May 1st and 2nd, the sales of large-screen color TVs of 85 inches and above in stores increased by 95% year-on-year, and the sales of side-by-side refrigerators of 500 liters and above increased by 90%. 85%, and the number of users purchasing complete sets of home appliances over 50,000 yuan increased by 105% year-on-year.

Another reporter learned from the Shanghai Home Appliances Association that from now until May 10, the association specially organized the "2024 Shanghai Home Appliances Trade-in Carnival Green Consumption Express" to Shanghai Global Port. In order to facilitate foreigners, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan people to also enjoy consumption subsidies for green smart home appliances, Shanghai Global Port has launched a full coverage scenario for foreign card payment. In addition, in view of the concentration of elderly consumer groups in surrounding communities, a special area for aging-friendly transformation and aging-friendly products and services has been set up on-site, and dedicated personnel have been arranged to help elderly consumers install App tools such as WeChat, Alipay, and Cloud QuickPass, so that they can enjoy government home appliance subsidies without any obstacles. .

Home appliance sales staff at Shanghai Global Port are receiving foreign consumers.

Green consumption has become a trend in Shanghai. During the May Day holiday, more attention will be paid to recycled materials. Trade in old materials for new ones and enjoy Taotaotao.
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