Chasing the light, it’s time to show off your talents

Release time:May 05, 2024 05:50 AM

On the eve of this year’s May 4th Youth Day, General Secretary Xi Jinping, on behalf of the Party Central Committee, extended holiday congratulations and sincere greetings to young people across the country——

“In the new era and new journey, young people of all ethnic groups across the country have heeded the call of the Party and the people and bravely served as vanguards and new forces in various fields such as scientific and technological innovation, rural revitalization, green development, social services, and border defense, demonstrating their confidence, self-improvement, and strength. A strong and promising spirit.”

"Youth are the future of the motherland, the hope of the nation, and the future of innovation." "I care about the youth wherever I go." General Secretary Xi Jinping has always cared about the youth, cared about the youth, and listened to the youth, and sincerely hopes that every young person will become a socialist Builders and successors.

"Engraving the passion of youth on the monument of history"

The rhythm of youth always resonates with the times.

On March 18 this year, in the continuous spring rain, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hunan First Normal College for inspection and research.

Chasing the light, it’s time to show off your talents

The school’s predecessor was Chengnan Academy founded in the Song Dynasty. Since modern times, Mao Zedong and a large number of progressive young people have set their ambitions to serve the country and join the tide of the times.

The sound of wind, rain, reading, classrooms, dormitories, and study rooms are all infiltrated with the meaning of inheritance.

△On March 18, 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with teacher and student representatives during an inspection at Hunan First Normal University.

In the school hall, enthusiastic teachers and students gathered around. Li Jie, a junior student in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, stepped forward and reported her study experience to General Secretary Xi Jinping in a loud voice. Coming from the mountainous area of ​​western Hunan, she is confident and determined: "I must cherish my youth, live up to my time, and strive to be a college student in the new era."

For more than 10 years, more than 20,000 rural public-funded normal college students from Hunan First Normal University have gone deep into the mountains and villages to cultivate education and educate people to strengthen the country.

"In the era when our country was poor and weak, a group of patriots felt that if China wanted to be strong, it must develop education." Facing the young faces, the general secretary encouraged, "Now, the world is in a century-old period. In the face of great changes, our country is comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, and it is the right time for contemporary young students.”

Chasing the light, it’s time to show off your talents

Each generation has its own destiny, and each generation of youth has its own mission.

On October 28, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Hongqi Canal in Anyang, Henan. In front of the Youth Cave, the General Secretary emphasized: "The younger generation must inherit and carry forward the spirit of hard work, self-reliance, and hard work, abandon the arrogance and arrogance, and engrave the passion of youth on the monument of history like our fathers."

"I talked about the great spirit of creativity, great struggle, great unity, and great dream spirit of the Chinese people. This great spirit was created and accumulated by generations of Chinese people, and it also needs to be passed on from generation to generation." Time and time again, Every proverb is full of deep and profound feelings about family and country.

"You are born at the right time, it is the time to show your talents."

Youth are the most dynamic and creative group in society and should be at the forefront of innovation and creation. The General Secretary has high hopes for young scientific and technological workers.

In July 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Jiangsu, came to Suzhou Huaxing Yuanchuang Technology Co., Ltd.

Chasing the light, it’s time to show off your talents

"They are all very energetic!" In the R&D workshop and optoelectronics laboratory, the general secretary was very pleased to see that the company's R&D personnel were all young people.

△ On July 5, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with young R & D personnel of the enterprise in Suzhou Huaxing Yuanchuang Technology Co., Ltd.

"What school did you graduate from?" "How many years have you been working?" "What major do you major in?" General Secretary Xi Jinping asked cordially.

The company manager introduced that the average age of employees in the company is only 32 years old. They also established a "Mount Everest Business Unit" with young people as the main force, accelerating core technology breakthroughs and bravely climbing scientific and technological peaks.

"What you are doing here is the work of climbing to the top, which is very meaningful. Young people can use your talents, great!" Facing the energetic corporate employees, General Secretary Xi Jinping affirmed, "The country must achieve self-reliance and self-reliance through science and technology. , you are born at the right time, it is time to show your talents, you must seize the historical opportunity, and you will be proud of your contribution to the rejuvenation of the nation in the future!"

△On July 7, 2023, in the electromagnetic compatibility laboratory of automation equipment of NARI Group Co., Ltd., scientific researchers were preparing for radiation emission experiments.

Chasing the light, it’s time to show off your talents

"We say late bloomers, but what are bloomers? They are the best things and the most sophisticated things. These things cannot be made at once. They require a lot of effort and even a lifetime of energy." During this trip to Jiangsu, General Secretary Xi Jinping also cordially encouraged the young R&D personnel of NARI Group Co., Ltd., hoping that everyone would aspire high, be down-to-earth, move forward step by step, and use the tenacity to sharpen a sword in ten years to "do it in a lifetime" The persistence of "one thing" can lead to a valuable life.

With the care and encouragement of the General Secretary, more and more young talents are thriving on the front line of scientific and technological innovation, forming a surging wave of building a powerful country in science and technology.

Young people are the most energetic and full of dreams. To win the youth is to win the future. General Secretary Xi Jinping once said: "The comparison of the future is the comparison of young people. We are working so hard now, who are we working hard for and who are we busy for? Busy looking towards the future. Where is the future? The future is with you."

General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a message to young people to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement, unswervingly listen to and follow the Party, and strive to become good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, endure hardships, and are willing to work hard. In the great cause of rejuvenation, we should show the deeds of youth, highlight the grace of youth, contribute the power of youth, and strive to write a chapter of youth that is responsible for Chinese modernization.

China Agricultural University has such a group of students who are "asking for trouble". They go deep into rural China, closely integrate classroom learning with rural practice, and realize their own life value while personally participating in the great practice of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.

They are the students from the Science and Technology College of China Agricultural University.

Chasing the light, it’s time to show off your talents

△Professor Zhang Fusuo of China Agricultural University led teachers and students of the Science and Technology Academy to exchange planting experiences with farmers.

In 2009, Professor Zhang Fusuo of China Agricultural University led a team of teachers and students to conduct field experiments in Baizhai, Quzhou County, Hebei Province, and learned that local farmers still use the tongue "tasting" method to identify the authenticity of chemical fertilizers. At that time, students majoring in agronomy at China Agricultural University had mastered a variety of analytical methods for chemical fertilizers, which could not only identify authenticity, but also analyze fertility and absorption and transformation efficiency.

How much of the knowledge learned in books can be used in the field? how to use? Can fellow villagers accept it? The teachers and students decided to stay and teach knowledge and demonstrate operations together with fellow villagers to answer these questions through practice.

Before the May 4th Youth Day last year, students in the Science and Technology College of China Agricultural University received a reply from General Secretary Xi Jinping. "You said in your letter that only by going deep into rural China can you deeply understand what it means to seek truth from facts and how to contact the masses. Young people have to 'ask for trouble'. That's very good. Chinese youth in the new era should have this The spirit is strong."

At present, more than 1,200 science and technology institutes have been established across the country. Teachers and students built laboratories in the fields, allowing youth to take root in the fertile soil of the countryside, and contribute to accelerating the construction of an agricultural power and the overall revitalization of the countryside.

△On May 13, 2023, in the Seedling Industrial Park of Quzhou County, Hebei Province, students from the Miao Leuan Science and Technology Courtyard were inspecting soilless vegetables.

Chasing the light, it’s time to show off your talents

The new era is the era of dream chasers, and struggle is the brightest background of youth.

"For the Party and the country, young people are the most worthy of love and expectation." The General Secretary's sincere care and sincere expectations inspire young people to run hard on the track of youth and use their youthful wisdom and sweat to create a better future. Wonderful China!

Micro-Observation of Current Affairs丨Teachers and students of this school have formed a profound friendship with Chairman Xi

Micro-Observation of Current Affairs丨President Xi’s first overseas visit this year attracted the world’s attention

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President Xi Jinping's important speech when investigating border control and the construction of border defense forces in Inner Mongolia aroused strong repercussions in the entire army. Border Defense Forces | Chairman | Control
President Xi Jinping's important speech when investigating border control and the construction of border defense forces in Inner Mongolia aroused strong repercussions in the entire army. Border Defense Forces | Chairman | Control

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 10th. Title: Resolutely obey the orders and strive to forge the Great Wall of Steel to defend the country and defend the border. Chairman Xi Jinping's important speech when investigating border control and border defense forces in Inner Mongolia aroused strong repercussions in the entire army. Xinhua News Agency reporter Mei Changwei, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping investigated border control and border defense forces in Inner Mongolia on June 7th, he listened to reports on the situation in the northern theater, the army, the border defense brigade stationed in Inner Mongolia, and the Inner Mongolia Military Region and delivered important speeches. The whole army conscientiously studied and understood the spirit of the speech, and believed that President Xi's important speech profoundly answered a series of fundamental, overall, and directional major questions about the new situation of border defense work in the new era, and will certainly encourage the broad masses of officers and men to further strengthen their responsibilities and keep the border for the party and the people.

Xi Jinping in Inner Mongolia, walking into the shelterbelt of the state-owned Xinhua Forest Farm in Bayannur Linhe District | Project | Inner Mongolia
Xi Jinping in Inner Mongolia, walking into the shelterbelt of the state-owned Xinhua Forest Farm in Bayannur Linhe District | Project | Inner Mongolia

On June 6, 2023, Xi Jinping came to the state-owned Xinhua Forest Farm in Bayannur Linhe District to inspect the state-owned Xinhua Forest Farm in Linhe District. Before the construction of the site in 1960, the landform of this area was dominated by sand dunes, barren beaches, saline-alkali land, wind and sand damage was very serious. In view of the problem of land desertification, the "three North" shelterbelt and other projects were carried out. The total afforestation in this area is 39000 mu. At present, the forest coverage rate of the forest farm is 65%. The "three North" shelterbelt project refers to the large-scale artificial forestry ecological project built in the three north regions of China. The construction of the "three north" project is a major ecological project implemented in conjunction with China's reform and opening up. It is an important landmark project for the construction of ecological civilization. Shi Wei Wang Pengfei reporter Li Jia Lin Liu Huimin Jiang Yihang auction