You might as well think more about it. Young people are not willing to join the factory? Director of Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: Blue-collar incomes are rising

Release time:Apr 30, 2024 09:14 AM

Some people say that many young people nowadays are unwilling to engage in skilled positions. On the one hand, they feel that it is hard, and on the other hand, they feel that they earn less money. Is this actually the case? In the "2024 People's Livelihood Interview" program held this morning, Yang Jiaying, director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, pointed out that current skilled positions, especially those closely integrated with emerging industries, have transformed from labor-intensive to knowledge-intensive. , income has also risen.

In recent years, the Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Department has continuously released salary prices for enterprise skilled talents. Data show that the wage level of skilled talents has accelerated, with an average annual growth rate of more than 9%. For example, among the skilled positions in the three leading industries of integrated circuits, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence, the median salary for special equipment inspection and testing workers, information and communication network operation managers and other positions in 2022 is about 200,000 yuan, which is higher than The average salary in Shanghai during the same period.

"Everyone can pay attention to the salary prices of skilled talents and high-skilled talents that we publish every year to keep abreast of relevant job market conditions and use them as a reference when choosing a career direction." Yang Jiaying suggested.

She said that this year, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has regarded skills training as the focus of employment promotion work, taking the implementation of the "1.2 million vocational skills training plan" as a starting point to comprehensively improve the skill level and employability of Shanghai workers.

The first is to comply with the needs of iterative updates of new industries and new technologies. Focusing on key industries and enterprises, carry out forward-looking analysis and forecasts, dynamically update the two catalogs of urgently needed skills and new skills, and use them as a "wind vane" for the cultivation of skilled talents. The second is to optimize and upgrade the training content, highlight the employment orientation, focus on the actual needs of various groups such as working personnel, college graduates, and unemployed people, and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of skills training. The third is to strengthen the integration and coordination of resources from all parties and strive to create the "Shanghai Plan" for skills training.

You might as well think more about it. Young people are not willing to join the factory? Director of Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: Blue-collar incomes are rising
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