Why do you say that? , Macron warns Europe that Ennahda "may perish" | Review | Macron

Release time:Apr 26, 2024 12:56 PM

French President Macron delivered a speech at the Sorbonne University in Paris on April 25, expounding his views on European defense, diplomacy, economy and other issues. He warned that Europe "could perish" if it didn't take action. He also called for the establishment of a reliable European defense system and reiterated that "Europe must not become a vassal of the United States." Public opinion pointed out that Macron’s speech was not only a review of the idea of ​​“reshaping Europe” proposed at the same place seven years ago, but also a way to build momentum for the ruling Ennahda Party before the European Parliament elections in June.

In a two-hour speech, Macron elaborated on the direction of France's European policy. He issued a strong warning: The world is in turmoil, change is accelerating, and the EU faces huge risks of being "downgraded" and "weakened" in the next decade. European countries must act, otherwise "Europe may perish."

He also said that the survival of the EU "depends on our choices." He listed important areas where Europe needs immediate action, including war and peace, digital transformation, artificial intelligence, environment and decarbonization.

In his speech, Macron focused on European defense issues.

He said that in the face of the challenges brought about by world changes, Europe must strengthen its defense. He called on Europe to come up with a "European Defense Initiative" which "may" include the establishment of a European anti-missile defense system. He also wants to develop Europe's cybersecurity and cyber defense capabilities.

He also said that Europe has suffered from underinvestment in military-industrial enterprises for many years and that priority should be given to purchasing military equipment through European suppliers.

Some analysts say that in the face of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the possibility of former US President Trump returning to the White House, the EU is working hard to promote its defense industry. Trump said earlier this year that the United States would not help allies if they did not spend enough on defense.

When talking about diplomatic issues, Macron once again emphasized that Europe must show that it has never been a "vassal of the United States" and that Europe knows how to deal with other parts of the world.

When talking about economic issues, Macron called for revision of EU trade policy to defend European interests.

He said the EU should also exempt certain market competition rules so that it can support companies in artificial intelligence, green energy and other fields in the face of "excessive subsidies" from the United States and China.

He also said that the era of Europe buying energy and fertilizer from Russia, producing in China, and "entrusting" security affairs to the United States is over and "the rules of the game have changed."

Public opinion pointed out that Macron has long been pushing for EU institutional reform and advocating Europe's "strategic autonomy."

During his visit to China in April last year, Macron said in an interview on the special plane returning home that Europe must fight for strategic independence and resist the pressure of becoming a "follower of the United States." He warned at the time that if Europe no longer has the corresponding foundation and autonomy in fields such as energy, defense, and artificial intelligence, it will be "eliminated by history."

Public opinion pointed out that Macron’s speech that day was a review of a series of propositions made at the Sorbonne University seven years ago. At that time, Macron, who had just become President of France, proposed the establishment of a "sovereign, unified and democratic EU" and a unified European defense and security system.

Now, 7 years later, Europe and the world have undergone tremendous changes: Britain "Brexit", the epidemic has swept the world, and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been postponed to this day... Public opinion believes that Macron's tone this time is more "alarmist" than 7 years ago, but As the world structure changes, Europe has changed its attitude towards Macron's claims to a certain extent.

The outside world has noticed that Macron's "awakening" Europe remarks 7 years ago were questioned by then German Chancellor Merkel. However, this time German Chancellor Scholz "liked" Macron's speech, saying that he expressed his views on how to "wake up" Europe. Keep Europe Strong” has great ideas.

In addition, the analysis also pointed out that the new European Parliament election will be held from June 6 to 9, and this election is regarded as a "wind vane" for European politics. Macron's speech was also intended to build momentum for the ruling Ennahda Party before the election.

Recent polls show that the support rate of the ruling coalition led by Macron in France is only about 10%, which is far lower than the 30% of the far-right party "National Rally", putting Macron in an embarrassing situation. The left-wing opposition Socialist Party ranks third in support, not far behind Macron's camp.

Bruno Cautre, a researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research, believes that if Macron's camp comes third in the European Parliament elections, "it will be a real earthquake."

The National Alliance has stated that if Macron's camp suffers a disastrous defeat, they will demand the dissolution of parliament. In addition, this will also mean that in the next French election in 2027, Le Pen, the leader of the "National Alliance", may have an unprecedented advantageous position to fight for the opportunity to occupy the Elysee Palace.

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