Chinese Embassy: Two Chinese tourists died

Release time:Jun 30, 2024 18:51 PM

A tourist bus overturned and killed two Chinese tourists. Malaysia will launch an investigation into the travel agency involved.

On the morning of June 30, Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing and Malaysian Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Tiong Keng Sing went to the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital to visit and comfort the Chinese tourists and their families who were injured in the Genting tourist bus overturned accident on June 29.

Minister Chong Sin expressed deep condolences and apologies on behalf of the Malaysian government for the accident, and said that he would convene a special meeting of relevant departments such as the Malaysian Transportation and Land Transport Department to jointly study the cause of the accident and improvement measures. At the same time, the Malaysian Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture will also initiate an investigation procedure against the travel agency involved, and do its best to assist the Chinese tourists and their families in the treatment and aftermath.

After the visit, Ambassador Ouyang held a coordination meeting with the head of the Malaysian tourism department, the hospital representative, and the head of the travel agency involved. Ambassador Ouyang reiterated the Chinese government's concern about the accident and asked the Malaysian side to attach great importance to and make every effort to treat the injured Chinese tourists, and at the same time verify the cause of the accident as soon as possible and provide necessary assistance to the families of the dead and injured to come to Malaysia. Ambassador Ouyang emphasized that with the summer vacation approaching, Malaysia will usher in a peak of Chinese tourists. He hoped that the Malaysian side would further improve the construction of tourism safety facilities, enhance the supervision of tourism service agencies and tourism facilities, and take targeted safety inspections and emergency rescue measures for popular attractions and transportation stations with a large number of Chinese tourists, focusing on eliminating safety hazards of tourist vehicles and ships, ensuring the safety of Chinese tourists in Malaysia, and preventing such incidents from happening again. Ambassador Ouyang asked the hospital to do everything possible and use the best medical resources to ensure that the injured Chinese tourists receive timely and effective treatment. Ambassador Ouyang asked the Malaysian local travel agency involved to take the main responsibility and properly handle the aftermath of the accident.

On the morning of June 29, a tourist bus carrying 18 Chinese tourists overturned in the Genting area of ​​Malaysia, resulting in the unfortunate deaths of two Chinese tourists. The remaining 11 injured tourists have been treated in local hospitals and are currently in stable condition.

Chinese Embassy: Two Chinese tourists died
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