What kind of disciplinary sanctions will they face?, Q&A on Party Discipline Study and Education | Party members "leak information" during the selection and appointment of cadres | Selection and appointment | Leakage | Party disciplinary sanctions

Release time:Jun 29, 2024 08:10 AM

In order to implement the Party Central Committee's major decisions and arrangements on carrying out party discipline study and education throughout the party, and to thoroughly study the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China", the official website of the Central Party School has opened a column "Party Discipline Study and Education Questions and Answers", focusing on General Secretary Xi Jinping Experts and scholars from the Party Construction Teaching and Research Department of the Central Party School were invited to discuss the important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, the content and essence of the newly revised "Regulations", as well as the common doubts and disciplinary risk points of party members and cadres in actual work and study. The answer is to provide learning reference for the majority of party members and cadres in party discipline study and education.

Today we launch the twentieth issue of "What kind of disciplinary sanctions will Party members face if they leak information during the selection and appointment of cadres?" Please continue to pay attention.

Issue 20: What party discipline sanctions will party members face if they leak information during the process of cadre selection and appointment?

Wang Dongqi, Teaching Secretary, Party Building Teaching and Research Department, Central Party School, Professor

What kind of disciplinary sanctions will Party members face if they leak information during the process of cadre selection and appointment?

Answer: Article 144 of the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" stipulates that those who leak, spread, or inquire about or steal information about the party organization's selection and appointment of cadres, disciplinary review, inspections, and other matters that have not been made public or other content that should be kept confidential shall be given a warning or a serious warning; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be dismissed from their party posts or given probation; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the party. Those who privately retain information related to the party organization's selection and appointment of cadres, disciplinary review, inspections, and other aspects shall be given a warning or a serious warning if the circumstances are serious; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be dismissed from their party posts. In order to better understand this provision, we need to pay attention to the following key points.

1. Deeply understand the serious harm of "air leakage"

What is the core of "leaking"? The core of "leaking" and "leaking" is information, which refers to the disclosure and spread of motions, candidate candidates, archival materials, clues to problems, etc. that cannot be made public or are not yet public in the selection and appointment, disciplinary review, and inspection. "Leaking" damages the confidence of relevant departments and the credibility of the party. In the long run, the long delay will seriously damage the ruling and leadership of the Communist Party of China. If "leaking" is not strictly stopped and thoroughly investigated, "shadow party committees" and "underground organization ministers" will appear in some places and departments, and the atmosphere of selecting and employing people and governing the party strictly will deteriorate. If "leaking" is not strictly stopped and thoroughly investigated, some comrades who dare to fight will be chilled and even retaliated. The arrogance of corrupt elements will become more arrogant, and it will become increasingly difficult to eradicate the soil for corruption.

In terms of the subject of the behavior, the subject of leaking, spreading, or snooping and stealing can be the personnel, relevant personnel, or non-relevant personnel who are engaged in specific work such as cadre selection and appointment, disciplinary review, and inspection and supervision. For staff, it refers to the members of the inspection team, special case team, and verification team who participate in the specific process of selection and appointment, disciplinary review, inspection and supervision, as well as the staff of the comprehensive department and assisting department who participate in the specific process. The scope of relevant personnel includes people involved in every link in the process of advancing the work. Taking the cadre selection and appointment work as an example, it specifically includes analysis, judgment, motion, democratic recommendation, inspection, discussion and decision, etc. In the process of advancing each link, there may be situations where matters that have not been made public or should be kept confidential are leaked and spread. The "motion" link was further revised and improved into "analysis, judgment and motion" in the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres" revised in 2019. The process of analysis and judgment is a process of understanding cadres from all aspects, multiple angles, and close distance. In the process of conducting interviews and investigations and forming preliminary plans, relevant personnel are involved, including members of the leadership team, interview and investigation personnel, etc. Non-related personnel refer to those who have nothing to do with themselves but inquire about the progress of personnel selection and employment for others and inquire about the case. Article 64 of the "Rules on Supervision and Discipline Enforcement of the Discipline Inspection Organs of the Communist Party of China" revised in 2019 stipulates this kind of situation: If the discipline inspection and supervision cadres inquire about the case, inquire about the case, or intercede for intervention, the person who is asked to do so shall report to the head of the review and investigation team and the main person in charge of the supervision and inspection and review and investigation departments and register for filing.

Therefore, the majority of Party members must strictly abide by work discipline, strengthen their awareness of confidentiality, and not say what should not be said, not spread what should not be spread, and not keep what should not be kept.

First, accountability for violations of discipline. If the acts of leaking or spreading are not subjectively intentional, and do not cause major impacts or actively recover losses, eliminate adverse effects, or effectively prevent harmful results from occurring, a warning or severe warning may be given. Second, accountability for violations of law. If a party member steals or leaks investigation information that reaches the level of state secrets, and violates the relevant provisions of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets" and other laws and regulations, he or she shall be held accountable in accordance with the law. At the same time, both disciplinary review and supervisory investigation can be filed against him or her. If the provisions of Article 144, Paragraph 1 of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and Article 39 of the "Administrative Disciplinary Actions Law of the People's Republic of China" are used to leak work secrets, causing adverse consequences or impacts, a warning, demerit or serious demerit shall be given; if the circumstances are more serious, the person shall be demoted or dismissed; if the circumstances are serious, the person shall be expelled and dealt with. Third, criminal accountability. If a party member illegally leaks, spreads, or inquires about or steals matters that have not yet been made public or other content that should be kept confidential, and the circumstances are serious, he or she may be suspected of criminal offenses and bear criminal responsibility. Depending on the circumstances, the relevant personnel may be suspected of committing the crime of illegally obtaining state secrets under Article 282 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the crime of intentionally leaking state secrets under Article 398, and the crime of helping criminals evade punishment under Article 417, etc.

Jointly produced by the Central Party School Study Times, the Party Building Teaching and Research Department, and the Party Committee of the Central Party School

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