Shanghai Municipal Education Commission issued 42 summer safety tips for primary and secondary school students, refraining from participating in "donkey tours" or adventure tours

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 27, 2024 15:21 PM

Do not travel to areas where geological disasters frequently occur. Do not go to dangerous areas such as mountains and river valleys when encountering extreme weather. Do not travel rashly through water... The 2024 summer vacation is approaching. In order to prevent all kinds of student injury accidents and let primary and secondary school students have a safe, healthy and happy summer vacation, today, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission issued 42 "2024 Summer Safety Tips for Primary and Secondary School Students".

1. Do not play in areas such as riversides, hydrophilic platforms, ponds, etc.

2. Do not pick up items that fall into rivers or other water bodies.

3. Do not wash your hands, feet, or other things, or go fishing or shrimping near the river.

4. Do not go swimming in rivers, lakes, and other water bodies.

6. If a drowning person is found, immediately seek adult help. At the same time, you can throw a life buoy, foam board, lifeline, etc. to the drowning person, but do not blindly rescue.

7. Consciously abide by traffic laws and regulations, do not violate all kinds of ban signs.

8. People under the age of 12 are not allowed to ride bicycles, but can ride bicycles or electric bicycles. People under the age of 16 are not allowed to ride electric bicycles. People who ride or ride electric bicycles should wear safety helmets in accordance with regulations.

9. Do not look at your phone, listen to music, or play while walking or cycling. In case of extreme weather, wear eye-catching clothing and avoid dangerous objects such as billboards, transformers, distribution boxes, and high-voltage wires.

10. Do not play or play in motor vehicle entrances, roadside areas, or blind spots.

11. Consciously abide by the regulations for public transportation vehicles.

12. Do not cross the railway tracks at will, walk beside the tracks, or play at railway crossings.

14. Do not touch household appliances with wet hands or cloth.

17. Standardize the use of gas equipment, cutting tools, etc.

18. Do not play with fire. If you discover a fire, call 119 promptly.

19. Control the use time of mobile phones, computers and other electronic products, and do not indulge in the Internet.

20. Do not disseminate personal information of oneself, family members, or others online.

21. Do not play online games that are violent, pornographic, or harmful to your physical and mental health.

23. Be cautious in making friends with netizens and meeting them. Do not participate in various reward services such as cash recharge, gift purchase, and online payment to prevent online fraud.

24. If any online products or services that pose a threat to physical and mental health are discovered, they should be promptly reported and reported.

25. Do not participate in "donkey tours" or adventure tours.

26. Do not travel to areas where geological disasters frequently occur. In extreme weather, do not travel to dangerous areas such as mountains and river valleys, and do not travel rashly through water.

27. When taking transportation such as buses, cruise ships, airplanes, etc., consciously fasten your seat belt.

28. When checking into a hotel, one should promptly understand the fire escape routes and safety exits.

29. Do not stay in areas with danger signs, and do not take photos or take photos in prohibited areas.

30. In case of emergencies, follow instructions and calmly respond.

31. Look at the people or things around you with a rational and peaceful mind.

When feeling troubled, it can be resolved through exercise, communication, and sharing.

33. When your emotions are fluctuating strongly, actively seek help from your parents, teachers, the district psychological center’s 24-hour hotline, or the 12355, 962525 psychological hotlines.

When encountering setbacks, positive psychological suggestions can be used to stimulate one's confidence.

35. Recognize your efforts and accept the results of the exam for further education.

36. Learn emotional management and live happily every day.

38. Do not use bad words or vulgar language, or make sarcastic remarks when chatting or playing.

39. If conflicts or disputes occur, calm down first.

41. When conflicts and disputes escalate, seek timely intervention from teachers and parents to resolve them.

42. If you find someone threatening to retaliate or harm others or gathering others to threaten to retaliate, you should report it to the teacher or parents or call 110 immediately.

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