Let children master AI skills, Shanghai's first youth AIGC innovation art exhibition opens

Release time:Jun 27, 2024 18:13 PM

What changes will the rise of AIGC technology bring to the science and art education of primary and secondary school students? Yesterday, the "AI Future" Shanghai First Youth AIGC Innovation Art Exhibition, hosted by the Hongkou District Education Bureau of Shanghai, opened at the Shanghai Innovation and Creative Design Institute, displaying dozens of AIGC digital art works created by young people. These works were selected from 363 works submitted by 269 students from 66 schools, divided into three major creative themes: "Modern Shanghai", "Traditional Chinese Culture" and "Future World", reflecting the results of the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation activities and aesthetic education immersion actions.

The art exhibition was hosted by the Hongkou District Youth Activity Center. Since its launch in January this year, the center has mobilized extensively, carried out online and offline training and guidance many times, and invited experts in the fields of industry, academia and research to join in the support and provide professional guidance and suggestions for students. In the end, Hongkou District achieved the participation of all schools, with a total of more than 5,300 primary and secondary school students participating in the event.

Primary and secondary school students visited the first Shanghai Youth AIGC Innovation Art Exhibition.

As an emerging technology, AIGC has an increasing impact on our work and life. In the field of art, through artificial intelligence systems such as the Vincent Picture Big Model, Vincent Video Big Model, and Big Language Model, we can create paintings, short videos, children's picture books, and other works by simply inputting prompt words. With the development and popularization of AIGC technology, many categories of artistic creation are embarking on the development path of "human-machine collaboration", which continuously improves the quality and efficiency of creation.

In this context, the science and art education of young people urgently needs to add new elements. Holding the first AIGC Youth Innovation Art Exhibition in Shanghai is an exploration. Sun Lei, Director of the Hongkou District Education Bureau, said: "Young people who master AI skills will be more competitive in learning and the future job market. We held the first AIGC Youth Innovation Art Exhibition in Shanghai. On the one hand, we want more young people to accept artificial intelligence science and innovation education and expand the influence of artificial intelligence science and innovation education. On the other hand, we want to better play the demonstration and radiation role of Hongkou as a scientific education experimental area."

The first Shanghai Youth AIGC Innovation Art Exhibition opened.

By participating in the AIGC Art Exhibition, young people have significantly improved their innovation ability, scientific literacy, aesthetic ability, etc. At the award ceremony held yesterday, Zhao Zhihong, a student from Shanghai Private Shangwai Foreign Language Primary School, shared his creative experience and insights on AI art as a representative of the award-winning students: "In the creative process, I gave full play to my imagination and used various AI creation tools, from text to video, from images to music. The full media creation allowed me to experience unprecedented creative fun. This cross-border innovative practice not only trained my innovative thinking ability, but also gave me a deeper understanding and love for science and technology."

AIGC digital artwork created by students

At the exhibition site, the reporter saw a series of eye-catching digital art works. In the "Modern Shanghai" theme area, the World Architecture Expo and Lujiazui high-rise buildings on both sides of the Huangpu River flashed bright lights in the works, which were cooler than photos; in the "Chinese Traditional Culture" theme area, Chinese classical architecture, gardens, flying dragons and other scenery and cultural symbols gave people a warm feeling, reflecting the understanding of traditional culture by young people; and in the "Future World" theme area, it was full of young people's imagination of the future city, robot waiters, flying castles, underwater cities... Through the large model of Vincent Pictures, they easily turned their beautiful imaginations into pictures.

"The successful holding of this art exhibition is a model of the organic integration of science and art." International curator Huang Yi said, "Through a series of 'online and offline' AI course training, we have witnessed the children's infinite imagination and creativity with the help of AIGC technology. These training programs not only exercise young people's hands-on ability and innovative thinking, but also allow them to experience the beauty of the integration of science and art in practice."

Let children master AI skills, Shanghai's first youth AIGC innovation art exhibition opens
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