Stockpiling rice seedlings, evacuating people... they are in action at the front line of disaster relief

Release time:Jun 29, 2024 06:17 AM

Starting at 3 a.m. on June 28, Sangzhi County, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, was hit by heavy rain and localized torrential rain. On the afternoon of the 28th, the reporter rushed to Zoumaping Bai Nationality Township, Sangzhi County, where many farmlands were soaked and crops were damaged.

Continuous rainfall leads to an increase in the area of ​​crop damage

Gao Yuan, CCTV reporter: I am now in Zomaping Baizu Township, Sangzhi County. This is one of the lowest places in the county. Since the heavy rain at 3 a.m. on the 28th, the river water level here has been rising. When we arrived here at around 4 p.m., we did some interviews and reports, but now we can't get in at all. We also saw villagers rowing out.

Stockpiling rice seedlings, evacuating people... they are in action at the front line of disaster relief

Zoumaping Baizu Township is one of the top agricultural planting townships in Sangzhi County. Its main crops include corn, rice, soybeans, sweet potatoes, etc., which are now all under water. The township has stored some rice seedlings in the early stage. For the farmland that has no harvest, it will be replanted after the flood subsides to minimize the losses of farmers. It will also connect with insurance companies to verify the affected area and pay compensation to the affected farmers as soon as possible.

The local meteorological department predicts that there will be heavy rain, with local torrential rain, from June 28 to the early morning of June 29.

Starting from the morning of the 28th, local township officials have relocated areas prone to geological disasters and villagers who had cut slopes to build houses, a total of more than 200 people.

Stockpiling rice seedlings, evacuating people... they are in action at the front line of disaster relief

In addition, for the villagers who have not been resettled, they are told one by one to live with relatives or friends on the second or third floor or other higher ground.

Weather warning messages are repeatedly broadcast through village loudspeakers to raise villagers' awareness of risk avoidance.

On the morning of June 27, some villages in Shigang Town, Xinjian District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, experienced varying degrees of waterlogging, with the deepest reaching more than 2.5 meters, trapping some residents in their homes. Under the guidance of village cadres, firefighters took a rubber boat to the building where the trapped villagers were.

Stockpiling rice seedlings, evacuating people... they are in action at the front line of disaster relief

At this time, the water level was still rising, and among the trapped villagers was an 80-year-old man. To avoid accidents, firefighters fixed a telescopic ladder on the outer wall of the house and helped the trapped villagers to move out from the second floor of the building one by one. In the end, all the trapped villagers were safely transferred to a safe area.

On June 26, due to heavy rainfall, some areas of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, were flooded on the first floor of some residents' homes, and the water level was still rising. Fire rescue personnel immediately cooperated with village committee cadres to search house by house, and used rubber boats to transfer 18 trapped people, including the elderly, children, and women, to a safe area. At the same time, they helped the villagers to transfer valuable items such as home appliances to a relatively safe place to avoid property losses.

Hubei Province raises flood emergency response to level 3

Stockpiling rice seedlings, evacuating people... they are in action at the front line of disaster relief

On the 28th, the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters upgraded the flood emergency response to Hubei Province to Level 3, and the working groups dispatched earlier are still working on the front lines in Heilongjiang, Jiangxi, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, and Zhejiang. At the request of the Heilongjiang and Jiangxi Provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, the General Office of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, together with the National Food and Material Reserves Administration, urgently allocated central emergency rescue and disaster relief materials for flood control and drought relief on the 28th to support the two provinces in carrying out flood control, flood fighting, rescue and disaster relief work.

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