New orders received! A batch of traditional fuel container ships will be converted into methanol dual-fuel powered ships in Changxing Island

Release time:Jun 28, 2024 14:10 PM

In recent years, my country's new energy vehicle industry has developed rapidly, injecting strong momentum into the green and low-carbon development of transportation vehicles. What is less known is that at the mouth of the Yangtze River, on the vast ocean, the container ships that are an important means of transportation for international cargo trade are also undergoing an energy transformation. These big guys that traditionally rely on fuel oil and liquefied natural gas as power are turning to a cleaner fuel energy source - green methanol.

On June 28, reporters learned at the 2024 Ship Alternative Fuel Conversion Industry Exchange Seminar and Methanol Dual-Fuel Conversion Promotion Conference that another five traditional fuel container ships will be converted into methanol dual-fuel powered ships by Shanghai COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry on Changxing Island, transforming them into greener and lower-carbon ships.

Data shows that compared with traditional fuels, renewable methanol can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 90% in life cycle assessments. As a room-temperature liquid fuel, methanol is safer than LNG, ammonia, hydrogen, etc., and has become a development direction for new green fuels in the shipping industry in the future.

According to relevant persons in charge of Shanghai COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry, as an important participant in global shipping, Shanghai COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry has been actively committed to promoting the green transformation of shipping in recent years, and has continuously explored and practiced the green alternative fuel transformation of ships. The methanol dual-fuel powered ship that Shanghai COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry is about to convert this time comes from Seaspan. As early as March 2024, Shanghai COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry also signed a "22" EPCIC transformation for dual-fuel conversion of 13.8k and 20k standard container ships with COSCO Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd. "The signing of the methanol dual-fuel conversion agreement with Seaspan not only allows the industry to see the potential of Shanghai COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry in the field of methanol dual-fuel ship repair and conversion, but also consolidates our dominant position in the field of new energy ship repair and conversion."

At the COSCO SHIPPING Heavy Industry 2024 Ship Alternative Fuel Conversion Industry Exchange Seminar and Methanol Dual-Fuel Conversion Promotion Conference held this morning, experts from COSCO SHIPPING Heavy Industry, MAN, Wärtsilä, Winterthur, China Classification Society, Lloyd's Register, DNV GL, Weihai Heavy Industry Technology, China Ship and Offshore Engineering Design Institute and other companies focused on the most cutting-edge industry prospects, market trends, technical solutions for ship alternative fuel conversion, and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanged experiences.

It is reported that as a high value-added ship and one of the mainstream ship types in the market, the transformation and development of large methanol dual-fuel container ships is the focus of competition among shipbuilding companies around the world, and is an important ship type platform for achieving energy conservation, emission reduction and ship type upgrades. Experts attending the meeting believe that this modification project not only caters to the needs of the new round of global low-carbon/zero-carbon fuel technology revolution for ships, but also conforms to the country's "dual carbon" strategic goals. It will effectively fill the lack of domestic methanol fuel-powered ship industry standards, promote the research and application of methanol fuel power technology, enhance my country's independent research and development capabilities for green zero-carbon equipment and systems, and realize the integration of green zero-carbon technology on ships. The demonstration results formed in this process will also provide a basic, strategic and leading role for the promotion and application of the shipping industry, and enhance my country's shipbuilding industry innovation capabilities and international competitiveness.

"We will continue to focus on leading scientific and technological innovation, pay attention to leveraging our own advantages, promote the transformation and upgrading of product structure, assist in the construction of Changxing's 'world-class marine equipment island', and actively promote the export of Chinese high-end manufacturing." said a relevant person in charge of Shanghai COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry.

New orders received! A batch of traditional fuel container ships will be converted into methanol dual-fuel powered ships in Changxing Island
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