Ministry of Water Resources: The largest flood since measured data was recorded occurred in the upper reaches of the Wusuli River

Release time:Jun 29, 2024 11:50 AM

Since June 20, the cumulative rainfall in the Wusuli River Basin has been 91 mm, 2.6 times more than the same period of normal years, ranking first in the same period since 1961. Affected by this, 24 rivers including the Wusuli River main stream Hutou to Dong'an Zhenjiang section and its tributaries Muling River, Naoli River, Peide River, Neiqixing River, etc. have experienced floods above the warning level, among which the Wusuli River main stream Hutou to Raohe River section and its tributaries Muling River, Naoli River, etc. have experienced floods above the protection level. The upper Wusuli River has experienced the largest flood since measured data were available. The peak water level at the Hutou hydrological station was 57.99 meters at 4:00 on June 29, exceeding the protection level by 0.90 meters, and the water level ranked first since measured data were available in 1951.

At 8: 00 on June 29, the section of the Wusuli River from Hutou to Dongan Zhenjiang exceeded the police by 0.74 to 1.94 meters, of which the section from Hutou to Raohe exceeded insurance by 0.39 to 0.89 meters. It is expected that the Wusuli River basin will continue to have light to moderate rain in the coming week. Affected by rainfall and incoming water from the upper reaches, the Raohe section of the main stream of the Wusuli River will have a flood peak water level of about 0.80 meters around July 2, and the Dongan Zhenjiang section will have a flood peak water level of about 1.00 meters around July 4. The Haiqing River section will have a flood peak water level around July 5.

The Ministry of Water Resources closely monitors the rainfall and flood situation in the Wusuli River Basin, conducts rolling forecasts, and holds more frequent consultations and assessments. It has launched a Level IV emergency response for flood defense in Heilongjiang Province, and dispatched a working group to the front line to assist and guide the Wusuli River flood defense work. The Songliao Water Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources has launched a Level IV emergency response for flood defense, and strengthened the guidance of flood control dispatching, safe flood season, and embankment inspection and defense work in the Wusuli River Basin reservoir. The Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Water Resources has launched a Level III emergency response, and dispatched 7 working groups and expert groups to cities and counties along the Wusuli River to guide flood control and rescue operations; Hulin City has heightened and thickened the embankments in key areas, laid colored strips, and repaired and leveled flood control roads; Fuyuan City has pre-positioned inspection and rescue forces and materials in advance, and is ready to transfer personnel at any time.

In the next step, the Ministry of Water Resources will continue to closely monitor the development of flood conditions in the Ussuri River Basin, hold rolling consultations and assessments, issue early warnings in a timely manner, scientifically dispatch water projects, and guide local governments to do a good job in embankment inspection and defense, reservoir safety during the flood season, and flood prevention in small and medium-sized rivers.

Ministry of Water Resources: The largest flood since measured data was recorded occurred in the upper reaches of the Wusuli River
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