Pudong establishes a cultural and creative youth association to attract fans with regional culture

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 29, 2024 11:08 AM

The first plenary session of the second membership conference of the Pudong New Area Cultural and Creative Youth Association was held recently, and the "Beautiful Pudong" joint creation plan was launched on the spot.

The reporter learned that the new membership of the association consists of 123 members from the fields of cultural and artistic creation, online new economy, cultural media, cultural venues, cultural, sports and tourism industry services, and news and publicity.

At the meeting, the "Beautiful Pudong" joint creation plan was released. The plan was initiated by the Pudong New Area Youth League Committee and aims to integrate the cultural, talent and technical resources of the members of the Pudong Cultural and Creative Youth Association and their units, promote the deep integration of cultural and creative industries with online new economy, sports, tourism and other fields, strengthen cooperation in cultural communication, cultural and creative design, and integrated media product production, and promote the high-quality development of the new area's cultural and creative industry by creating high-quality cultural IP, building cultural projects with Pudong youth characteristics, and carrying out cultural activities that young people love.

On the same day, representatives of the association members jointly signed the "Pudong Youth Partner Plan". In the future, the Youth League District Committee will lead the association to continue to work together in the fields of news media, new think tanks, cultural creativity, and youth public welfare. By strengthening content planning in areas such as youth ideological guidance and youth growth services, promoting user promotion, resource exchange, and co-organization of activities, it will actively serve and guide young people. At the same time, it will continue to build a youth cultural and creative talent exchange platform to provide more opportunities for learning, communication, and cooperation for young cultural and creative talents.

Shao Shizhi, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the Pudong New Area Party Committee and director of the District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, expressed the hope that the association will further gather strength to allow more young cultural and creative talents to take root in Pudong, and further stimulate vitality to allow more young cultural and creative brands to blossom in Pudong. Reporters learned that in the future, the Pudong New Area Cultural and Creative Youth Association will do a good job in improving political leadership, platform cohesion, brand influence, and overall contribution, guide cultural and creative youth in various fields to start businesses on larger platforms, create cultural and creative projects with more Pudong cultural characteristics, and create more high-quality "fan-attracting" products.

Pudong establishes a cultural and creative youth association to attract fans with regional culture
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