It became a "gap" targeted by "flies". The official who was dismissed said that he loved to eat at food stalls.

Release time:Jun 29, 2024 14:09 PM

On June 28, the WeChat official account of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, "Clean Sichuan", published an article disclosing the details of Fan Yunhui, former deputy secretary of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Luojiang District, Deyang City, Sichuan Province, who voluntarily surrendered and repented.

"To be honest, when I first received the money, I did think about the party discipline, laws and regulations, and supervision, and I also thought about the consequences I might face in the future. I felt guilty. I took the money back and put it under my bed. I think it stayed there for more than two months.

The first "fly" was Huang, who flew towards me. Seeing that I loved to take advantage of others and that I had weaknesses, and that the "egg" itself already had a crack, he treated me to meals and drinks frequently, and slowly "hunted" me down like a "boiling frog in warm water."

When I went to Wan'an in October 2014, Mi was another "fly" that flew towards me, looking for my hobbies, which were actually my weaknesses, to see if there was any gap he could exploit.

When I eat, I like to go to food stalls and farmhouses. After they knew this, they contacted the farmhouses and food stalls in advance and consciously sat next to them and gave them money. After a few more contacts through this opportunity, they reported to me and asked me if I would consider our place. I really took advantage of the situation and said yes.

When I was an official, I did so many things and was more tired than others, so I thought that I deserved the extra gifts from others. I thought that I was already fifty-one or fifty-two years old, so there was no hope. The gifts were all from acquaintances, and no one reported it, so there should be no problem. It was precisely because of this fluke mentality that my original intention was replaced by selfishness. "

Fan Yunhui, male, born in July 1967, has served as Party Secretary and People's Congress Chairman of Huijue Town, Luojiang County, Deyang City, member of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the County Population and Family Planning Bureau, Director of the County Animal Husbandry and Food Bureau, Party Secretary of Wan'an Town, Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Leadership Group of the District People's Congress Standing Committee.

In September 2022, Fan Yunhui voluntarily surrendered and accepted disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Deyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

In March 2023, Fan Yunhui was expelled from the Party and removed from public office for serious violations of Party discipline, violations of duty, and suspected bribery and embezzlement. His suspected crimes were transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with the law, and the relevant property was transferred together.

In June 2023, Fan Yunhui was sentenced to seven years in prison and fined RMB 300,000 for the crimes of accepting bribes and embezzlement.

In 1990, Fan Yunhui, who had just graduated from university, was assigned to work in Luojiang Town, Shizhong District, Deyang City. He became an "intellectual" in the eyes of his fellow villagers, and some even gave him the taboo name "Fan University". Seeing some business owners with low education living a carefree life of "going out of restaurants and going into karaoke bars", while he, a "Fan University", had to survive on a meager salary, his greed began to sprout, his jealousy grew, and he made up his mind to be "above others". As a result, Fan Yunhui gradually became "an egg with a crack", attracting "flies" to come, flatter, cling to him, and "hunt" and corrupt him.

From 2006 to 2022, Fan Yunhui used his position to seek benefits for others in project contracting, fund allocation, medical equipment procurement, etc., and accepted property from others totaling more than 2.04 million yuan; he used his position to embezzle a total of 1.01 million yuan in government financial funds for the purpose of illegal possession by fabricating and inflating engineering projects.

I never dreamed that I would make a mistake and reach this point, but I was the one who made the mistake. I didn't dare to accept money and things at first, but I was paralyzed by luck and dared to let go, and finally I had no scruples. From strict self-discipline to the "top leader" having the final say, from serving the people to "serving the RMB", I went to every station and received money, and I went all the way and took money all the way, which seriously violated the party discipline and national laws. Now I really regret it!

Flies love to bite cracked eggs. Recalling the process of making mistakes, it is like a perfect egg that cracked after an accidental collision. As the outer periphery changes, the internal structure also begins to react, and some different smells appear, attracting flies to fly over and bite my "cracked egg".

Since I started working, I have had the wrong idea of ​​"wanting to be an official and get rich". In the early 1990s, my monthly income was only about 300 yuan, and there was little left after the food expenses. Seeing that some people with low education became bosses, "opening restaurants and entering karaoke bars", doing nothing and spending money like water, I wondered why they had all these material and enjoyment, and I felt unbalanced and jealous. I thought that if I could become a leader, then these bosses would definitely listen to me, so I wanted to be an official at that time, thinking it was a symbol of power. With the establishment of Luojiang County, the organization gave me opportunities, from section chief to deputy director, from deputy secretary to director, from director to party secretary, from having no say to having the final say. Since I have been the "top leader" for 15 years, I have wanted to turn some of my previous ideas into reality. Therefore, those "flies" have pounced on me one after another, looking for my "egg crack" and currying my favor. I also unknowingly enjoyed the pleasure while walking on the road of violating discipline and law.

Because material desires, power desires, and the desire to get rich have always been lingering in my heart, and I usually "read books for the surface, read newspapers for the headlines" or simply "don't read books or newspapers, rely on experience, and feel that I am important", I don't study the party's disciplines and regulations seriously, and I only have a superficial understanding of the requirements of my superiors, or even don't listen to them at all. I put the requirements of the Discipline Inspection Commission aside and don't implement them seriously, thus developing a wrong world outlook, outlook on life, and values, and forgetting my ideals, beliefs, and sense of purpose. As a result, I went further and further down the road of violating disciplines and laws.

Now, after the organization's patient, meticulous and profound education, I have realized from the bottom of my soul the seriousness and harmfulness of the mistakes I made. Punishing me is educating a large number of people. When I think of the organization still not giving up on me, a "bad guy with cracks", and still educating and helping to reform me, I can't help but kneel down and cry.

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