How does the Canton Fair attract buyers to buy, buy, buy, CCTV Bay Area quick review: from intention to order

Release time:May 04, 2024 16:33 PM

Although the 135th Canton Fair has been held in its third phase, the "heat" is still increasing.

The data is the most intuitive: As of May 3, more than 240,000 overseas purchasers from 215 countries and regions had attended the conference, an increase of 24.7% over the same period last year.

As the earliest "foreign trade window" for New China to communicate with the world, it has gone through the 135th Canton Fair and is still known as "China's No. 1 Exhibition". Positioned as a comprehensive exhibition, why is the popularity of the Canton Fair not diverted by other professional exhibitions? After 68 years, why is it still firmly chosen by Chinese and foreign merchants and the world market?

Through orders one by one, we may be able to find the answer to why the Canton Fair remains ever-lasting and popular.

How does the Canton Fair attract buyers to buy, buy, buy, CCTV Bay Area quick review: from intention to order

First, there is "real demand" overseas, and the Canton Fair can respond "quickly." To measure the success of a trade show, it is not enough to just look at "popularity". It also depends on whether the exhibition can achieve more transactions and allow both supply and demand parties to achieve a real transformation from intention to order.

What is the “liquidity” of the Canton Fair? Through the huge flow of people, we saw this set of data: more than 80% of the exhibitors got to know more suppliers through the Canton Fair, 64% of the exhibitors found more suitable supporting service providers, and 62% of the exhibitors obtained More efficient production alternatives. Looking at this Canton Fair, there are more than 8,700 booths in the most popular and in-demand themes such as electronics and home appliances, new energy, new energy vehicles and smart travel, industrial automation and smart manufacturing, with nearly 3,600 exhibiting companies, an unprecedented scale. .

From the dynamic changes in the exhibition layout, it is not difficult to see the new trend of China's foreign trade development from the Canton Fair, the most real "trade frontline": the high-end, intelligent and green development direction of "Made in China" is in line with the changes in the world's consumer market. Reality requires a high degree of overlap.

And this "real demand" has also been externalized into a strong growth momentum in the export of high-quality products, including the "New Three": In the first quarter of this year, the foreign trade exports of Guangdong, the host country of the Canton Fair and a major foreign trade province, reached 13,100 billion, an increase of 9%.

How does the Canton Fair attract buyers to buy, buy, buy, CCTV Bay Area quick review: from intention to order

Among them, the export performance of the "three new products" such as electric passenger vehicles, lithium batteries, and solar cells is "dazzling": Taking enterprises in the Guangzhou Customs District as an example, the export of the "three new products" in the first quarter increased by 57.1% year-on-year, among which, Exports of electric passenger vehicles were 2.45 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.3 times.

It is products with high technology, high added value and leading green transformation that drive export growth. The vitality of enterprises and the strength of industries to continuously "innovate" are also injecting strong new momentum into the development of foreign trade.

Behind the Canton Fair is a "stable" and active Chinese market, as well as a "firm" Chinese attitude. If high-quality products are the "hard currency" for marketing in the international market, supporting convenient services are the "stepping stone" that opens the door to more opportunities. At every Canton Fair, it is routine for exhibitors to strive for high-quality services to win orders, and the "new" rhythm of public services tailored to the Canton Fair can also keep up with the speed of product changes.

From the introduction of measures such as "synchronization of exhibitions and inspections" and "one-stop service" for the whole process of business online, to the establishment of special channels at passenger ports such as Nansha and Pazhou in Guangzhou, foreign businessmen marveled at the thoughtful and meticulous "Cantonese-style services" , I deeply understand that China attaches great importance to such a global foreign trade exhibition and its open attitude of "making friends with customers from all over the world".

How does the Canton Fair attract buyers to buy, buy, buy, CCTV Bay Area quick review: from intention to order

Through cross-border trade from "intentions" to "orders", perhaps we can get the real answer to the "high liquidity" and "high realizability" of the Canton Fair: it is the two-way rush of supply and demand across the ocean, and it is the foreign businessman's desire for stability and stability. The firm choice of the active Chinese market also reflects China’s firm attitude towards opening up to the outside world.

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