May 4th Youth Day themed micro video: inspiring youth with a fighting attitude

Release time:May 04, 2024 12:29 PM

What is youth? It is full of vigor and high spirits, using dreams as horses and living up to the time... When the page of youth is opened inadvertently, a fiery journey begins.

As for the definition of youth, every generation has its own answer. On the occasion of the May 4th Youth Day in 2024, People's Daily launched a micro video with the theme "Inspiring Youth with Struggle", inviting young teachers and students to talk about the responsibilities and missions of youth in the new era, and jointly write a chapter of youth that is responsible for Chinese modernization.

"Take root in the vast earth and love our homeland deeply. The leaves are like the green river water, and the flowers are as blue as the sky. The Malan flower is silently beautiful in the world; the Malan flower spreads quietly through the years..." This is the original drama "Ma Orchid Blooms" by Tsinghua University. The lyrics in the theme song affectionately praise the extraordinary life of Deng Jiaxian, the "father of the two bombs", who worked tirelessly and selflessly for the motherland's nuclear industry.

Chen Zihan, a 2022 graduate student at Tsinghua University School of Law, plays Deng Jiaxian in "Ma Oran Blossoms". Having a dialogue with "Lao Deng" across generations, he was infected by the dedication of the older generation of patriotic scientists and gained a deeper understanding of the mission of the youth in the new era.

"Malanhua is rooted in the vast Gobi desert and can still bloom bright flowers." Chen Zihan said that Chinese young people in the new era are born at the right time and have heavy responsibilities on their shoulders. The stage for displaying their talents is extremely broad. They should live up to the times and China. In the years, we will run hard on the youth track and fulfill our youth vows with practical actions.

He said that as a young student majoring in law, he will study hard, continuously improve his own quality, actively participate in the construction of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, closely integrate his personal ideal pursuit with the development needs of the country, and contribute to the greatness of the Chinese nation. The rejuvenated Chinese dream contributes the power of youth.

"Looking for the focus and direction of scientific research based on national needs is the first lesson I learned when I started scientific research." Song Siyang, a lecturer at the School of Aerospace and Aeronautics of Xi'an Jiaotong University, is a "post-90s" scientific researcher who specializes in high-precision research. Control Technology.

Although the research direction involves heavy investment and slow output, he still chose such a "hard nut to crack". He knows very well that only by holding key core technologies in his own hands can he firmly grasp the initiative in innovation and development.

In addition to daily teaching work, Song Siyang is deeply involved in projects and immersed in the laboratory. This is the normal life of Song Siyang in school. He and his team members immersed themselves in the laboratory and worked hard to conduct research on material driving principles, driver structures, control methods, etc., and worked hard to solve the "stuck neck" problem in the aerospace industry.

"We are living in a prosperous era in the new era, so we should cherish the resources and opportunities brought to young people by the vigorous development of our motherland, be determined to become talented, and live up to the ardent expectations of the party and the people." Song Siyang said that as young teachers in colleges and universities, we must also practice With excellent skills, they shoulder the important responsibilities of the times, take serving the strategic needs of the motherland’s development as their own responsibility, and down-to-earthly transform the results of scientific and technological innovation work into new driving forces for the development of new productive forces, and contribute wisdom and strength to national construction.

Struggle is the foundation of youth. Integrating the passion of youth into the mountains and rivers of the motherland and writing practical articles on the land of the motherland are also the most beautiful forms of youth.

Zhang Huiying, a student at the School of Marxism at Shandong University, is one of the first batch of undergraduates majoring in Marxist theory in the country. After graduating from her undergraduate degree, she served as a volunteer for the Western Xinjiang Project, teaching in the northwest of the motherland, less than 100 kilometers away from the China-Kazakhstan border port, and transformed her professional learning into local educational practice.

"The mission and responsibility of the youth in the new era is to be brave, to be the first, and to devote themselves to the places where the motherland and the people need it most." With the strength accumulated during her participation in the Western Plan, Zhang Huiying has a better understanding of her responsibilities. Youth Responsibility.

Last fall semester, Zhang Huiying returned to Shandong University for further studies and became a master's degree candidate in party building. In the future, she will continue to practice "practice makes true knowledge", dedicate herself to learning, conduct research, and join the young people to attend the appointment of the times and answer the questions of the times.

At the beginning of this year, a volunteer who took "Little Sugar Oranges" to study at Harbin Institute of Technology attracted the attention of netizens because of his gentle smile. This Internet celebrity "Smiling Senior" is Yang Baihui, a 2023 master's student in the School of Civil Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology.

This is not the first time Yang Baihui has participated in volunteer service activities. In 2022, he took the initiative to sign up to participate in volunteer teaching in western China to serve grassroots education. "When I was a child, I really wanted to be a teacher. I had a small blackboard at home and I often told it to myself. After hearing my seniors share their stories of volunteer teaching, I also wanted to take a look and give it a try," Yang Baihui said.

"While 'supporting intelligence', I think 'supporting ambition' is more important. Letting children realize the importance of learning and building up the courage and confidence to learn is the focus of my work." During the teaching period, Yang Baihui planned and carried out theme group classes and inspirational lectures, conveying the core spirit of Harbin Institute of Technology’s “Eight Hundred Heroes” to children and encouraging everyone to bravely pursue their dreams.

"What I have seen and felt this year, I feel that there are still many places in the motherland where young people need to play a role." Yang Baihui said that young people in the new era must strengthen their ideals and beliefs, bravely shoulder the important responsibilities of the times, maintain the passion for struggle, and be determined to devote themselves to the great cause of strengthening the country. Contribute young people to China’s modernization drive.

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