Stand up for Chinese-style modernization - General Secretary Xi Jinping’s sincere message inspires young people to strive for their dreams

Release time:May 04, 2024 15:10 PM

Beijing, May 4th: Stand up for Chinese-style modernization - General Secretary Xi Jinping’s sincere message inspires young people to strive for their dreams

On the occasion of the May 4th Youth Day, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, on behalf of the Party Central Committee, extended holiday congratulations and sincere greetings to young people across the country.

The general secretary’s sincere message has inspired and inspired the majority of young people. Everyone said that on the new journey, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we must have ideals in mind, bravely shoulder important responsibilities, and use our youthful self and striving self to contribute youthful energy to the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “In the new era and new journey, young people of all ethnic groups across the country have heeded the call of the Party and the people and bravely served as vanguards and new forces in various fields such as scientific and technological innovation, rural revitalization, green development, social services, and border defense. Showing a confident, strong and promising spirit, the Party Central Committee has full trust and high hopes for the young people!”

"The General Secretary affirmed that the young people of the new era play an important role in the field of scientific and technological innovation, which inspired the hearts of the vast number of aerospace youth." said Xiong Tianci, the "post-90s" general designer of the First Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

Just yesterday, the Chang'e-6 probe, which carried out the world's first sample return mission to the far side of the moon, was lifted off by the Long March 5 carrier rocket. The team of Xiong Tianci, who participated in the overall design of the Long March 5 launch vehicle, has more than 60% of young people under the age of 35. Xiong Tianci said: "Innovation is the general secretary's consistent entrustment to the aerospace youth. We must be brave enough to innovate and make breakthroughs, tackle core technologies, strive to be the backbone of the development of the aerospace industry, and constantly climb to new heights in aerospace science and technology."

Huang Changli, a "post-85s" who just won the China Youth May 4th Medal, is the captain of the Pingxiang Border Management Brigade of the Chongzuo Border Management Detachment in Guangxi and has been stationed at the southern gate of the motherland for 15 years.

"In his message, the General Secretary mentioned the young people who defend the country and guard the borders, emphasizing that the Party Central Committee has full trust and high hopes for the majority of young people, which made me even more determined to defend the country and guard the borders." Huang Changli said with deep feeling, "Life is a good one. To be meaningful, we must actively integrate personal growth into the cause of the party and the people. We must base ourselves on our posts, protect the great rivers and mountains, and shine for the harmony and tranquility of the border.”

Youth goes to the party and youth makes progress. Yang Xiaoli, who works at the Notary Office of Weixi Lisu Autonomous County in Yunnan Province, has a deep understanding of the message of "unswervingly listening to the party and following the party." On the eve of the May 4th Movement in 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the "Remain true to the original intention and follow the Party" themed group day event at China University of Political Science and Law. Yang Xiaoli, who was a sophomore at the time, listened to the General Secretary's earnest teachings at the scene. "The majority of young people who are members of the League are determined to follow the party, which is their original intention." The general secretary's words at that time are still unforgettable to her.

"Without forgetting this original intention, I returned to my hometown of Yunnan to take root at the grassroots level, serve the people, and let the light of youth shine where the motherland needs it." Yang Xiaoli said.

General Secretary Xi Jinping hopes that the majority of young people will "strive to be good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, are able to endure hardships, and are willing to work hard" and strive to write a chapter of youth that is responsible for Chinese modernization.

"The general secretary's message is full of ardent expectations for young people, which makes me feel the great responsibility on my shoulders." Wang Xujie, head of the "Ecological Civilization" doctoral lecturer group of Beijing Forestry University, said that he will work with the team to carry out theoretical lectures, focus on scientific and technological innovation, Practice environmental protection and public welfare, show youthful style and demonstrate youthful responsibility on the road of green development.

The May Day holiday coincides with the peak travel time. At the electric vehicle charging station in the Changshan Service Area of ​​the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway in Quzhou, Zhejiang, the youth commando team of the State Grid Quzhou Power Supply Company is busy.

"By forming a technical team, we built a power load growth model for charging piles and strived to meet the power demand of the masses during the festival." Lin Zihan, a member of the Youth Commando of the State Grid Quzhou Power Supply Company, said, showing youthful deeds, youthful style and contribution The power of youth, this is the general secretary’s expectation for young people. I will keep in mind the instructions, serve users with heart and soul in the power supply position, and write the chapter of youth with hard work and responsibility.

Providing tangible help to young people and escorting the Party's warmth and love into the hearts of young people is an important manifestation of adhering to the principle of the Party's management of youth work, and Party organizations at all levels are duty-bound.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his message that "we care about the growth of young people and support the majority of young people in making achievements." Zhu Qingyu, director of the Employment and Talent Center of Banan District, Chongqing, was deeply touched by this.

"Helping young people solve their worries and worries in terms of job hunting after graduation, innovation and entrepreneurship, etc. is a major issue in youth work at present." Zhu Qingyu said that in the next step, the Banan District Employment and Talent Center will translate the important requirements of the General Secretary into We will take heart-warming measures to provide employment and entrepreneurship for college graduates, continue to implement the "Elite Reserve Plan" for young talents, build talent and position information sharing channels, and create more favorable conditions for young people to make contributions to their careers.

"Universities play an important role in the growth and success of young people." Liu Yanli, deputy dean of the College of Future Technology of Tianjin University, said that to implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, we will uphold the original intention of education and improve student-centered teacher evaluation and teaching resources. Integrate and student evaluation system to promote the all-round development of students' moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and physical skills.

The Communist Youth League is the party's assistant and reserve army, and an important force in the party's youth work. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the Communist Youth League must shoulder the missions entrusted by the Party in the new era and new journey, inherit and carry forward fine traditions, and unite young people to work tirelessly for the cause of the Party and the people.

Wang Weisi, secretary of the Youth League Committee of Harbin Institute of Technology, said: “This year marks the 105th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement. We will inherit and carry forward the May Fourth spirit, play the main role in ideological and political education, set up a big stage for students to grow into talents, and maintain the base of campus cultural vitality. , build a bridge of communication between the school and students, and bring together the wisdom and power of young students.”

"As a cadre of a central enterprise league, I will benchmark and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions. In the following work, I will unite and lead the young members of the league to be down-to-earth and work hard in the construction of major projects and major projects, and to have the courage to bear hardships, bear difficulties, and They shoulder heavy responsibilities and risks and firmly shoulder the mission of central-owned enterprise youth in building a powerful transportation country," said Hu Yu, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of CCCC Road Construction Group.

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