People’s Leader|Be a Youth Friend

Release time:May 04, 2024 12:29 PM

On the eve of the May 4th Youth Day in 2022, Xi Jinping visited Renmin University of China for inspection.

In the quiet Renmin University History Exhibition Hall, two old photos stand out: one is a photo of Xi Jinping and college students; the other was taken at the Zhengding County Government Guest House, where Xi Jinping and college students were sitting on the edge of the bed having a long conversation.

On July 29, 1984, Xi Jinping and members of the Summer Social Practice Group of Renmin University of China had a discussion in the dormitory of the Zhengding County Government Guest House.

The photo records a past event that happened in the summer of 1984 - the summer social practice group of Renmin University of China went to Zhengding, Hebei Province for investigation. Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhengding County Party Committee, made a special trip to visit the college students by bicycle. In the dormitory of the Zhengding County Government Guest House, Xi Jinping had a heart-to-heart talk with everyone and shared his experience in grassroots work. The conversation lasted two hours.

From the local to the central government, young people have always been Xi Jinping’s concern.

Go deep into the youth, "integrate with the youth", "be a friend of the youth, not an 'official' of the youth", "be an intimate of the youth's friends"... This is what Xi Jinping often talks about, and what he practices personally.

People’s Leader|Be a Youth Friend

Xi Jinping often goes among young people and communicates with them on an equal and cordial basis.

On January 17, 2019, Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with teachers and students at the State Key Laboratory of Elemental and Organic Chemistry at Nankai University in Tianjin.

In 2009, he came to Tianjin University to visit students who were studying abroad during the vacation, and said humorously: "I am very willing to 'talk about the mountains' with our classmates." At a symposium in 2015, he used his personal experience as an example to persuade young people not to grow old. Staying up late, "You have to be passionate on the inside, but you still have to be calm and leisurely on the outside"; in 2018, he shared his reading experience with his classmates at Peking University: "Through constant re-examination during the reading process, we can achieve the negation of negation, review the past and learn the new." "This kind of conclusion drawn through one's own thinking and understanding will be unwavering"...

Xi Jinping is also the "pen pal" of many young people. Letter after letter, the paper is short but the love is long.

"Reading between the lines, I feel your determination and confidence in striving to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." All the students of the 2009 Undergraduate Youth League branch of the School of Archeology and Museology of Peking University read their understanding and recognition from Xi Jinping's reply.

"The farmers have the most real feelings about your dedication and contribution. I have read a lot of materials reflecting the deeds of college student village officials, and I am happy for your progress and achievements." Zhang Guangxiu, a college student village official, felt affirmation and recognition from Xi Jinping's reply. Inspire.

People’s Leader|Be a Youth Friend

"Strive to become a builder of the western region who is useful and capable of shouldering important responsibilities. I support this life choice you have made." Graduates of the Karamay Campus of China University of Petroleum received recognition and support from Xi Jinping's reply.

“There is no airs of a big leader at all, and there are no official words or clichés, but we communicate with us like big friends.” “It makes people feel so easy-going and friendly” and “very approachable”... This is Xi Jinping’s message to many young people. impression.

On May 28, 2023, resident college students from Xifangezhuang Village Science and Technology Institute, Yukou Town, Pinggu District, Beijing, measured the hardness of tomato fruits in the Jingwa Greenhouse Horticulture Demonstration Garden.

Young people are in the initial stage of life, and they will inevitably be confused and confused as they grow up. In the eyes of young people, Xi Jinping is a "senior" and a "big friend". He will always use words that young people can understand and listen to to guide them every step of their lives.

He once used the metaphor of "kneading dough" to explain to young people the process of entering society in a simple and profound way: "Add water to flour and knead it, and then knead it, and it will spread easily. But if you continue to knead it, after kneading it thousands of times, It will never fall apart again." Xi Jinping used this vivid metaphor to tell young people that only by growing up under various tests can a person truly withstand the pressure of life.

When talking about study, Xi Jinping encouraged young people to "absorb knowledge like a sponge absorbing water" and develop excellent skills; when talking about physical fitness, he introduced his sports hobbies and encouraged young people to study well and maintain good health. ; When it comes to self-cultivation, he exhorted young people to "buckle the buttons of life right from the beginning" and to develop a correct value orientation... Yan Yin's words are the mutual understanding between friends, and they are also the advice and encouragement from the seniors to the juniors.

People’s Leader|Be a Youth Friend

A Peking University student who had a discussion with Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, in 1990 said: "We feel that Secretary Xi understands what young people are thinking very well."

"How long have you been teaching?" "How does the current salary level compare with the county or other places?" "How often can you go home?"... In 2019, on the playground of Zhongyi Township Primary School in Huaxi Village, Chongqing, Xi Jinping carefully Ask. After hearing a rural teacher say that she returned to her alma mater as a teacher after going to college and has been working for 17 years, Xi Jinping praised her: "Great!" "The work you do is very meaningful."

During the National Two Sessions in 2023, Wei Qiao, a representative of the "post-80s" generation, told Xi Jinping the story of "new farmers" in the new era: "We have now planted more than 20,000 acres of rice, with a yield of 1,100 kilograms per mu...effectively motivating surrounding farmers." Get rich." Xi Jinping praised: "It's great for comrades like Wei Qiao to go to the countryside!"

On April 24, 2024, astronauts Ye Guangfu, Li Cong, and Li Guangsu of the Shenzhou 18 manned mission met collectively with media reporters at Wentian Pavilion of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

At the Hengqin campus of the University of Macau, seeing that all the students were full of youthful vigor, Xi Jinping quoted two lyrics to talk about patriotism: one is "Build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood" from the national anthem, and the other is "Seven Sons" "But what they took away was my body, and you still kept the soul in my heart."

"You can always hear new ideas and be deeply moved." Xi Jinping personally felt every young person present.

People’s Leader|Be a Youth Friend

The dream of youth is to have a family and a country. Under Xi Jinping's care and concern, every youthful seed accumulates the power to grow.

"Chinese youth in the new era are great and worthy of great responsibilities!" "Where is the future? The future is with you." Xi Jinping's entrustment to young friends is also his expectation for the future of the motherland: "This Chinese dragon Only if she has a backbone and can hold on can she soar higher."

The cumulative cargo volume of the Three Gorges Shiplock in 20 years has reached 1.91 billion tons | Golden Waterway | Three Gorges
The cumulative cargo volume of the Three Gorges Shiplock in 20 years has reached 1.91 billion tons | Golden Waterway | Three Gorges

June 18th this year marks the 20th anniversary of the Three Gorges Shiplock's opening to the public for navigation. The reporter learned from the Three Gorges Navigation Administration of the Yangtze River that over the past 20 years, the Three Gorges Ship Lock has operated more than 193000 times, with more than 993000 ships and more than 12.239 million passengers passing through. The cargo volume passing through the lock has reached 1.91 billion tons, and the free cargo passing through the lock can be converted into a 40 foot container that can be connected from head to tail and circle the Earth 22.4 times. The Three Gorges Shiplock, as the world's most continuous series, highest total head and inter stage water transfer head, and most technologically complex inland waterway lock, is truly a major national weapon and a throat on the Yangtze River artery. Over the past 20 years, the daily operation frequency of the Three Gorges Ship Lock has increased from 13 locks to 15 locks to 16 locks; The draft control standard has been increased from 3.3 meters to 4.3 meters per gate

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The "Ten Million Project" is a microcosm of the significant achievements made in China's agriculture, rural areas, and farmers work.

The fourth volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" is published in multiple languages. Xi Jinping
The fourth volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" is published in multiple languages. Xi Jinping

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 11th. The fourth volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" is available in 8 languages, including French, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Japanese and Traditional Chinese. Recently, it was published by Foreign Languages ​​Publishing House Published and distributed at home and abroad. The fourth volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" was edited by the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Party History and Documentation Research Institute, and the China International Publishing Group. It contains General Secretary Xi Jinping's important remarks from February 3, 2020 to May 10, 2022. There are 109 articles including speeches, talks, lectures, speeches, instructions, congratulatory letters, etc. It also includes 45 pictures of General Secretary Xi Jinping since January 2020. The book is divided into 21 special topics, vividly recording the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, facing the complex situation of a century of changes and a century of epidemics superimposed on each other.

Xi Jinping's Cultural footprint: a perception of Cultural self-confidence from the Sansu Temple in the Millennium
Xi Jinping's Cultural footprint: a perception of Cultural self-confidence from the Sansu Temple in the Millennium

We must strengthen our cultural confidence, take on our mission, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

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Chinese Stars | Supporting Aerospace Heroes with Life Support Umbrella Medical | Mission | Life

Supporting the Life Support Umbrella of Aerospace Heroes - Documentary of the Medical Rescue Team's Medical Support Mission of Shenzhou 15 Manned Flight, Traveling Three Thousand Miles All the Way, Shouldering the Dream of Aerospace! From the heart of our country's capital to the vast depths of the Gobi Desert, the Shenzhou series manned flight mission medical rescue team quietly sets out with the stars every time, heading back silently in the morning, faithfully fulfilling the responsibilities assigned by the Party and personnel for space medical rescue missions. They are always ready to escort the safe return of space heroes with unwavering courage, fearless sacrifice, and relentless pursuit of excellence and meticulous technical skills. They have successfully completed all the medical support missions of Shenzhou manned flights and shouldered the mountain like responsibility of escorting the dream of flying. In order to welcome the astronauts back home safely, they have been working hard day and night - fully prepared to ensure that the divine ship is flawless