Farmers' life history in the rural museum Wufengshan | Xiaomiaozi Village | Life History

Release time:Jun 29, 2024 13:51 PM

The abandoned wheel could not have imagined that many years later, it would be solemnly hung on the wall for people to visit; there are also erhu and suona on the wall, and Mongolian whips and bows and arrows hung next to them; look again, embroidered shoes and Mongolian boots are arranged in order; the sled used for farming and the display board telling the story of the emperor marrying his daughter are back to back, on both sides of a wall.

Many exhibits have famous brands, such as "Qiaotou shoes", "Bed cleaning tools", "Shou hoe"...

On June 28, the production and living items were displayed in the Xiaomiaozi Village Museum. Photo by China Youth Daily and China Youth Network reporter Wang Zhe

In Xiaomiaozi Village, Damiao Town, Songshan District, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, there is a "Folk Museum" located in a spacious bungalow at the entrance of the village. It has a serious sign hanging on it and is open to welcome visitors.

A sand table is placed in the most conspicuous position at the entrance, telling the story of Princess Heshuo Wenke, the thirteenth daughter of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, marrying a Mongolian prince. The mausoleum of Princess Heshuo Wenke is located in the Princess Mausoleum Village of Damiao Town.

"I am the descendant of the guards who came with the princess as a dowry." Zhao Huijie, secretary of the Party branch of Xiaomiaozi Village, introduced that the old items here were all donated by villagers, and they are historical witnesses of the exchanges and integration of multiple ethnic groups.

From Mongolian costumes, Manchu banners, Qing Dynasty nail covers, wine glasses, silver bowls, to kerosene lamps, washboards, slip-on shoes, plows, and noodle beds, the villagers all have stories to tell when they see these old items. Wu Fengshan, the accountant of Xiaomiaozi Village, pointed to a pair of black cloth shoes and said, "They are called 'slip-on shoes'. I wore them when I was a child. Both are the same, and I can't tell the left from the right."

Seeing the radio, he went on, "When we were young, if someone had a radio, several people would go to his house to listen to it, and the whole house would be crowded at night." He still remembers the operas he listened to at that time, "Now that life is better, we don’t watch TV anymore, we watch our mobile phones instead."

The oldest "foreign cannon" in the museum is said to be more than 100 years old. "This belonged to old Shen's family. After he died, he gave it to his son-in-law. His son-in-law came to the Folk Customs Museum once and said it was an old item, so he brought it here." Wu Fengshan recalled. His ancestors came here from Shanxi, and now there are six generations.

On June 28, Wu Fengshan showed his casual shoes to reporters at the Xiaomiaozi Village Museum. Photo by Wang Zhe, a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network

At present, the villagers collect the items that can be put on display and send them to the museum. Although the museum is small, it vividly and vividly reflects the changes in the lives of the people.

In addition to using his mobile phone for entertainment, Wu Fengshan's phone also contains the contact information of many medicinal seed suppliers.

It is understood that Chifeng City, where Xiaomiaozi Village is located, has a history of more than 300 years of Chinese medicinal material cultivation. Due to the large temperature difference between day and night, sufficient sunlight and low precipitation, this place is suitable for the growth of Chinese medicinal materials. In recent years, Xiaomiaozi Village has vigorously adjusted its industrial structure and concentrated its efforts on promoting the planting of carrots and Chinese medicinal materials. The total area of ​​Chinese medicinal materials planted in the village has reached 3,000 mu.

Last year, Wu Fengshan's family planted 26 mu of Achyranthes bidentata, earning a profit of more than 100,000 yuan. Having tasted the sweetness, he not only expanded the scale this year, contracting more than 100 mu of land to plant Achyranthes bidentata, Codonopsis pilosula and other Chinese medicinal materials, but also persuaded his eldest son who was contracting out the land to come home to help him.

On the day of the interview, Wu Fengshan hired more than 20 villagers from nearby to weed the fields. They were paid 17 yuan an hour. They would work for four or five days. "It's worth the investment. Last year, we could earn five to six thousand yuan per acre of land."

Compared with growing vegetables in the past, Wu Fengshan said: "Vegetables should be sold fresh, while Chinese medicinal herbs have relatively less risk. If they are not sold in time, they can still be sold after drying, at least the capital can be protected."

While the villagers are getting rich through hard work, the living environment of Xiaomiaozi Village has also improved. More than 20 livelihood projects such as hardened roads, installation of street lights, construction of theme cultural squares, and repair of public toilets have effectively improved the appearance of the village and the production and living conditions of the villagers. "I look forward to the plum trees at home bearing fruit so that I can have whatever I want to eat," said Wu Fengshan's wife.

As more and more tourists visit Xiaomiaozi Village, the museum also displays the village's signature agricultural products, which is a "coexistence of the past and present" of Xiaomiaozi Village. Zhao Huijie said, "Through the exhibition, we hope to resonate with the visitors in thought and emotion, so that they can cherish the happy life now."

China Youth Daily Client Chifeng June 29

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