Make greater contributions to the construction of Shanghai as a financial power and an international financial center! Chen Jining investigates China Pacific Insurance and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank

Release time:May 06, 2024 18:30 PM

This afternoon, when inspecting China Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd., Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on financial work and the spirit of the important speech during the inspection of Shanghai, and insist on integrating financial service entities Economics as the fundamental purpose, focus on its main business and strive to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, better serve the "five centers" and socialist modernization, better play the main role in stabilizing growth, promoting transformation, and benefiting people's livelihood in Shanghai, and provide Make greater contributions to the construction of Shanghai as a financial power and an international financial center.

China Pacific Insurance and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, as Shanghai's "financial business cards" and leading state-owned enterprises, are currently taking actions to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and in accordance with the requirements of providing high-quality financial services, focusing on their main responsibilities and main businesses and striving to do the "five major articles" of finance. Better serve the construction of Shanghai as an international financial center.

Chen Jining first came to China Pacific Insurance Company to listen to a report on the group's overall overview and service to the real economy, inspected innovative scenarios such as inclusive finance and digital finance and real-time claims data display, and discussed China Pacific Insurance's focus on key areas, reliance on technology empowerment, and innovative insurance products. Learned about practical exploration and business team building. Chen Jining said that insurance is an important risk management tool in modern society and is related to the healthy development of the economy and society and the protection of people's livelihood. It is necessary to adhere to the sound operating policy, continuously optimize the product structure, and continue to enhance operational resilience. It is necessary to give full play to its own strengths and advantages, adapt to the future development needs of the city, focus on key areas such as technology, health, shipping, and property, actively develop new types of insurance, and improve the quality of asset management capabilities.

Subsequently, Chen Jining came to Shanghai Pudong Development Bank to learn about the company's "digital intelligence" strategic framework and the operation of the "five major tracks" of technology finance, supply chain finance, inclusive finance, cross-border finance, and treasury finance, and listened to the bank's progress in promoting digital infrastructure. , the latest progress in digital products, digital operations, digital risk control, digital ecology, etc. Chen Jining said that it is necessary to accelerate the adaptation to the new economic and financial situation, further enhance the sense of urgency for transformation and development, seize the opportunities of digitalization, intelligence and greening, strive to reshape the core business, and constantly build new strategic advantages. It is necessary to further clarify the characteristic positioning, accelerate the optimization of business layout, strengthen core competitiveness through continuous intensive cultivation, and win the initiative for future development.

During the investigation, Chen Jining presided over a symposium to listen to the overall situation reports of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and China Pacific Insurance. The comrades attending the meeting discussed ideas and suggestions based on the actual work, focusing on improving the core competitiveness of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in our city and serving the construction of Shanghai as an international financial center. Chen Jining listened carefully to the records, analyzed the problems with everyone, judged the situation, and clarified the next development direction. Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to closely integrate the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on financial work with the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and requirements on the construction of Shanghai as an international financial center, and grasp the direction of enterprise development in the process of deepening study and find out the correct development of enterprises. positioning, improve the corporate institutional system, and continuously enhance core competitiveness. We must keep in mind the "bigger of the country", insist on thinking and acting within the overall situation, take the initiative to take the lead, take the lead in trials, actively reform and innovate, and better test the system, explore new paths, and make up for shortcomings for the country. We must insist on coordinating development and security, strive to promote economic transformation and upgrading, and effectively prevent and resolve risks. Firmly grasp the general trend of scientific and technological progress and the general direction of industrial transformation, continuously optimize financial supply, support major scientific research tasks, major engineering projects, and the construction of key industries, and help cultivate and develop new productive forces. It is necessary to proactively serve enterprises to go global, strengthen the docking of advantages, promote bank-insurance cooperation, increase innovation in financial products and services, and overall promote the improvement of professional service capabilities. It is necessary to promote digital and intelligent transformation, make good use of new technologies such as blockchain, big models, and big data, and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of financial services.

Chen Jining emphasized that we must do a good job in party building with high quality, consolidate the political responsibilities of party management, improve the party's organizational system, and ensure full coverage of organization and work. It is necessary to take party discipline learning and education as the starting point, increase warning education, strengthen the construction of internal control systems, deepen the rectification of inspection problems, and create a good ecology of cleanliness and integrity. It is necessary to carry forward the financial culture with Chinese characteristics and jointly safeguard the root and soul of the modern financial system with Chinese characteristics.

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