Media: Are medical attendants becoming “scalpers”? Accompanying services to reduce patients’ burden must return to their essence

Release time:May 07, 2024 04:01 AM

The existence of the accompanying clinician is not only to run errands, but also to use information advantages to reduce the burden on patients. Of course, this information advantage cannot be used as a reselling tool.

The system shows that the doctor's appointment is fully booked, and the accompanying clinician can still be registered after charging 500 yuan... A reporter from the "Rule of Law Daily" recently investigated and found that the accompanying clinician originally created to meet the companionship needs of some specific groups of people when they visit the hospital is now being used. Things have changed quietly - some accompanying doctors are marketing in the name of accompanying doctors, reselling doctors' consultation numbers, and disrupting the medical order.

As an emerging role, the original intention of the accompanying clinician was to meet the companionship needs of some patients when they visit the hospital: For those patients with limited mobility, finding an accompanying clinician can reduce the hassle of running errands; some patients from other places are not familiar with the hospital's medical treatment process and rely on Accompanying physicians can provide more efficient access to medical services. In recent years, medical attendants have gradually moved from a niche profession to the public eye, providing convenience to many patients, and the income of practitioners has also increased. However, according to media surveys, with the rise of medical escort services, chaos is also gradually growing. Some scalpers turn into medical escorts and resell their accounts, making this industry a mixed bag.

Where there is demand, there is a market. No matter how high the price of accompanying medical services is, it is still a market behavior. The existence of the accompanying clinician is not only to run errands, but also to use information advantages to reduce the burden on patients. Of course, this information advantage cannot be used as a reselling tool.

As the report mentioned, some medical attendants charge high fees to register patients under the guise of accompanying patients. This has gone beyond the scope of legitimate medical accompanying services and is essentially a "scalper". The transformation of medical attendants into "scalpers" not only disrupts the medical order, but also affects patients' medical experience and harms their interests.

Whether it is a scalper who transforms into an accompanying clinician, or an accompanying clinician who is originally engaged in accompanying patients takes a desperate risk and crosses the line to engage in the business of "scalper trading", in addition to the huge temptation of profit, another important factor is that in the name of accompanying patients, In the name of "reverse number", it is relatively more hidden and can avoid supervision. These scarce expert accounts are secretly sold by accompanying doctors at high prices to make a profit. The appearance of accompanying doctors was originally to reduce the burden on patients, but now it has become an additional financial burden. After the source of the accounts is monopolized, patients use public channels to It has become more difficult to get registered. If you want to see a doctor, you can only pay an additional few hundred yuan to register.

What needs to be emphasized is that no matter how you try to deceive others, no matter what kind of vest you put on, as long as it involves the reselling of medical information, it is an illegal profit-making behavior that violates the law. Based on the considerations of maintaining medical order and patient interests, industry regulatory authorities should intensify law enforcement and inspections. Once illegal activities such as reselling of account sources are discovered, they should be severely punished in accordance with the law and will not be tolerated.

In addition, what should be asked more is, how did these scarce expert accounts fall into the hands of accompanying physicians? The number of experts on the public platform is full, but the accompanying doctors can call at any time if they want. Regarding this, one of the accompanying doctors mentioned in the report, "We have special channels and can find connections to reserve their numbers in advance." Nowadays, hospital registration is generally based on real-name registration. The so-called "special channel" inevitably makes people suspect that there are "insiders" in the hospital colluding with the accompanying doctors to make profits by reselling the number sources.

Therefore, in order to solve the chaos of medical attendants putting on vests and becoming "scalpers", we must not only strictly investigate the medical attendants and severely crack down on cases where the accompanying medical services exceed the boundaries, but also follow the clues and find out how the medical attendants use unconventional methods. If the means are used, see if there is internal or external collusion and interest transfer behind it.

Even if there is no "inner ghost", the scarce expert accounts are seized by accompanying doctors through various technical means as soon as they are released, which also reflects the inadequate internal management of the hospital. To ensure fairness in medical treatment and make medical treatment affordable for all patients, medical institutions must continue to improve internal management, optimize service processes, and prevent "scalpers" from taking advantage of it through technical means and management innovation.

In any case, it is okay to accompany the doctor, but the service cannot cross the line. The transformation of medical attendants into scalpers will only aggravate the strain on medical resources and increase the burden on patients. Functional departments and medical institutions must take practical and effective measures. Practitioners should also be proactive in self-discipline, abide by service boundaries, and consciously resist the illegal behavior of reselling account sources.

Media: Are medical attendants becoming “scalpers”? Accompanying services to reduce patients’ burden must return to their essence
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