Why has the two-dimensional culture become their “electronic ibuprofen”?

Release time:May 07, 2024 04:01 AM

In the two-dimensional universe, a new top player has been born. During this time, peripheral products of the anime character "Jiikawa" became a craze among young people. Queuing up all night, limiting purchase to a quarter of an hour, and selling 8 million yuan in three days on the shelves... all this is just for a few cartoon characters sketched in simple strokes, which makes outsiders say "incomprehensible". Today, let’s talk about this topic.

"Jiyikawa", what's so cute about it? The round figures and shy expressions of several small animals are indeed endearing, and what touches the hearts of fans even more is the wonderful reaction of the mix of soft and cute characters with hardcore plots. It was first serialized in the form of comics and later made into short animation series. In the plot, the innocent-looking little animals cannot escape the realities of working to make a living, living in a shabby house, and failing exams, but they can use optimism and courage to , friendship, reversed scenes of "little luck". Such a heart-warming and heart-warming setting aroused the emotional resonance of many young people.

Fans of the two-dimensional culture also express their love with practical actions and real money, chasing them online and buying offline. This interactive model has given rise to two new concepts in the industry: "grain" and "medicine".

The so-called "grain", also known as "millet", is the homophony of "commodity" in English, and specifically refers to peripheral commodities in the two-dimensional field. "Eating grain" means buying peripheral commodities. The so-called "medicine" is the Internet buzzword "electronic ibuprofen", which refers to electronic media products that can relieve psychological pain. Not only "Jiikawa", but also Sanrio, Line Puppy, and Loopy that have been popular on the Internet. in this way. The two concepts of "grain" and "medicine" reflect the same new trend: for some young people, two-dimensional culture is no longer a dispensable pastime and embellishment, but a common necessity of life; eating "grain" , taking "medicine" is an effective way to treat various external and internal conflicts in the real world.

The two-dimensional group generously uses "internal code words". Although it is not self-deprecating and self-deprecating, it also reveals self-awareness and confidence. They understand that embracing the two-dimensional culture is no different from reading, watching dramas, watching short videos, attending concerts, etc. As long as they are appropriate and enjoyable, they are all legitimate and beneficial hobbies.

The two-dimensional culture and the two-dimensional ethnic group give each other strength and support each other's growth. At the same time, there are long-term interactions between people inside and outside the two-dimensional circle. On the one hand, it is the two-dimensional culture that has proved its value and significance with its vigorous vitality and influence, and has won recognition and respect from outside the circle; on the other hand, it is the economic and social progress that provides space for growth of multiculturalism and the tolerance of the general environment. Sexuality and acceptance are also on the rise.

Thanks to the interaction of internal and external factors, it is not difficult to see that the content of the second dimension around us is increasing day by day. There are a dazzling array of animation books and peripherals in bookstores. "Millet" specialty stores have opened one after another and their popularity is rising. The fashion, catering and other industries are also rushing to cooperate with ACG. In addition, the two-dimensional exhibition and industry are very lively. Even in daily life scenes, young people wearing animation costumes are not uncommon.

Young people are generously donating money and consuming to the two-dimensional culture. Rather than seeing it as some strange phenomenon, it is better to view it from a positive perspective such as social progress and economic transformation. And if we go to a higher level, we can still see that the two-dimensional people still live in the real world instead of being isolated in the virtual space. Whether the large number of them can live a happy and fulfilling life is also something that the whole society should be concerned about. . Since the two-dimensional culture can understand young people, why can’t society learn from it and carefully understand the joys and sorrows of young people? It should be noted that only by understanding young people can we understand the times and the future.

Why has the two-dimensional culture become their “electronic ibuprofen”?
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