Local response: The Hefei Electronic Music Festival organized by Crazy Little Yang was accused of robbing customers

Release time:May 07, 2024 03:30 AM

A cup of purified water costs 20 yuan, a bottle of Red Bull costs 28 yuan... Recently, the Hefei Electronic Music Festival jointly organized by Internet celebrity Crazy Little Yang and a media company in Wuhan has caused constant disputes.

In addition to controversies involving false propaganda and noise nuisance, on May 5, some netizens complained that the price of water sold on site was unacceptably high: a bottle of pure water sold for 20 yuan, and the off-site price was less than 10 yuan. Red Bull was mentioned at 28 yuan a bottle after entering the venue.

Audiences who have been to the scene complained: "It feels more expensive than entering the Zhaike Scenic Spot."

Local response: The Hefei Electronic Music Festival organized by Crazy Little Yang was accused of robbing customers

An audience member who bought a ticket said that this was her first time experiencing an electronic music festival, and she went because of the fame of Internet celebrity Xiao Yang. Since offline performances are not allowed to bring your own food and drinks, she only found out after arriving at the venue that the prices for food and drink in the entire park were ridiculously high: water is sold by the cup, a cup is about the size of a coffee cup, and a portion of fried vegetarian noodles costs 48 yuan...

She had never been to an electronic music festival. After wandering around for a while, she gradually began to doubt the prices: "If you don't understand, just ask, are your electronic music festivals like this too?"

On May 5, a staff member of the Hefei Citizen Hotline told a reporter from the Xiaoxiang Morning News that they had received many complaints about this electronic music festival and would report the situation to the relevant departments in the future. Regarding the charging issues complained by the audience of this electronic music festival, the staff member said that they would be handed over to the market supervision and management department in the jurisdiction where the electronic music festival is held.

Local response: The Hefei Electronic Music Festival organized by Crazy Little Yang was accused of robbing customers

It is understood that this electronic music festival is hosted by the Three Sheep Group behind Internet celebrity Xiao Yang Ge in conjunction with a media company in Wuhan, and will be staged at Luogang Park in Hefei from May 3rd to 4th.

On the afternoon of the 5th, the reporter called the above two companies many times regarding the high-price charges complained by viewers, but the staff never responded.

According to public information, Internet celebrity Xiao Yang is the head anchor of the short video platform, with a cumulative fan base of more than 100 million. Sanyang Holding Group Co., Ltd. was established in March 2022, and its legal representative and general manager is Zhang Qingyang.

Local response: The Hefei Electronic Music Festival organized by Crazy Little Yang was accused of robbing customers

Previously on March 8, Three Sheep Group held a press conference for this electronic music festival. Brother Yang said on the spot that he wanted to bring electronic music festivals to all parts of the country to stimulate the growth of cultural tourism consumption.

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