Jiayuguan City: Will intervene in investigation, education blogger's "toy smashing" style of rough home visit caused controversy

Release time:May 07, 2024 03:30 AM

Recently, several videos released by the social media accounts "Zhao Juying Family Education", "Home Visit China" and "Zhao Juying Talks about Education" have triggered heated discussions among netizens. In the video, Zhao Juying asked a boy to smash his beloved Gunpla with his own hands, and in the boy's room Installing surveillance cameras and asking girls to throw all their toys and comic books into the trash... This series of behaviors were criticized by netizens as "bullying education". Some netizens claimed that Zhao Juying was not the retired teacher promoted in the video, but was "fired." .

On the afternoon of May 6, staff from the Education Bureau of Jiayuguan City, Gansu Province responded to Jimu News reporters and said that Zhao Juying retired from a primary school in the city in 2023. In response to the issues reported by netizens, the Education Bureau will intervene in the investigation.

Sitting in front of the girl's desk, Zhao Juying picked up various small ornaments on the table. She believed that 50% of the girl's attention would be on these small ornaments when doing homework. "You are in the second grade of junior high school. Why are you acting like a kindergarten class member? You are just like a baby wearing diapers... Where are your dreams? Where are your goals? Where are your study plans? Where is your work and rest schedule? ?" Zhao Juying said while pointing at the empty wall beside the table. Afterwards, she asked the girl to put all the small ornaments and cards on the table into bags and throw them into the trash can downstairs.

This video was released on March 17. The girl in the video is a second-year junior high school student in Meishan City, Sichuan. The girl is educated by Zhao Juying, who calls herself a senior family education expert. Some netizens pointed out that during Zhao Juying's home visit to the girl, the girl's eyes towards Zhao Juying changed from loving and smiling at the beginning to resentful and lifeless in the end.

A week before the above video was released, a related account also released a video of Zhao Juying’s home visit to a family in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. The protagonist of the home visit was a boy in junior high school.

In the boy's room, Zhao Juying was sitting on the bed with a ruler in her hand. The boy's mother was standing next to her. The boy was standing opposite the wall with a small hammer in his hand. Zhao Juying threw a box containing the boy's beloved figurines on the ground and asked the boy to use a hammer to smash several figurines worth hundreds of yuan. Before smashing the toys, he hit the boy's palm with a ruler. After the boy smashed the toy with his own hands, Zhao Juying said to the boy, "Take it and take a look. Can you see the flowers?" "If you get a score of 41 in math, you can see a score of 140, right? If you look at a score of 36 in English, can you see a score of 136?" "If you don't get into high school, young man, your life will be over." The video also showed that a surveillance camera was installed in the boy's room. Zhao Juying said to the boy sternly, "I will monitor you at any time. Don't touch the surveillance camera again." "

Jiayuguan City: Will intervene in investigation, education blogger's "toy smashing" style of rough home visit caused controversy

The page of the above-mentioned video shows that the video content was co-created and released by "Zhao Juying Family Education", "Home Visit China" and "Zhao Juying Talking about Education". The latter two accounts have relatively more followers, with 65,000 and 284,000 followers respectively. The profile of one of the accounts shows that he is a 33-year veteran family education expert and a 33-year veteran Chinese language teacher. He has given more than 1,000 lectures across the country and published two books. One of them has "memorized 150 pure English world books at the age of 3". A 7-year-old son who is famous for his works and is proficient in four languages. In an early video posted by the account, a little boy spoke fluent English.

Although the above-mentioned video is marked with subtitles, "Minors are released with the consent of their guardians," the children's faces in the video are not blocked.

Netizen Ran Zai told Jimu News reporter that she was very angry after seeing the video of Zhao Juying’s home visit. “It didn’t feel like education, but more like bullying.” Jimu News reporter noticed that there were many comments about Zhao Juying’s education methods. Netizens had the same view as Ran Zai, "It is a bullying education, and it is also a humiliating education of public execution."

A reporter from Jimu News found that in the WeChat public account of the Chongqing Gansu Chamber of Commerce, the information "[Introduction to the new director] Chamber of Commerce Director-Zhao Juying" was released in January this year. According to the introduction, Zhao Juying is the general manager of Luzhou Summer Light Culture Media Co., Ltd., and her native place is Jiayuguan City, Gansu Province. The photo on the page shows that the director Zhao Juying is the same person as the Zhao Juying in the social media "Zhao Juying Family Education". According to the article, Luzhou Midsummer Light Culture Media Co., Ltd. is rooted in the mountain city of Chongqing.

On May 6, a staff member of the Chongqing Gansu Chamber of Commerce told Jimu News that the chamber of commerce had paid attention to the relevant public opinion, but because the company run by Zhao Juying was only a governing unit of the chamber of commerce, the chamber of commerce had no role in supervising and managing the company's operations, so it was unable to intervene. . The staff member recorded the reporter's information and said he would convey it to Zhao Juying, but as of press time, the reporter had not received a reply.

Tianyancha shows that Luzhou Summer Light Culture Media Co., Ltd. was established on April 11, 2022. Zhao Juying is the legal representative of the company. The company’s registered address is located in Naxi District, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province. Its business scope includes educational consulting services. The reporter called the company's registered phone number and was hung up on several times, prompting the other party that the phone had been turned off.

Jiayuguan City: Will intervene in investigation, education blogger's "toy smashing" style of rough home visit caused controversy

Staff from the Naxi District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Luzhou City responded to Jimu News reporters and said that after verification, the above three social accounts were not associated with Luzhou Summer Light Culture Media Co., Ltd., and were Zhao Juying’s personal behavior. And no commercial transactions or commercial practices have been found so far, and the location where the video was released and filmed is not in Naxi District, so the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has no right to interfere.

In addition, some netizens claimed that Zhao Juying was not the retired teacher promoted in the video, but was "fired." In response, staff from the Jiayuguan City Education Bureau responded to Jimu News reporters that Zhao Juying retired from a primary school in the city in 2023. In response to the issues reported by netizens, the Education Bureau will intervene in the investigation.

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