This major project funded by the National Social Science Foundation has opened, exploring the spiritual code for the centenary Party to maintain its youth. Building the Party | Spirit | Password

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:42 AM

On June 28, the opening report of the major project of the National Social Science Fund "Research on the Great Party Building Spirit and Its Pedigree Relationship with the Spirit of the CPC" was held in the original conference room of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China Memorial Hall. Leaders from the Party History Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Shanghai Education and Health Work Committee of the Communist Party of China, Pudong Cadre College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Fudan University, East China Normal University, Shanghai Lixin Institute of Accounting and Finance, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, and the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as well as experts and scholars in the field of Party history and Party building research, attended the meeting.

Yan Aiyun, director of the Party History Research Office of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, pointed out in his speech that the great spirit of party building is the source of the spirit of the CPC and the spiritual code for the centennial party to maintain its youth forever. Thorough research and interpretation are the essence and important path to promote the great spirit of building the Party, which will undoubtedly help to enhance historical confidence and determination, and promote the active transformation of spirit into practical initiative to achieve the great cause of national rejuvenation. Shanghai is not only the birthplace of the great spirit of founding the Party, but also an important place for inheritance and promotion. The achievements of our party's great cause over the past century cannot be separated from the guidance of the great spirit of party building. The great spirit of party building transcends time and space, is timeless and has rich historical significance and practical value.

Zhao Wenhua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Medicine at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Xing Yunwen, Dean of the School of Marxism at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, pointed out that Shanghai is the birthplace of the great spirit of founding the Party, and the approval of this project is of special significance to Shanghai. I hope the research team can deepen their research and produce more influential results. At the same time, in practice, we should closely combine the promotion of the great spirit of building the Party with the cultivation of moral character, achieve a better and closer combination of theoretical research results and practical exploration, and provide a strong ideological guarantee for cultivating outstanding innovative talents with souls.

Chen Wei, the chief expert of the research group and professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, reported on the preliminary research on the great spirit of building the Party, the framework design and research ideas of the project, research characteristics, completed achievements, and ongoing work.Deeply elaborate on the core essence of the great spirit of building the Party, and comprehensively interpret the connotation of the great spirit of building the Party; Widely collect and utilize first-hand historical materials, especially important materials such as oral literature from important members of the founding period of the Communist Party of China, such as veteran soldiers of the New Fourth Army and Chen Wangdao, to enrich the research content of the topic.

Zhang Ling, professor of the School of Marxism of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Cao Jingwen, professor of the School of Marxism of East China Normal University, Yuan Zewen, lecturer of the School of Marxism of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, and Zhou Ye, executive deputy secretary of the party committee of Fudan University, successively introduced the main tasks and phased achievements of four sub topics, namely, "the profound connotation of the great party building spirit reveals the distinctive political character of the CPC people", "the practice of creating the party breeds the great party building spirit", "the inheritance of the great party building spirit builds the spiritual pedigree of the CPC people", and "the great party building spirit leads the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation", and briefly planned the next step.

The expert review group highly praised the theoretical and practical significance of the research topic, and put forward opinions and suggestions for further deepening the research.

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