Guarding and cherishing our daily lives, in Jian Ping's "chronicle style", prose | chronicle style | Jian Ping

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:01 AM

On the afternoon of July 1st, at Gongfei Bookstore on Duolun Road in Shanghai, a conversation between writer Jian Ping and the executive deputy director of Ba Jin's former residence, Zhou Limin, attracted many readers, and many children and parents who had just finished summer vacation came together. As the title of an article in "Jianping Chronicle Prose Essay Collection", "Thank You for Your Care", and "The Last Butterfly" states, everyone had a rare "literary afternoon".

The collection of Jianping Chronological Prose Essays is published by Wenhui Publishing House and funded by the Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation. It consists of two volumes, with the first volume "Thank You for Your Care" written from January 2018 to December 2019; The second volume "The Last Butterfly" was written from January 2020 to December 2021. On the waist of the book, there is a passage that reads: "The lights of every household are full of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. Everything is like a cycle of day and night, yet slowly moving forward. Day by day, because we live together and witness each other, we empathize with each other."

In Zhou Limin's eyes, Jian Ping is a writer who is good at recording life. "Sometimes, he writes about things he experiences together every two days." Recording is not simple, "having common experiences may not necessarily lead to common discoveries." Zhou Limin said that Jian Ping's records are not a copy of life, but have his own narrative perspective and expression attitude. The collection of works in a "chronological style" has several articles every month, from which one can read about social changes and the passage of time, "especially during times so close to ours."

Guarding and cherishing our daily lives, in Jian Ping's "chronicle style", prose | chronicle style | Jian Ping

"My two collections of essays and essays mainly focus on writing about daily life, such as reading under the lamp, reminiscing about the past, conducting field research, traveling experiences, neighbors, birds, insects, flowers and plants, public welfare and charity, volunteer activities, and literary appreciation... I believe that words from daily life can make readers feel the same." Jian Ping said, "The trivial daily life is actually the root of our cognition, and all perceptions, perceptions, and understandings are generated from it bit by bit." Life is open and endless, with both visible mountains and dew, as well as clouds and mist, and both good and dark times. Injecting all of this into the pen, then... "Writing becomes meaningful and has cognitive value for readers

The reader meeting was held on Duolun Road, which has left an important mark in the history of modern Chinese literature. "Lu Xun had several conversations with young writers and artists at the public coffee shop here, encouraging them to engage in literary and artistic creation in the big era." Jian Ping admitted that on a hot summer afternoon, he did not expect so many readers to come to the scene, especially to his surprise, many young readers came. "The prose writing of Chinese writers has a tradition of focusing on real life. The prose works of literary masters such as Lu Xun and Ba Jin have always been closely connected to real life, the times, and society. When we discuss such topics, readers do not leave after hearing them, indicating that everyone is concerned and in need of literary works that depict real life and daily life."

"Thank you for your care" and "The Last Butterfly" are the fourth and fifth collection of chronological prose essays published by Jian Ping. The titles of both books come from prose of the same name, one about emotional maintenance in bookstores, and the other about ecological protection. Jianping said that "Thank You for Your Care" contains his heartfelt gratitude for the bookstores he met, and he has gained a lot of spiritual nourishment from it. "For writers, bookstores are a unique existence. Your books are to be sold in bookstores, and you will meet readers in bookstores. Therefore, you are indeed under the care of bookstores. I have placed the reader meeting at Gongfei Bookstore to express my gratitude to the bookstore and readers."

Guarding and cherishing our daily lives, in Jian Ping's "chronicle style", prose | chronicle style | Jian Ping

Jian Ping likes to write essays and essays, which allows him to express himself and record life more directly and truthfully. "Although writing prose should not be overly emotional, the direct injection of personal emotions is very important. I only use the first person when writing prose, because this is my personal expression. In prose, I do not hide my emotions. I write characters that express my love and hate directly, and emotional fullness is the true essence of prose."

Zhou Limin felt that modern people often find themselves in a state of excessive anxiety, and literature is a great way to release oneself, to come out of the habitual track of life and see different scenery. "Simplicity in writing reminds us to guard and cherish our daily lives."

The last article "Standing in Place" included in "The Last Butterfly" was written in December 2021, marking Jian Ping's 10th year of standing up from a serious illness. People familiar with Jian Ping know that as a journalist, writer, and film and television producer, he has not had an easy time in recent years. "After a serious illness, it made me realize that life is real and that people need to walk closely to the ground. Not only do I need to return to life, but literary writing also needs to return to life. I have re established the concept and belief of building life through literature. Writing about real life is no longer limited in scope, but also strives to broaden my horizons and enter the depths of the earth." Jian Ping said, whether it is the attitude towards life or the concept of literature, it must return to the "original intention", which is to stand on life, face reality, adhere to ideals, always have aspirations and expectations for the future, demonstrate integrity and conscience, and continue to believe that literature can build oneself, build life, and build society.

Guarding and cherishing our daily lives, in Jian Ping's "chronicle style", prose | chronicle style | Jian Ping

Apart from writing, the most joyful and fulfilling thing for Jian Ping recently was the opening of the China Museum of Modern and Contemporary Press and Publication. From March 2020 to June this year, he accepted an invitation from the museum to serve as the curator of the Children's Publishing House. He was not only responsible for academic planning, but also directly participated in exhibition design. "While emphasizing academic value, I hope to use creative forms to make all visitors feel the brilliance of 'childlike innocence'. Small audiences will be delighted here, and the audience will return to their childhood here." Speaking of this, he invited readers of all sizes to visit the China Museum of Modern Press and Publication during the summer vacation.

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