Shining Dream Chasing Journey - Sketch of the New Era Chinese Youth Style, the Light of Youth Youth Youth | China | Era

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:07 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 17th - Question: The Light of Youth, Shining on the Journey of Pursuing Dreams - Sketch of the Style of Chinese Youth in the New Era

Xinhua News Agency reporters Dong Boting, Wang Mingyu, and Huang Yue

"Contemporary Chinese youth are a generation that moves forward together with the new era, born in a prosperous era and shouldering heavy responsibilities."

They cultivate a strong sense of patriotism, persevere in hardships, and take on responsibilities in urgent and dangerous situations; They carry lofty ideals, charge at the forefront of scientific research, and explore at the forefront of the industry; They respond to the expectations of the times, strive in ordinary positions, and strive on the journey of realizing their dreams

In the new era, Chinese youth should integrate their youth into the cause of the Party and the people, shoulder the hope of the country and the future of the nation with a high and upward spirit.

It is a responsibility and dedication for the country and the people

During the anti epidemic period, Gan Ruyi, a community doctor born in 1995, braved cold winds and rain, crossed the day and night, and rode 300 kilometers alone back to the city, dedicating herself to the defense of Wuhan.

She said, "My surname is Gan, and I am not afraid of hardship. Wearing protective clothing, we are soldiers, and we must shoulder this responsibility on our shoulders."

From Wuhan in Hubei, to Suifenhe in Heilongjiang, and then to Shijiazhuang in Hebei; From medical personnel, to police officers, and then to grassroots cadres... Countless young people have gone against the tide and experienced special adulthood on the front line of the fight against the epidemic.

During the Luding earthquake in Sichuan, 28 year old Gan Yu's first thought was not personal safety, but to quickly open the floodgate and save downstream villages and people;

Amidst the raging fire, young forest firefighters in Muli, Sichuan bravely blocked the spread of the wildfire, capturing their heroic spirit in the vast expanse of forests in Liangshan;

In the stormy rainstorm, one after another "post-90s" Gansu Lantian rescue team went on and on, desperate

Faced with the test of life and death, they answer with youth; In response to the call of the times, they have risen to the challenge.

Huang Wenxiu, former first secretary of Baini Village in Leye County, Baise City, Guangxi, gave up his job opportunity in a big city and took the initiative to take root in the mountains, starting the "Long March in his heart".

"The soldiers of the Long March are not afraid of death, how can this difficulty stop me from moving forward?" She dedicated her short life to the land she loves, driving 418 impoverished people from 88 households out of poverty, and reducing the poverty incidence rate in the entire village by more than 20%.

To go to the place where our motherland needs it the most is the appearance that youth should have.

In the sparsely populated depths of the Gobi Desert, young police officers light up the ordinary lives of border residents with their "dark blue" colors; In the forbidden zone of life on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the frontline guardians fight with optimism to overcome loneliness and challenges; The three foot podium in difficult areas, where young volunteer teachers illuminate the children's dream of seeking knowledge in mountain villages

Chinese youth in the new era are brave contributors who are at the forefront of the times, integrating their personal spirit of dedication into the tide of the times, and integrating their life ideals into the struggle to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

It is a pioneering and enterprising spirit that dares to climb new heights

Youth are always new, with the greatest enthusiasm and drive for innovation. In the new era, Chinese youth are determined to forge ahead on the youth track and have become an important force in promoting national development.

Carrying ideals and advancing into the deep sea is the courage to take the lead——

Facing the unknown, relentlessly explore. The young research and development team of "Haiyan" at Tianjin University broke the world record for diving depth of 10619 meters in the mysterious Mariana Trench.

Pursuing excellence and pursuing dreams is the pursuit of excellence——

Ye Linwei, the first Chinese operator of an 80000 ton forging press, led his team to successfully press the main outer cylinder and fuselage frame beam structural components of the C919 aircraft, helping domestic large aircraft fly into the blue sky.

Bringing forth new ideas and dedicating oneself to deep thinking is the belief of sacrificing oneself for others——

Hosted more than 10 domestic and international scientific research projects, applied for more than 30 invention patents, and adopted scientific research results by more than 50 institutions worldwide... Wu Dan, member of the Party Committee and Director of the Biomedical Engineering Department of the School of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science at Zhejiang University, dedicated his youthful passion to the research and development of cutting-edge magnetic resonance imaging technology, achieving a gradual breakthrough in imaging scale from macro to meso to micro.

Youth takes dreams as horses, and youth does not disappoint youth.

Young scientific and technological talents can be seen everywhere in major undertakings such as Mozi, Tianwen, and Chang'e, which embody the dream of national rejuvenation; In industries where innovation and creativity are key competitive advantages, the proportion of young people exceeds 50%

More and more young people are contributing their intelligence and talents to the country, serving the people, and striving to be at the forefront of innovation, entrepreneurship, and excellence.

It is the relentless struggle of the era's journey

Struggle is the gene of Chinese youth in the new era. The land of China is creating a remarkable miracle of youth every moment; One by one, the figures of struggling youth have become beautiful scenery of the times.

Strive for excellence in the sports arena——

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Chinese Winter Olympics delegation, with an average age of only 25.2 years old, won 9 gold, 4 silver, and 2 bronze medals, setting the best record in China's history since participating in the Winter Olympics; In the 2022 Women's Asian Cup final, the Chinese women's football team girl made a comeback victory and returned to the top of Asia after 16 years

Show off your skills on the stage of rural revitalization——

"Dare to think, dare to venture, dare to work, and even remote small towns have great achievements." Lei Xiaohua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Maoyang Township, Jingning She Autonomous County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, persistently led the villagers to build their homeland into a national level scenic spot, and based on ecological advantages and high mountain wetland resources, formed a moss industry chain that integrates moss planting, cultural and creative products, homestay complexes, and green engineering construction, with an annual output value of over ten million yuan.

Realizing value in ordinary job positions——

With full resilience to accept challenges and full patience to pursue the ultimate, Zou Bin, the Project Quality Director of China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau General Contracting Company, born in 1995, has become a benchmark in the industry and has been awarded titles such as "National Technical Expert" with his exceptional skills in wall construction.


Today's Chinese youth will imprint the spirit of struggle in every position, every practice, and every challenge, creating a youthful China and a youthful future with their youthful self.

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