The most important thing about losing weight is actually this! Many people haven't done it right, the latest research reveals the state | food | research

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 20:00 PM

In the minds of ordinary people, weight loss means eating less and exercising more. However, some people lose more and more weight in a state of long-term hunger and heavy exercise because they do not follow scientific methods. Nowadays, scientists, nutritionists, and others have refreshed their common sense that differences in health depend on daily dietary habits. Scientific weight loss starts with eating the right food.

Weight loss control sugar first

Most people's weight loss experience starts with eating less. This summer, Ms. Shen, who was planning to lose weight, ate half of her daily meals and quickly lost 1 kilogram a few days later. However, she hadn't persisted for a week yet, and because she couldn't eat enough every day, she started eating extra meals. However, after a few full meals, her weight returned to its previous level, and even higher.

Many people resonate with Ms. Shen's weight loss experience. Nowadays, more and more researchers have proposed through experiments that weight loss first requires a scientific diet. Carbohydrates are an important cause of obesity, and weight loss requires sugar control.

Japanese medical doctor Shinji Makita has published numerous papers in Science and The Lancet on the relationship between sugar and the body. He proposed that carbohydrates are a significant cause of obesity. When it comes to obesity, everyone's common sense is to associate it with calories, believing that fat is the culprit. Eating oily dishes, fatty meat, and fish can cause weight gain because fat has high calories.

"In fact, the fat in the mouth does not directly turn into fat in the body." He explained that what is eaten needs to be broken down, synthesized, and transformed into new substances through the process of digestion and absorption. Excessive consumption of fat will be excreted from the body through feces, while 100% of carbohydrates will be absorbed by the body and converted into fat.

Excessive intake of carbohydrates can lead to an increase in glucose in the blood. If no effort is made, blood sugar levels will rise too high, and the pancreas will release insulin to process excess glucose. Firstly, insulin converts excess glucose into glycogen, which is stored in the cells of the liver and muscles. However, the amount of glucose stored in cells in the form of glycogen is limited, so excess glucose will be converted into triglycerides. This is the true cause of obesity.

What is the worst sugar

Some people believe that weight loss can reduce the consumption of meat, carbohydrates, and other non weight consuming foods such as drinks and snacks, which are not harmful, thus reducing the risk of gaining weight. However, scientists and nutritionists have told us that this is a misconception.

An increasing number of scientists studying human body functions have found that at least 70% of obese individuals suffer from sugar poisoning, as sugar is too tempting and exhilarating.

What is sugar poisoning? The blood sugar level of healthy individuals is 3.9 to 6.1 units on an empty stomach. For example, one hour after eating solid food such as rice, bread, Mantou, the blood sugar value will reach 6.7 units, and then slowly decline. If it's a slow lift, there's no problem. But if you consume a large amount of sugar in liquid forms such as canned coffee, beverages, and fruit juice, your blood sugar will immediately rise, reaching its highest value after 30 minutes, and some people may even exceed 7.8 units. After the peak of blood sugar, there is a rapid decrease in blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels are like riding a roller coaster, dropping from peak to low, resulting in a state of low blood sugar levels.

When blood sugar rapidly rises, the human body secretes substances such as serotonin and dopamine, leading to high mood. Therefore, many people mistakenly believe that drinking a bottle of beverage before work can stimulate work enthusiasm. This state of feeling excited and happy is called the point of ecstasy. But this extreme point passes quickly, and then the blood sugar level drops significantly, causing a sharp decline in the person's emotional state. Unhappy symptoms such as anxiety, nausea, and drowsiness follow suit, which is the symptom of sugar poisoning.

What is the worst sugar? According to Shinji Makita, the sugar ranked first in terms of severity is canned coffee, cool drinks, and fruit juice. Long term intake of sugar in these large volume liquids can lead to a state of sugar poisoning, and one should drink as little as possible or even quit. The second place is Dim sum with sugar. For example, desserts such as cakes may contain a lot of sugars and even artificial additives. The third most severe fruit is fruits, especially those with high sugar content, such as grapes, lychees, mangoes, etc. Experts suggest that people with high blood lipids, high blood sugar, and obesity should eat as little as possible.

Which foods are more sugar controlled

So, what foods can be consumed to better control sugar? After scientific experiments, Shinji Makita recommended some healthy foods.

Olive oil can effectively control the rise of blood sugar. For example, when eating Western cuisine, bread and olive oil are a scientific combination. After data monitoring, the team led by Shinji Makita found that eating bread dipped in olive oil resulted in a much slower increase in blood sugar levels. If you don't add olive oil and eat bread directly, your blood sugar levels will rise quickly.

Canned coffee is not recommended, but higher purity coffee can inhibit arteriosclerosis and anti-aging. So, coffee lovers can drink less latte, more American, or more Italian espresso. In addition, wine can lower blood sugar, especially white wines such as dry white. Soy, high-quality cheese, and chocolate with a cocoa content of over 70% are all relatively healthy foods.

Among fruits, blueberries are more recommended. Blueberries are rich in a polyphenol called anthocyanins, which have the effect of reducing AGE. Anthocyanins have certain effects on restoring vision and can also reduce blood sugar levels in the body.

Many nutritionists remind that seasoning sauces such as Thousand Island Sauce and Curry have a high calorie content, and weight loss individuals should not eat too much. Compared to that, vinegar is a great seasoning. As vinegar is fermented from grains or fruits, eating some vinegar can also help effectively control blood sugar.

In short, a rule is to eat more natural foods, and to eat less or even avoid processed foods. For example, high calorie foods such as hamburgers, French fries, and various processed snacks are composed of high refined starch, high chemical additives, and unhealthy fats, which lack the vitamins, minerals, and plant nutrients needed by the human body. So, eating natural foods not only helps with weight loss, but is also more beneficial for the body's health.

Chewing and swallowing slowly and "eating 70% full"

Scientific weight loss, besides the importance of "what to eat", has two equally crucial steps.

Many studies have found that the order of eating can affect postprandial blood sugar levels. Long term adherence to the correct order of eating can also have a positive impact on weight, waist circumference, blood lipids, and other factors. Gu Zhongyi, a director and registered nutritionist of the Beijing Nutritionists Association, reminds that eating in the order of vegetarian, meat, and staple food is more scientific. Simply put, it means eating vegetables first, then meat and other protein, and finally eating sugary foods such as white rice for each meal.

In addition, it is important to develop a habit of chewing and swallowing slowly when eating, which is more conducive to weight loss and health. Gu Zhongyi introduced the concept of "food thermal effect", which refers to the amount of calories we need to consume to digest food. This is an important aspect of our daily energy consumption, usually accounting for 10% of food calories. The process of food and oral contact has an impact on DIT, and Japanese scientists have conducted extensive research in this area. They found that chewing slowly increases DIT, which is suitable for both beverages and solid foods. This is equivalent to saying that the net calorie intake from eating will decrease.

On the other hand, chewing slowly can increase the feeling of fullness. Researchers from Iowa State University in the United States have conducted clinical trials, and the results showed that the group with more chewing experiences less subjective hunger and is more likely to feel full. Eating too fast, the brain cannot receive the signal that the stomach is full, and by the time it feels full, it is actually already full.

Makita Shinji believes that when eating, one should eat 70% full. Being seven percent full is not only beneficial for weight loss, but also for physical health and longevity. In the past, we used to say "take a hundred steps after a meal and live to ninety-nine." Half an hour after a meal, adding 20 minutes of walking exercise can quickly lower blood sugar levels, making it less likely for people to gain weight.

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