Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:07 AM

On the morning of July 16th, the concentrated relocation ceremony for residents of the old housing renovation project in Fangua Lane was held. The scene was filled with drums and gongs, and twelve relocation vehicles rushed out amidst the cheers of the residents.

Aunt Jin, who is in her 60s, happily took a photo with her neighbor in front of the 100% signing card, and she is the key figure in drawing this successful conclusion.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

The matter has to start from the last week of June, when the signing rate of the project had reached 99.7%, and there were still the last three certificates left to be signed for the Potato Grove. The residents are not in a hurry, but the staff of the old renovation office are in a hurry because they want every household to receive a full bonus.

It's close to 100%, but reaching 0.1 points is a difficult bone to crack, and two of these three certificates are related to Aunt Jin.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

At around 6 o'clock in the morning, the residents started moving.

Old Ye put the high-altitude item into the moving car and instructed his wife to enter the door first.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Aunt Jin and her neighbors took a photo before signing the 100% contract.

The neighbors who have already moved and are about to move will bid farewell to the residents who moved today.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Farewell for now, in order to better return.

Aunt Jin, who is in her 60s, is a building leader and enthusiastic resident. She actively cooperated with the renovation work in the early stage. Before the policy and resettlement plan were introduced, she had already found a transitional house to move out, but after the plan was introduced, Aunt Jin couldn't figure it out.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Originally, the uniqueness of her family lies in the fact that there is only one "blue card" for two rooms. For example, three households, A, B, and C, share two bathrooms. Generally, these three households are divided into three "blue cards". However, when Aunt Jin bought a house, her previous family merged the two parts into one "blue card". This difference is significant. The policy is to "demolish one and return one", and each "blue card" can only return one set. According to this algorithm, Aunt Jin lost one house, causing psychological imbalance and unwillingness to sign a contract.

However, all 8 households in the community with the same situation as Aunt Jin have signed contracts. If the policies are not consistent before and after, the old renovation cannot proceed.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

In response to Aunt Jin's situation, the policy cannot be changed, and the old renovation office will optimize the room type accordingly.

As the leader of the building, Aunt Jin has done a lot of things for the residents and is a good helper for the neighborhood committee. On the issue of Aunt Jin's inability to figure it out, the neighborhood committee officials repeatedly came to the door, initially not mentioning signing a contract but only discussing emotions. After a few times, Aunt Jin relaxed a bit and they also had a platform to chat with each other.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

However, whenever it comes to resettlement, Aunt Jin still shakes her head and says, "I can't figure it out. I should get a better policy, at least the area of another bathroom needs to be replenished for me..."

At an opportunity, Aunt Jin's daughter came to the base after returning to Shanghai. After three lengthy communications and consulting with legal professionals, her daughter first had the idea of signing a contract.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Upon learning that her daughter was about to leave Shanghai, the person in charge felt that this was a very important time point. During this period, the daughter gradually became proficient in Aunt Jin's work, and the neighborhood committee officials came to her door again to sign her name a few days before her departure from Shanghai.

On the day of signing the contract on June 29th, Aunt Jin kept saying, "I'm sorry for the delay. I've figured it out, I'm really sorry..." In fact, Aunt Jin was considering for her daughter and grandchildren. If she signed, her daughter disagreed, which would cause family conflicts. If her daughter agreed, she naturally understood.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Aunt Jin, who had already moved out, came back today specifically to see off her neighbors in the rain.

Auntie Kim also made a relocation schedule for the residents in the building, and has moved away and marked it ".

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Although Aunt Jin is anxious about her own affairs, she still worries about the residents in the building, and the last household to sign the contract is still her job.

The three brothers of the Jiang family are all in their fifties, and there is only one house, 14.6 square meters, left by their mother. Everyone wants it. He also threatened, "If you don't give me three houses, I'll fight with you to the end!" and "You don't need to talk to us. This is the demand that will never change."

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

At that time, everyone thought it was a difficult bone to gnaw on, perhaps without a solution.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Jin brought a breakthrough after signing the contract. Through the power of the building group, the masses carry out ideological work for the masses.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

The old renovation office has sat down with the three brothers several times to discuss, but each has their own opinions. Aunt Jin has her own way. As the leader of the building, she understands the three brothers' personality. Who has the the final say has more say. Auntie Jin first contacted the second brother for multiple communications. Among the three brothers, the second brother had slightly better conditions. Auntie Jin coaxed and hoped that he could consider his brother's interests and make a slight concession. Libra leaned towards the more difficult brother; After the second person made concessions, Aunt Jin went to find the first person to do some work. The third person was the actual resident, and the concessions of the first person and the second person, along with the staff taking him to find a transitional house to help him move, made him feel like everyone was helping him get through the difficulties.

While Aunt Jin was working for the three brothers, the old renovation office invited experts on affordable housing and affordable housing policies to answer their questions and clarify their concerns. There are not only three brothers among the residents facing difficulties, and the plan cannot be perfect, but it is always improving step by step. The second person has the greatest feeling. If not changed, the house will always be on the damp and dark first floor, and there will never be a place to live. However, change can make the cake bigger and can be used for replacement in the future. In this way, it is still beneficial. With expert guidance, the eldest can apply for affordable housing, the second can apply for affordable housing, and the third can still live inside after renovation, but the house belongs to the three brothers.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

As the last household, the three brothers signed a contract on July 2nd. After 49 days, the 1122 certificate residents of the project achieved 100% signing within the signing period.


Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

He Bingfa and Huang Juanjuan took a picture in the old room. Csi said that this "bi" came from the heart.

He Bingfa and Huang Juanjuan took a photo in the old house, and Lao He said that this "Biye" comes from his heart.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

The windowsill is piled up with things, making it inconvenient to dry clothes. They are mostly left to air at home.

The space behind the door has also been utilized.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Farewell to the big cabinet and the five bucket cabinet.

Several shared kitchens, oil can drip at any time.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Mr. and Mrs. He Bingfa and Huang Juanjuan, who live on the third floor of No. 64, are nearly seventy years old and moved here from Qipu Road in 1996. Compared to the shantytown, the conditions in the Tanggua Lane were already good at that time. With my son getting married and my grandson being born, a 14 square meter room is tight. Now, my 13-year-old grandson is studying nearby and usually sleeps in a big bed with Lao He, while my grandmother can only sleep on the sofa.

The old style furniture such as the large cabinet and the five bucket cabinet, which were moved from Qipu Road, have been used in the Tanggua Lane for nearly 30 years, and there is no place to buy new ones.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

The public kitchen doesn't even have a range hood, and the cooking oil drips onto their hair, clothes, and even vegetables. Huang Juanjuan said there's no way, they still have to hold umbrellas when going to the bathroom.

Lao He said, "When a child has a promising future, they don't bother to grow old. The elderly couple earn over 200 yuan every day with their eyes open. They live a worry free life, have no worries about food and clothing, and are not compared to others. They are already much happier than their parents."

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Lao He loves books. This pile of little books was found on the top of the cabinet in the common kitchen. If you don't read them, you won't think about them. But when you see them, you still have to take them with you. It's your own memories of youth.

The first and second volumes of Spartacus, published in 1982, were sold domestically for just over 4 yuan. Huang Juanjuan said she owes Lao He a study in her lifetime.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

At 7 o'clock in the morning, the few belongings had already been loaded into the car, and Huang Juanjuan chatted with her neighbors, waiting for the firing gun to sound.

In the heavy rain, wave goodbye.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Watching some neighbors improve their living conditions first and feeling envious, Huang Juanjuan repeatedly said, "It's really unexpected." "Coincidentally, the TV at home broke down more than two months ago, and we didn't expect it to be successful after a few days of renovation. That's a reminder that we can buy new home appliances and appliances."

There is a great apartment in the inner ring, which is better than before. There is no reason not to sign, I can't laugh anymore. When she moves back to her new house, Huang Juanjuan will enjoy the rest of her life!

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

In the 1960s, the old houses went from being envied to enviing others, and the residents here made up their minds to bid farewell to the past.

It rained five times in the morning, and residents said they were wealthy and powerful.

Farewell to the Tanggua Lane Project | Residents | Tanggua

Retrieve the bag that has been hidden for a long time. If it gets moldy, it needs to be sun dried.

The wisteria corridor in the melon lane, which once provided shade and shelter for residents, will become their beautiful memory.

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