And he has been living here for more than 20 days. After the woman returned to her residence in Shanghai, she found that there was a thief hidden in the house, Miss | Mother | Thief

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 08:13 AM

In March of this year, Ms. Ge and her family, who were renting in Songjiang District, Shanghai, went back to their hometown for business. On the morning of May 21st, Miss Ge's aunt helped to clean her house, but found that the house had been turned upside down, suspected of being a thief. Aunt immediately contacted Miss Ge and stayed at home.

That afternoon, Miss Ge and her mother rushed from their hometown to Songjiang. Because her home was in a mess, she, along with her mother, aunt, and boyfriend, did a big cleaning at home and counted the losses. When tidying up to the deepest miscellaneous room, Miss Ge's mother found some food residue and suspected that there was still someone in the room, so she called everyone to enter the miscellaneous room together to check.

After entering the miscellaneous room, everyone felt like there was someone hiding under the blanket on the sofa. Miss Ge's mother approached to lift the blanket and examine it, but the person inside tightly grasped it. It was not until Miss Ge's boyfriend came forward to help that she lifted the blanket and subdued the other person. Miss Ge and her mother quickly left the room to report to the police.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and took the man back to the police station. The man's surname is Tan, and he is in his twenties. He works odd jobs nearby to make a living and has a history of theft. One day in late April, while wandering nearby, he found that Miss Ge's house was empty, so he planned to go in and steal something valuable. After walking around Miss Ge's residence, he found that the anti-theft window of the bathroom window on the north side of the house was broken, so he flipped in through this window. After searching for nothing, he left.

At 8 o'clock that evening, Tan, who didn't want to spend money to find a place to stay, once again arrived nearby and found that Miss Ge's house was still empty. He climbed over the wall again and prepared to settle down at Miss Ge's house. He used a kettle to boil water and ate the instant noodles at home. In the following days, Tan would come to Miss Ge's house every day after work and leave the next morning by flipping through the window.

During his stay at Miss Ge's house, Tan found four "little gold bars" in her wardrobe. He once attempted to sell gold bars through online and offline channels, but was rejected by the store due to issues with quality and weight. Afterwards, Tan tossed and turned outside for several days, during which he accidentally lost the gold bar. After the gold bar was lost, he thought of Miss Ge's home again and slept at her every day thereafter.

On May 21st, Tan heard the sound of the door opening and knew that the owner had returned, so he hid in the wardrobe. Unexpectedly, Miss Ge's aunt remained at home and did not leave. Tan couldn't find a chance to escape, so he had to secretly hide in the deepest miscellaneous room of the house and was eventually caught on the spot.

The case was transferred to the People's Procuratorate of Songjiang District, Shanghai for examination and prosecution. The prosecutor in charge explained that although the stolen gold bar was missing and the victim was unable to provide any purchase evidence, it was difficult to determine the amount of the crime. However, Tan's act of flipping through the window and entering someone else's residence to steal is still a completed act. After examination, it was found that Tan, with the purpose of illegal possession, secretly stole someone else's property and illegally invaded someone else's residence for more than 20 days. He should be punished for multiple crimes and held criminally responsible. Recently, the Songjiang Procuratorate filed a public prosecution against Tan on charges of theft and illegal intrusion into a residence in accordance with the law. The court sentenced him to one year in prison and fined him 2000 yuan.

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