Who can become the next Zibo?, Domestic tourist destinations welcome the summer "big exam". Domestic tourism | tourists | destinations

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:23 PM

Due to the limited recovery of international flights and the difficulty of visa reservations, the recovery of outbound travel during this summer is limited, and domestic travel will experience a peak. As a result, a new round of customer grabbing wars has already begun in multiple domestic destinations.

However, during holidays, there are always negative public opinions in tourist destinations, which also makes people sweat about the upcoming summer passenger flow peak in many domestic tourist destinations. Faced with the summer "big exam" lasting for over two months, can popular domestic destinations not only gain popularity but also reputation like Zibo?

Where will the Zibo barbecue, which is so popular, win?

Before and after May Day this year, Zibo barbecue turned red to purple, and a series of topics related to Zibo were mostly praised. This scenario is unprecedented among domestic tourist destinations.

In terms of tourism resources, Zibo, which has transformed from an industrial city, is not particularly advantageous. Even tourists who have visited Zibo cannot name the local scenic spots, but Zibo still leaves a beautiful impression of cheap prices and enthusiastic citizens.

On social media platforms, once people leave comments on hot posts about Zibo, there are always many people with an IP address in Shandong who warmly welcome them or express expressions such as "Zibo is a small place with limited accommodation conditions, please make sure to book in advance before coming", fearing that the reception may not be good. In the local area of Zibo, cultural and tourism directors stepped onto the "barbecue special train" to welcome tourists, and the price department provided an upper limit on the increase in accommodation prices. Ordinary citizens gave way and seats to tourists from other places. A sanitation worker also said in an interview, "There is a lot of pressure, and we always hope to leave the best environment for our guests."

The enthusiasm of the people of Zibo to work together vividly illustrates the concept of "the most beautiful scenery is people" in tourist destinations. No matter what the scenery is, visitors can feel at ease and warm enough to come to such a city. Unfortunately, such heartwarming scenery is not too many, but too few.

Before the epidemic, the saying that "there is no money to travel abroad, but there is money to travel at home" was recognized by some tourism enthusiasts. At that time, in addition to roast about the high ticket prices of domestic scenic spots, people also complained about the soaring prices of hotels in some destinations and the phenomenon of tourists being killed by restaurants in scenic spots every holiday.

Behind these roast, the core elements are "people" and the comprehensive environment of the destination - how the residents and practitioners of the tourist destination view the place where they live and work, will usually show what kind of appearance in front of tourists. Those tourism practitioners who believe that tourism is just a "one shot deal" will naturally slaughter tourists; Only when there is sufficient identification with the destination, people will spontaneously maintain the image of the location, hoping to attract tourists multiple times with good services, and recommend the destination to more people, achieving a continuous flow of passengers.

Attracting tourists still requires practicing "internal skills"

In contrast to Zibo, before and after this year's May Day holiday, "Shanxi Culture and Tourism" was angrily criticized by netizens, and related topics once made headlines. The triggers included taxi overcharging at Taiyuan High Speed Railway Station and high parking fees for scenic spots in Shanxi.

Behind the anger of netizens, there is more "no conflict in anger". As a province with abundant tourism resources, Shanxi ranks first in the country in terms of aboveground cultural relics, covering representative tourism resources such as historical and cultural heritage, world heritage sites, mountain and river historical sites, and Shanxi merchant culture. Among them, there are over 10 5A level scenic spots and more than 260 A-level scenic spots. The head of a travel agency in Shanghai, who has traveled to many well-known tourist destinations both domestically and internationally, exclaimed after returning from Shanxi in May this year, "Shanxi is very fun and a place with severely underestimated resources!"

In contrast to such resources and exclamations, when the media discusses whether Shanxi, which has become popular in the Oriental Selection live broadcast room, will become the next "Zibo", many comments from netizens with Shanxi IP are almost discouraging: "It is recommended not to come, the service cannot keep up, and the experience will be very poor", "Shanxi people think 300 yuan is already very expensive", "don't be afraid of being tricked, just come"... Based on these comments, the dissatisfaction of netizens has obviously gone far beyond the cultural and tourism field, but further involves transportation, market regulation, urban management, government services, and other aspects. Undoubtedly, these software and hardware services will also affect the comprehensive experience of tourists in the local area.

In fact, as popular tourist destinations, Sanya in Hainan and Yunnan are also destinations with frequent negative tourism public opinion this year. But from the reactions in recent years, the feedback speed of Sanya's relevant departments on negative public opinion is commendable.

For example, earlier this month, the relevant departments in Sanya quickly issued a notice regarding the situation mentioned in the video "Sanya being slaughtered" posted by netizens, which included "being scammed for eating fruit in Sanya" and "being slaughtered for eating seafood". They tried to contact netizens through multiple channels and further investigated and verified the relevant information. Such proactive actions not only express the destination's emphasis on tourist opinions, but also demonstrate the importance of market regulation and urban service quality through practical actions. They will also have a certain deterrent effect on the non-standard business behavior of merchants, achieving a preventive effect.

Looking at outbound tourist destinations, although there are many countries and regions with abundant tourism resources, the comprehensive experience of the destination is still one of the decisive factors affecting tourist choices. Before the epidemic, Japan and Taiwan, China were popular destinations, and many tourists chose to go there many times. In terms of landscape and cultural scenery, these two places do not have an absolute advantage in the surrounding outbound tourist destinations. However, tourists have stable and high-quality expectations for local food, accommodation, transportation, tourism, shopping, and entertainment. No matter when they go, they do not have to worry about "stampedes", making them the preferred destination to leave at any time.

At present, domestic tourist destinations are attracting summer tourists with measures such as scenic spot ticket discounts, incentive travel agencies for overnight stays, and highway discounts. It is also necessary to further improve their "internal skills" and create a good urban environment for local residents and tourists in a comprehensive experience, striving to leave a "worth visiting again" impression on tourists. This summer, many mid to high end tourists who have diverted to domestic tourism due to restrictions on outbound travel will be scattered throughout the country, making it a rare window for domestic destinations to develop high-quality tourism.

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